I have a new understanding of dream precognition. The other night, I think two nights ago, I had a dream where there was a train crash. It kind of fell off the edge of this little embankment thing where the train tracks were. Like maybe a couple of foot high or something. The train wasn't exactly in proportion as far as I remember. It was a little small. This image of just 'me' (not really me, just the 'camera' as I call it) was viewing down on the train derailed a few times throughout the dream.

Anyway, so I woke up that morning, went on face book, and one of my friends has a post about a train that was derailed in the suburb right next to mine! I was shocked, to say the least. A car had gone in front of it, drunk driver, went up the embankment and had stopped in front of the train and it derailed the first two carriages of the train.

So yeh, I have respect now for people who believe in this sort of thing. It definitely had an impact on me and if I wasn't brought up on logical thinking, I probably would think it was a premonition or OBE or something like that. Maybe not premonition because it probably happened while I was having that dream, which is insane. Also I'm a bit more open to OBE's than premonitions, just coz it makes more sense physically.... in a sort of twisted, far fetched way. But there's a study being done right now on OBE's so we shall see when the results come through! But it'll be a couple years I think.

The reason why I decided it wasn't a premonition or OBE is because it wasn't exactly the same, from what I can remember. I can't remember much else of the dream, I can't remember seeing a car going onto the tracks or the train hitting it; just a derailed train. Although as far as I can remember it was two carriages, same as what actually happened.
Also the train was nothing like the trains we have here, and if this was an OBE or premonition I almost definitely would have focused on the person who drove the car on the tracks, the cops said he ran off.

Anyway, jsut thought I'd share this.