Theory of Cognitive Harmonization:
(WARNING: May cause paradigm shift upon practicing)
This is my theory on how reality can be formed by thoughts alone.
Many of us have heard that thoughts become words and words become actions. This theory expands on this idea. A lot of times while trying to manifest, the mind can experience what is known as cognitive dissonance. The mind wants one thing and at the same time believes the opposite. The result is we pray for money and yet receive debts.
After trying a few times to believe strongly and still receiving debts many of us give up on manifesting and go back to our ordinary way of thinking because results just weren't showing. This theory will explain why this happens and how to fix it.
So, in trying to create an ideal world cognitive harmonization, as opposed to dissonance, must be created. But how? I have come up with a 5 part model for how this can be done. More or less than 5 parts can be used but I have compartmentalized this method into 5 major pieces.
The Flow of Cognitive Harmonization:
Choices align with Imagination
Imagination aligns with Vision
Vision aligns with Feelings
Feelings align with Reality
Reality aligns with Choices
So the 5 major pieces or "dimensions" of experience are Reality, Feelings, Vison, Imagination, and Choice.
Why this order?
Starting with choice.
1. Let's start with the first in the sequence, choice. Our choice to use our imagination or just imagine the standard reality for ourselves, choice decides how strong our imagination is.
2. Imagination when trained allows the strengthening of our vision because we train to see greater things for ourselves more vividly.
3. Vision. What we envision influences how we feel if we have a stronf inspiring vision we are inspired. If we have a bleak vision for a situation we are sad. If we have a standard bland vision for a situation we are bored etc. And yes by vision I mean what you envision for the future.
4. Feelings encompass our values and beliefs. We believe only what we feel to be true. We feel like things will turn out well. A gut feeling. Intuitive sometimes, and these true feelings become our reality.
5. Reality, what we see in front of us as real leads us to make the choices we make. And the cycle repeats.
So for example, if your imagination has built up a habit of imagining bleak things then when a situation comes up in reality like your girlfriend calls you, you will envision in line with what you are used to imagining. So maybe you envision that she is calling with bad news. Because you envision she is calling with bad news, you "feel" as if the conversation will not go well. And because reality responds to those deep seated feelings and beliefs the conversation does not go well.
Now these 5 aspects of experience make sense, it is kind of like thoughts become words become things. But why is it that things do not always instantly manifest when we change one of the five aspects?
This is where habit comes into play. Let's say you are average Joe Goodman and you know nothing of the law of attraction. Right now you are living in your autopilot habit-at. We will say that in general you are in x-habit mode. Your 5 sectors of experience would look like this
Feelings: x-habit
Vision: x-habit
Imagination: x-habit
Choice: x-habit
Reality: x-habit
Now, lets say Joe Goodman learns that imagination matters and he decides to change his life around and start thinking positively and intentionally. He starts up an a-habit of imagination. His first day of doing this his new 5 aspects will look like this:
Feelings: x-habit
Vision: x-habit
Imagination: a-habit
Choice: x-habit
Reality: x-habit
On day one he is doing all the right things with imagination but the other four aspects are still following their old habit. This is when many manifestors will give up because it looks like nothing is changing for them. Joe Goodman decides to keep this up for six months however. At the end of six months his new 5 aspects looks like this:
Feelings: w-habit
Vision: b-habit
Imagination: a-habit
Choice: b-habit
Reality: w-habit
Notice, choice and vision are much stronger while reality and feelings (also known as our beliefs, what we most "feel" is true) have changed only slighty from x. At this point in manifesting, Joe is much more confident and maintains his vision even when reality doesnt seem to agree. He makes choices which align with his goals and vision in an a-reality but sometimes he slips up and still believes he is at the mercy of his creation, his creation bejng reality. At this point too, reality and feelings/belief are improving but his faith still wavers because he is unsure if this success is coincidence or true results. Joe dreams on, confident that LOA is true and continues imagining from an a-habit mentality. He also works to improve his skills in envisioning and making choices from the a-habit mentality. Finally, his 5 aspects becomes this:
Feelings: a-habit
Vision: a-habit
Imagination: a-habit
Choice: a-habit
Reality: a-habit
At this point Joe Goodman can do anything he puts his mind to and he renames himself Neo.
This theory is very much like creating new ripples in an ocean. The ocean waves are already in a general flowing direction on day one. Day one is our average, everyday lives. When we introduce a-habit, or a new way of thinking, the tides will surely change but it may not seem as if it will at first. Exercise with all 5 aspects continually and you will see the change. This is a law.
And yes again, this can be broken up into more or less than 5 sections but I chose 5 I find to be major aspects that are easy to identify.
Questions and comments welcome