I will try to explain this as best as I can so please bear with me as I will try to use words outside of the Navy terminology to describe what happened.

This may be a little long winded, but, I do get to the point. This happened about a little over a year ago and I still remember it even to this very second. Some of it is still a little hazy, but, what happened is still clear in my mind, and will try to bring about the best detail I can remember to this day.

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Its about 3:45 am (PST) and im in my FSA uniform (Food Service Attendant... however everyone has this duty at some point) I remember having smashed the everloving s*** (My apologies... trying my best not to swear here) out of my finger and causing an avulsion (only a small one compared to medical standards). I stopped the bleeding and waited for the Corpsman (Navy Enlisted Doctor) to come back to work at around 5:45 am.

He arrived, took a look, and helped me out. I got into the office, had a numbing medication applied with a syringe to my hand just below the avulsion. I was told I would not feel any pain and he would stitch the skin back to my finger (Note the skin is still hanging off of the finger).

He got about two stitches in when I said "I feel weird..." I remember him calling for someone after that I went black....

(Now on to the point at which I start questioning myself...)

After I went black....

I started running, with full WWII army BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform) on, a rifle in my hand, and everything a regular soldier would have in that wartime era. Smoke, gunfire, and someone yelling "Run, Run, Run!!! Move it!!!" kept repeating itself over the raging battle. I got about 2 meters from the trench, hole, crater, or whatever it was and then I remember the smoke clearing... and getting shot in the X-ring (Xiphoid Process of the chest)

pain (as if I had felt it in the real world) filled my body...

Falling on my back, looking up at the sky, the army corpsman sticking me with something and then......

As soon as the army corspman stuck me I woke up on the deck (Deck = Floor)
of the Medical Bay (Bay = Room... atleast in this case)

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That is about it.

I honestly don't know what it is the only reason I state this for all to read is because....

When I got shot in the X-ring (While I was blacked out)......

I remember the pain. To me thats not normal. Pain doesn't happen through dreams...

or does it? Because I honestly...

Don't know...

I have had success with dream recall but in all of those dreams I hoestly don't remember pain. Nothing at all comes to mind at any time where pain presented itself in those dreams.

Anyone... have this same experience???