Hey everyone, a couple days ago I had a dream where I saw my grandfather, who had passed away a couple years ago. He looked healthier and a little younger and had white hair, but other than that was the same. He was smiling too. His appearance triggered lucidity for me but the meeting was still emotional for me.
A while back I had a even more interesting lucid dream. I had asked the dream to intentionally take me to my grandfather. (for more on this I recommend Robert Waggoner's Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self) Anyway I was propelled a head a such a high speed that my surroundings were all a blur and after a few seconds I ended up in this lobby of a building. There were other people there, and I approached the wall in front of me. It had a intercom system on it and to the left was a large glass window. I saw my grandfather on the other side and began talking with him. He was saying he was waiting on my grandmother. That was weird. I also sensed something "beyond" the waiting area on the other side. If this was real, its like the dream put up a barrier between myself and the departed, based on my own framework of my mind. I tried as much as possible to just be and let things happen so I believe that what I experienced really did happen. Just seeing other's thoughts though and if anyone else has experienced something like this.