I am curious though, what about WILD and such? By using a technique aren't you thinking about it? WILD for instance, instead of thinking of it as a way to induce a dream should I just consider it a different form of relaxation.[/b]
There is always a level of thought that one cannot escape, but it is so small in WILDs that you don't even notice it. You can think of WILDs anyway you choose if it makes relaxing easier. I started out attempting OBEs (this was way before I even heard of WILDs and lucids) so I became proficient at turning my mind off. When I discovered that WILDs and OBEs are probably the same thing (LDs) I tried WILD and it was easy because I no longer had to think of nothing, but I simply follow the HI.
What I usually do is put my conscious mind in a "little corner" I have reserved for it in my subconscious. I then let the dream take over. WILDs take practice. I managed it in two days, but like I said I had been practicing Meditation for years. The biggest thing with WILDs is to not expect results at first, or even for months. Your excitement at seeing a live dream will jolt you every time. I usually do them at the start of the night, but many would advise against it.
should I combine it with my previous techniques? Before I started trying to WILD I was using a MILD/WBTB technique that let me recall at most 3 dreams a night with good length and sharp clarity. Since using WILD I've been fortunate to remember anything.[/b]
I would. I would try every method that can be combined effectively. Do reality checks all day, live in the moment for as much of the day as you can manage, try to WILD before sleep. When you have worn yourself out tryin to WILD, then make the MILD suggestion and just fall asleep. If it is your thing, then do the WBTB. I personally hate waking up early 
The above may not work for you....and yet you may find one method that works well with another. The most important thing though has been said already by Oneironaut. I had not thought of it this way, but it is true...if you put your focus on your dreams perhaps your attachment with LDs will become passive enough to allow for them, as an added bonus your dream recall will increase...etc. I like to think of the dream world as MY world. The more I do this, the more I control it, the more I understand it, and best of all, the less I understand it