Hello, i'm new to the forum.
I know that you will probably ignore this but I came with and idea to make an experiment about shared dreaming.
Personally I don't think that this is possible, but why not try to test something?
This is the plan:
-People wanting to participate(for the first time I'd say up to ten people) would reply with agreement in this thread.
-I would split these people in two groups A and B
-Each group would have dreaming pairs
-In group A, I would send private message to one dreamer of each pair containing a NUMBER, and they would have to tell it to their dreammate
-In group B everything is same but I would give them a word
-We would have to trust each other, so group members shouldn't cheat and send that number or word to their pair.
Since somebody will probably not get lucid one night, I suggest doing it 4 nights in a row.
Participants would send me results next day.
So what do you think?