So you perceive the waking world through the senses in your limited human body. And you think this is real? We can't even determin if we actually perceive the same colour. Who says you can not fly? Walk through walls? Or perform telekinesis in waking life? Because the guys that are doing OBE and AP are actually doing JUST those things. They claim to fly through the earth, through walls. Telekinesis is another thing. But i've heared some stories. The thing is. They do all this without a human body. Perhaps that is the limiting factor. The world is mind-stuff. The material body is the limiting vessel.

Empedocles, you don't have to force your opinion on other people. Just like you don't want others to force their worldview into yours. You show the other the truth by means of insight. Or you respect the possibility of oppossing worldviews. This litle tip could save you some frustration and perhaps you can learn something in the process.