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    1. View Conversation
      Thank you so much for your advice. I really enjoyed the book you recommended. Do you have any others you can recommend? I am trying to learn all I can. :-).
      There sure is a lot to learn!
    2. View Conversation
      Thank you so much for the very kind message! I really feel at home here and feel so lucky to have found this site. I appreciate you taking time to write that. I will definitely look up that book. I need all of the help I can get
    3. View Conversation
      Thank you! Yes! You can choose to do whatever you want to get rid off the enemies. ( Though using the certain powers you have selected or no powers at all will grant you double the "points" )
    4. View Conversation
      You're pretty good at completing monthly tasks. Do you like to battle in lucid dreams? Check out the new concept and thread that I came up only yesterday. It's like another TotM, but it's based on battle-tasks. You could find it interesting now that you have completed the TotMs as well ( though the concept hasn't taken flight yet).
    5. View Conversation
      Hey there,

      Thank you for your kind words!

      Most memorable and interesting experiences related to lucid dreams.. hmm, I wouldn't know where to begin. I used to have a dream journal here but eventually had it removed as I decided I'd rather keep my dreams personal and to myself. However, that doesn't mean I can't share now and then . I'll try to post some interesting experiences now and then as I continue to explore my dreams. Should be plenty of fun material there .

      Cya around!

    6. View Conversation
      Merry Xmas Rad Hoping all is well for you in 2016 too
    7. View Conversation
      Thanks for the congratulations RelaxAndDream! I decided to post a DJ entry about the dream in case anybody else was curious about it.
    8. View Conversation
      Congratulations for reaching 100+ Lucids
    9. View Conversation
      Hey Rad Yes been a little quiet on the scene - got super busy in WL and all of a sudden having to dig a little deeper - sure it will all pan out soon though as they say "it's all learning" Really happy your doing great
    10. View Conversation
      Yes Cool hay - we joined at the same time Here's a toast to us and Dream views and everyone else here
      And let's add a wish to be here still improving in another 6 Months
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    July Competition 19 long and cool lucid

    by RelaxAndDream on 07-31-2019 at 09:39 PM
    dream starts with sexual content i skip

    ...i walk with the girl and we pass a meadow next to a house. she tells me she doesnt like the city. i say why not its not that bad and its kind of green and other citys are worse. we some dog babys and the mother some of them starts barking but the mother keeps them back and educate them. one of them runs at me and i kick it away. one of them is more like just a face on the ground and morphs into a butterfly. my awareness rises. we reach a canon and i get lucid doing a rc. i ask her if she wants to fly with me and start flying. i reach the ground and meet some people. they are something like superheroes? one of them has a problem with me. i fly further to a woman who greets me in a very friendly manner (maybe with a kiss?) i tell her that in the following 24h i can help her. the group of "heroes" arrives and the guy that had a problem with me pushes me with his thoughts away and laughs. i come back and remember that telekinesis is not that difficult and start concentrating and do a gesture with my hand. suddenly his face get serious and a second later he flys up 5m in the air and crashes in the ground again. i lough my ass of because it looked funny like hell.
    the dream fades and i am in another dream. i do a rc and still dreaming. i find my self indoors. i phase myself slowly thru many layers of walls and rooms and wooden construction out and climb some parts. i am on a roof now and jump from roof to roof. i want to find me some icecream. i jump down and see some people that look like they sell ice on big bicycles like it is typical in mexico but everytime they come closer the just transport paint for some reason. i cant find ice and have a FA. i sit at a table eating icecream. i do another RC and again still dreaming. i get up and look out for icecream again to finish the task. i ask a young guy at a corner of a street. he tells me he doesnt have some but i tell him he should look behind him and when he does suddenly he has some icecream. i am happy and pay him some coins. its ice made out of coca cola. i continue my way and notice i am in the suburban train station. i want to get out but dont want to phase all the way out so i phase straight thru the walls and imagine to be outside and after the second wall flying thru i find myself outside. i fly up a building because i want to see the sunset. after founding a good place to be i do another handgesture to let the sun go down. i am a little out of practice so it doesnt work immediately suddenly there are one or two guys next to me and distracting me with talking shit and how it doesnt work. the sun goes down but the visuals get super bad like in dark night and i start to calm down rub my hands and focus on the dream. i tell him that for his reason i didnt notice the sunset properly. i try to get the sun up again but it doesnt work. i switch the roof and remember that the sun goes up from the opposite side so i turn around and fair enough see a nice sunrise. i jump and fly thru several roofs and found a well painted arty house. i enter thru the roof and explore the inside. there is a lot of art in the rooms. i see a woman lying in a bed and aproach her. i resist to start something and just pass into another room where i see another person sleeping i think its a boy but then it turns out to be a guy. i phase out and think about what to do next and remember Dreamers method of narrating the dream to remember it better so i think what happend so far. something happens and the dream destabilizes but this time its not getting black but white. i go into it and let it happen. everything around me spins and patterns appear a short moment of drawings. i ask a question to the dream: what to do/work? a new dreamscene appears and a guy talks with me he wants to tell me something but dont remember the word in the end he tells me something about a doctor or that i should be a dentist. im not sure about it and ask him what about physiotherapy he tells me that its possible but i wont learn to much there.
    i phase into a house and i feel its mine. i enter the kitchen and eat a fresh cherry and think what to do. i feel like the dream is hell long and try to remember how fast i got lucid so that the REM might be very long. i want to meditate a little but i feel like the dream destabilize
    but i let it go to not forget to much about it.
    lucid , memorable

