I recently decided to try this technique to try and increase my personal power. And with some skepticism I attempted a sexual recap, just to try it out and see if it was all it was hyped up to be. And I have to admit that, it's effective. The art of Stalking never really appealed to me. It always seemed too boring. I started Dreaming first because it had immidiate fun results. But since I started Stalking, I can't stop.. It's a constant matrix of energy to pull from. If you can subdue the Judge and Victim in your head, the possibilities are vast to say the least. There is always a memory to which you are needlessly attatched, that you can release for energy in the present! Such a basic effective technique, that I'm hoping it yields huge results. When I get decent at Stalking, I hope to put my stronger energy to use in the world of dreams, the law of attraction, and within the fabric of percieved reality, with intent of positive thought. The results could be astounding. Who knows, if one could get good enough at Stalking and Dreaming, it may be possible to Stalk your Dreaming processes as well...? That would be sick.. Only problem with that is.. Since I started hardcore Stalking, I haven't had that much control over my Dreaming... Cause and Effect? Too much emphasis on my waking conciousness? Haven't quite figured out how to keep both on the radar at the same time, but I got nothing but time I suppose. Any insights would be appriciated..

Do or Do Not there is no Try...