Hello people,
i would like to ask if anyone has met a being made of smokeless fire? But it was much more then this. I met this being on a strange planet. I still have perfect memory of it and want to go there again. Or does anyone know what it could be? Here is what i had in my dream:
"I was on a planet with more people and we were there with some kind of spaceship. Then we had our quarters there. But the planet was scary and dark i had bad feelings in my guts. There was a dark river and all around the mood was disturbing. Then it started. A flame was moving around "killing" everybody. I tried to escape but no use It caught me too so i "died". But it was not dying in fact. I was just burned in this smokeless fire of this being. I was still alive after that but different. Then we were all collected in our garden you might say and just speaking with each other. The being was there too but it was not already a fire it was just there. Suddenly it started to expand and i was inside of it. I felt i was me and the being altogether. I was able to feel myself separate and yet not. I felt and the others who were inside of it. We were able to communicate without speaking. After that the being became itself again and we were ourselves only again. But i was changed for second time. It was me but much more different from the start.
I was able to create things, to create even being with consciousness and this only with my will or thought if you wish. Then i started to have fun with this being. We started moving and entered a mountain as we are. Then i felt i am me and the mountain all one. After that that being and me we appeared above the river from the mountain but one part of me was the mountain(my legs) and the other was "normal" me. So i was able to look at the river, while my legs are the mountain, without falling into it from the mountain. The river now did not look scary at all. Then i went down to the river and moved our spaceship over the river to use it as a bridge. I was feeling happy in this place. This planet(place) was the best place i ever was. I felt one with the planet(place) and did not want to come back to earth. I felt sad when i felt i have to wake up. But when i woke up i was happy with smile on my face."