    kick yourself in the ass and you get rewarded

    by RelaxAndDream on 08-10-2018 at 10:10 PM
    so after quite some time with no lucids and to lazy to do proper night work i kicked myself and wanted to do some totms so after around 5h of sleep i stood up even tho every fiber in my body was like "go back to sleep man.." but i stood up meditated for like 20-30 min and then back to bad on my back setting intention and goals then earplugs and eyemask because it was loud in the house and falling asleep.
    3 LD was the result

    -i am in the bathroom looking on a clock 11:45.... way to late, not possible and how can i read the clock anyways its dark. i do a nosepinch and lucid. i am happy, phase into the hallway. everything is super dark and the visuals are bad but i just start running and move my hands more than necessary and suddenly visuals are back. i remember instantly my goals to do the totms so i run to a building and enter thru a door expecting to be on the roof of a high building but i just enter the building i look for another door but i find an elevator. convenient i think and enter telling it to go up by voice command. i get out and find myself on a parking deck with a roof over me. i remember that i want to cross my eyes and so i do. it works immediately with no effort i also do it by look at a finger that comes closer to my nose but actually its not necessary. i run to the fence at the end of the building and look down. not as high as i hoped but good enough i jump down and try to be as passive as possible. i accelerate to the ground but i feel i should accelerate faster than i do, like i get slowed down for some reason... i crash into the concrete and its pretty loud but i dont feel any pain. i get up and continue i want to fly but i have some problems getting higher so i jump from level to level. wake up?
    -i am somewhere on a party or in south america? i think of a girl i dont like to much i see another girl going around the corner [the evening before a friend wrote something about her] so i follow her i find her in a small dark room. i take her and we have a little sexy time. but after some time i get bored and i leave her behind. a voice from the off says something like " ah finally you learned it/managed to get detached from it"
    -i show someone how i make fire in the hand. first a liquid arise in my hand and then i turn it on. but the fire is weak and blue. i pour some of the liquid on the ground and throw a fireball on it but not to much happen....
    -i phase thru the ceilings a mix of flying and climbing and pushing thru, i find myself in some weird and colored rooms like for childs in a funny hospital or something? i try to fly in the room, i try different styles like ironman all is with not too much success. i look out for a jetpack it works shorty better but not good...i notice how i tense my body so i try to relax and concentrate on the goal where i want to get and not on the flying itself but i cant mange it...
    -i find myself on a public open space. i go to a girl and ask her if she can help me with flying she smiles and starts flying. i follow her and tell her flying that i have problem with height and speed. she tells me this is a luxury problem and i shouldn't mind but i say that i want to get better and see progress. we loose each other?
    - i phase into a bus? go to an older woman and with not too much words turn of her pants start rubbing her xxx and we have sex. i am positively surprised that her skin looks very young and elastic and her v... is mostly shaved expect a small part that is very short and white haired. we do it for some time but there is no climax
    -i actually want to get up but seem to fall asleep again in dream i want to clean my ears because of the earplugs. my roommate is on a bridge above me. we talk and i get lucid again. i start flying and fly low again not the best experience. i pass two buidlings. in the first one i hear music like there will be a concert soon i go to the second one and phase in a guy seems to hear me and he "hunts" me in circles between the living and the bedroom after some time he goes opposite direction and catches me but i hold him and then just leave with no trouble. i meet my brother?/someone i know up front and i tell him in the first building will be a concert so we go there and climb in thru the window. the woman that sits in the back room hears us [in the moment i woke up i had the name celine dion in the head. i googled her and the looks fits]. i ask her about the concert and she says there will be none. okay sad... she seems to have eyes in the back of her head... the hair is cut short at that positions... its a little weird. i remember the bonus totm and try to expand my sight by crossing my eyes so they kind of turn to the sides and then to the back but i cant go much further than i can in waking life.... i ask her if she can make me eyes in the back of my head like she has. she says something about tattoos and that she needs something for it or later or something? she ask me which kind of eyes, just eyes or also eyebrows or make up or something?! in the end i dont get them and move a little more in the room before i wake up for good
    -i ask a guy "if you should tell me something i shouldnt forget for sure, what would it be?" he answers "you should get yourself a fetish girl" aha i think... i go to another dude same question same answer...
    lucid , task of the month

