Hello all. Today I'm going to tell you how to do the DILD technique.
You might have read another DILD tutorial like this one already, but I'm going to just kinda explain how I do it.
DILD Tutorial
Step 1. Keeping a Dream Journal
You will need a dream journal to put your dreams in after waking up. This helps improve dream recall which helps to induce lucid dreams.
You could either use a real journal, a voice recorder, an online dream journal, or anything else. You can find an online dream journal here:
This is how I format my DJ:
I try to think of as many details as I can upon waking up from a dream. Then I write them down in my DJ. I also put a title on it. (You don't have to, it's just what I do)
I put the date up in the right top corner. I usually do this right before bed so I don't forget it. You can also put the day of the week if you can remember it.
Here's a tip: If you awake in the middle of the night and you don't want to put anything down 'cuz your tired; just put a few keywords down, and in the morning you can read back over them and you will be surprised at just how fast your dream comes flooding back into memory.
Also, I keep another notebook (or a notepad if you will) for writing down my recurring thoughts that just won't get out of my head. Whenever I'm going to bed, I always tend to think about what I have to do tomorrow, and that just makes it harder to sleep and makes my dreams really boring. So on the notepad, just write anything down that's stuck in your head (an emotion, thought, etc.).
One more thing. If you have a song stuck in your head (we have all had this happen to us) right before you go to sleep; just say (yes, not sing) "I'm A Little Teapot" in your head. Make sure your just saying it, not singing it. Haha. Usually this works, and the song will be out of your head. 
2. Reality Checks
So, I think everyone here knows what a reality check is. If not, you can read about them here:
But I will explain the way I do mine. Whenever I see a dream sign (for example, an apple) I do a reality check. My reality check that I use mostly is the nose RC, because it is quite reliable. So then you will test reality. There are also more common ones that you can read about in that link.
3. Dream Signs
You can read about these here:
Sorry guys, I am EXTREMELY lazy when it comes to putting things in my own words, so I'm just giving you these links. 
So everytime you see a dream sign, you should perform a RC. Whenever I see a forest, lake, or field, I perform an RC, because these are my dream signs. If you notice, dream recall is so GOOD for inducing lucid dreams, simply because so you can notice your dream signs and become lucid.
So here is basically what has been covered:
You will improve your dream recall by writing in your dream journal, and by doing this, are able to spot the recurring dream signs throughout your dreams. By doing this, once you see these dream signs in real life, you perform RCs. And once your RCs become second nature, in your dreams, you will automatically be doing RCs in the presence of a dream sign and thus becoming lucid.
I hope this helped you guys! Remember, these are the very basics to inducing Lucid dreams. There are always other techniques you can do. If you are beginner at lucid dreaming, I recommend trying DILD first.
Gah, sorry it was so lengthy!! 
Happy dreaming,