    Be kind and friendly to your DC´s and you will wake up with a good feeling

    by RelaxAndDream on 05-13-2018 at 10:06 PM
    recall a bit fuzzy because of several DEILDS (i always get problem with continuity and mix up parts...) maybe i need to narrate the dream more while lucid. but with this DEILDS its super relaxed, no worrys to wake up or anything... you just need to remember to do it xD and have some proper goals or awareness will sink with time...

    -some sexy time with a woman in a bus
    - i am with A and F, A is visiting F, we are in the living room. i go to the toilet and get lucid [dreamsign i try to train... in one of maybe 10 or 15 it triggers lucidity] i phase back through a door and into the room. i remember the TOTM and ask the two if they want to sing me something? maybe something from queen? they start smiling instantly and start put their arm on the shoulder of each other and start singing (i also hear the music?), i smile and am curious if they know the songtext because me in waking life never remember any songtext. in the moment i think about it they just start mumbling and humming like people who dont know the text... we all laugh [sadly i cant remember which queen song it was...] and i wake up/FA and DEILD
    -i walk with a girl, i do a Nosepinch to see if i am dreaming, RC fail but i am not in my bed so this must be a dream, we walk and talk i rub my hands and sing an affirmation [it was one with a cool melody but i also forgot :/] we walk around a corner and there is a band playing with drums and singing and all, its very cool, i go there and dance a little between people i recognize one of the singers as a friend i know. the floor is made out of fine gravel. some girls dance bare feet. i am smiling that the "dream" is doing this for me. my goal for this dream is to be nice to DC´s and have a proper talk without expectation, so i go around the corner into a room where a super cute girl is sleeping with a big smile, i try to wake her calmly but she is very drowsy so i put a pillow under her head and dont want to bother her and again wake up and DEILD
    -i am on a canoe (later it changes that i am swimming) and i have a basket with me on a leash, i paddle past two girls next to the river and ask them if they wanne join eating. they smile shyly and deny. i feel very good about beeing friendly to everyone without any demand or expectation. i meet ("my"?) girl in the water i am swimming now and tell her food is ready. i climb out of the water on a platform that seems to be a cafe, i look into the basket and its empty, i look away and expect there food to be and look again. i find some cookies i try and deeper in the basket is some chines food in the typical take away boxes. the owner of the cafe comes around and i ask if its a problem that we want to eat here. he changes into a rat, perspective is changing and i see a group of rats disappear in a hole... DEILD??
    -i ride a bike with a girl, i phase thru several objects while on the bike, we park our bike and i ask her if she would like to have a talk with me but she seems not to? i stay friendly and tell her its no problem

    another lucid in same night:
    -i try to phase not thru walls (this got second nature) but i want to phase with the ceiling, but instead of flying... i jump feet first... xD sometimes i manage to get high enough and push myself with arms thru the ceiling sometimes i "fall" down again and a floor deeper... after some time i decide its stupid and phase thru a wall but instead of seeing the next room i feel like stuck in between the wall and everything is white?
    after that only semilucid stuff with low awareness i am to lazy to type
    lucid , task of the month

    attempt to lucid meditation, go down a chimney, aggressiv family

    by RelaxAndDream on 12-05-2017 at 01:49 PM
    can´t remember why i got lucid but here i am and i start flying i am high enough to see different islands and states. there is a big part of an island that is grayish censored. for some reason i think this is the google map of america and Vietnam has censored it so america cant look it up. i fly there and up close it looks like everything is covered with grey snow or something similar. also there are a lot of climbing shoes [not too long ago i saw a "black mirror" episode where they could block people so they got grayish and one couldnt hear them; also i send my climbing shoes to get repaired and the package is missed so that probably how this theme came up].

    i remember my goals that i loosely came up with before i fell asleep. i want to meditate so i fly and look for a good place to do so. there are several platforms some are skew. i land on a platform and see someone i know that is further down doing something. i dont want to get distracted so i ignore him. i rub my hands to prepare then i sit down. this time i let my eyes open and focus on my breathing. i want to unfocus my eyes but only seconds after this attempt a guy i know? is climbing up to my platform. i wave with my hand to signal him i dont want him here but to late he is there and we start talking. i know him from my past but i dont remember his name. he tells me a name but its not familiar but i remember to know him from school and that he was in b class. we are on a small something on water. he turns into a child and i fly away. i want to go down a chimney to complete a TOTM. everything changes into comic visuals and i feel like watching instead of actively participate and decide what i do. i fly to a building stand in front of the chimney and throw down something like a bomb. i see third person from inside the building outside of the room. the room is burning and several people are there burning and running away. i slide down and run out of the room. a line of fire emerge out of my shoes wherever i run. some more bad guys start burning and die. i fight one with bare hands, enter another room and freeze another one with an ice blast. i find myself outside again and the comic theme is gone. ok this probably wont count for the TOTM...

    i start another attempt and start flying. this time flying is more difficult. i am pretty slow and i feel like i get soaked to one direction. i kick of on a building wall and float to a big building looking like a very old church. the stone is oxidized like in a cave. my hand touches a wall that sounds hollow. ah this must be an chimney. i fly up a little and find the opening. i look into the chimney and it looks buried. i try to open it up with telekinesis but its not working. nevermind i think and just jump feet first in and slide down. i find myself in a kitchen. i have a small paper bag in my hand. i look outside the kitchen and see a room where a kid is sleeping on a couch. i open the paper bag and put out several tomatoes. a cat that looks like mine back at my families house walks around me and attacks my leg and stuff. i push it out and close the door to the kitchen. i want to morph the tomatoes into something nicer but seconds after i closed the door it opens again and my mother, looking slightly crazy and tired with a cigarette in her hand
    [she is a non smoker] approaching me yelling something. i hold my hand in front of my like i want her to stop but she just pushes the cigarette in my hand and it burns i walk backwards and phase out of the window and wall but she is holding me so my hand is stuck with her in the kitchen. she still yelling something at me. i manage to release myself from her grip and with a wave of my hand i erase her memory she is confused but shortly after she gets hostile again. i feel like i completed the task anyways and dont bother to wake up so i dont forget anything.
    lucid , task of the month

    Summerish Competition - Night 14

    by RelaxAndDream on 09-15-2017 at 12:46 PM
    I am on a street and look into a car. i hear a girl say "hey daddy the tires of the car are on the edge of the pavement." i notice that i have to pee. i see a underground garage. i walk down and notice that it is monitored. i notice a sign for toilets. one is for women and children and the other one for men and elder people... i see a lot of doorbells and a closed door. i find the same symbol again on a doorbell and ring it. the door is pretty far away and i only hear the buzzer shortly but when i reach the door it opens. i enter and see some pallets with contact lenses? i seem to have an appointment and hear a woman wants to advice me. i have shortly the thought: "hm contactlenses in a dream? what an effect". i remember that i want a toilet and move away and go for the bathroom. i see a sign that shows again the toilets and enter it. Next to it there is a Sign: "Lucid Daniel". And this makes me lucid. i stand infront of a pissoir and as so often i know it makes no difference if i piss in the dream or not because the feeling i have is from my waking body. but instead of not pissing at all i just dont bother and piss in big circles on the ground.
    a friend of mine is entering and we start talking. i have a false awakening where i feel myself lying horizontally and opening carefully one eye. i close it again and find myself in the dream again. i stand around with same guy and do a nosepinch to be sure. i find myself infront of a bridge. there is a tabletennis plate standing. i want to make it go with TK but in the first moment nothing happen. i am irritated if i am really dreaming but i am sure so i try with more willpower and it flies away down the bridge. i want to play some tabletennis and ask my friend if we want to play TK TT over the whole bridge but he declines. i throw something to him but he throws it down the bridge. i focus and concentrate and the thing comes back via TK into my hand. its a 2€ coin. i let it fly a little bit around and shot it on the ground where it pins inside the concrete. i also have a 5€ bill flying around and i TK both the bill and the coin. i shoot the coin next to a random guy right infront of his feet. my friend notice that none of the dc´s seem to notice me but i answer him that they dont bother me out of respect.
    we enter a building and walk around. we want pass a door and go outdoors again but finally i take a moment to concentrate on what do to with the lucid instead of trolling around and i remember my 3step task. instead of open the door i just phase thru. and enter a white room with with walls and ceiling. i want to start flying and i start hoovering but for some reason i dont move. (the idea was to fly thru several walls and teleport this way to a new scene)
    but again i feel like waking up and have a FA. i sit next to another friend and tell her about the dream and she seems to be excited. i am wondering if she is talking about the dream and if told her already. a kid is entering and she takes her on the arm and walks away and i wake up for good.