• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks, Silverlight! How do the DCs in your lucids tend to behave? Have you ever had the chance to do anything like ask them questions or otherwise interact with them? You may very well be pleasantly surprised with how interesting/interactive they can be if you give them a little nudge!
    2. Silverlight's Avatar
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      Very Interesting!! I wish the Dcs in my lucids would actually do something !
    3. Highlander's Avatar
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      Congratulations CL on the interesting LD!
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Yeah, I wish I knew what I was up to with that door! Whatever it was, I was convinced that it was important, that all of this was semi-normal, and was more important than making sure that my dear parents have a door on their home.

      You are absolutely right... those weird side effects are the elements that you just can't predict. I've made many, many plans for completing tasks and I can honestly say that while I've been able to use elements of these plans (and they've been a big help), I've never had a dream unfold exactly the way I'd planned/daydreamed it. Seriously, I can't think of even one.

      I think that's a very good thing, just kind of amazing to realize it!
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Congrats on the ld, Supercanis! I wonder what delivery you were up to in the beginning.

      Biking in an ld sounds interesting and the after effects were cool. I am starting to appreciate more those weird side effects that happen as we go on task completion. Good job you didn't allow too many of those sensations distract you.
    6. fogelbise's Avatar
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      I like that spell! I just may steal it!
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      I never am sure with things like this. That was the first part of the dream where I recall directly noticing the sun. There's always that chance that seeing it might have brought in unwelcome thoughts of Time to get up!

      The best I can describe the hole is like this. Take a rectangular pyramid and slice off the top so you're only left with the frustum. Now flip it over and use it to dig a huge hole in the ground. It looked pretty much like that, with nice clean lines like it was a mold for a geometric shape. A little strange-looking!

      Heh heh... you never know when the power of suggestion can come into play, it's true, but fortunately we always, always have the power to rewrite the rules. It all belongs to us, even the rulebook.

      But just to be on the safe side, nothing wrong with having the witch cast a spell on you that makes you forever more awesome.
    8. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Nice! Do you think the sunrise or flying towards the sunrise had any significance to being near the end of the dream? The hole at the construction site...was it straight down or at an angle with hidden reaches? I was also thinking about doing the witch spell one but was saving any attempts until the weekend or a night where I feel nice and rested. I was thinking of approaching the task by going/flying/teleporting to a place where I saw a memorable witch (a Halloween maze) and have her cast a spell on me. I still need to solidify what I want the spell to be as I started thinking about what if the "spell" had an affect on my dreamscape long-term through the power of suggestion...silly thought, right? I shouldn't even mention it...but had to ask your opinion.
      Updated 10-02-2013 at 06:30 PM by fogelbise
    9. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Playing lucid observer really is cool. It's not my usual style at all, and I tend to think that I was at a lower level of lucidity than usual in this dream. I was certainly aware that it was a dream but for example it did not occur to me that I could just change all of this or wipe it away the moment I wished. (Not that I would have, hopefully!)

      I've been hoping to get better at lucid observation. I've got a long way to go but this is an encouraging step along the way at least!
      It's awesome, isn't it? I keep on being fascinated how many things we can actually do or learn during dreams. There really are infinite possibilities! (oh, give us more dreams so that we can explore!)
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      @bemistaken - Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

      @NyxCC - You're right, more abstract and just... reaching deeper down in a way. The mind seems less concerned with relating directly to waking life ideas, creating realistic scenarios, or doing anything but just dealing with ideas in their rawest forms. The subconscious doesn't seem to care whether we'll be able to explain these dreams to our buddies on DreamViews.

      Playing lucid observer really is cool. It's not my usual style at all, and I tend to think that I was at a lower level of lucidity than usual in this dream. I was certainly aware that it was a dream but for example it did not occur to me that I could just change all of this or wipe it away the moment I wished. (Not that I would have, hopefully!)

      I've been hoping to get better at lucid observation. I've got a long way to go but this is an encouraging step along the way at least!
    11. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Thanks, you two! Yeah, it felt profound to me as well. That makes me slightly embarrassed to say that I don't completely understand what it meant, heh heh... it seemed to be saying something about the way dream worlds are created and the way that DCs are created, but it was a bit artsier than I'm used to interpreting

      I'm still not sure what the DC creation process might have meant. Maybe that DCs are somehow a combination of different concepts/memories that we have...? Or perhaps this is simply how DCs reproduce. It was riveting to watch it unfold though.

      Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention! Nyx, you are right, this was a relatively early dream. It was after maybe 4 hours of sleep? That may have contributed to the more abstract feel of it and my greater than usual degree of compliance!
      I have noticed that some of those early lds tend to go in some sort of abstract direction like you put it. And it's not just abstract, it's something that is to an extent different from what are used to knowing about the world and maybe doing things differently, just like this dream for example. Also, we can gain access to a deeper part of our subcon, hence, I find it really hard to interpret these experiences or even sometimes put them into worlds.

      I know most of the time we are very task oriented, but in dreams like these it's very cool to be a lucid observer and see what your subcon presents. And even if we may have little idea what's going in on there, it is still extremely exciting.

      Edit: that telepathy thing was also very interesting. Good point!
      Updated 09-30-2013 at 09:26 PM by NyxCC
    12. bemistaken's Avatar
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      This dream is AMAZING! Simply beautiful also!
    13. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      You know, you're right... much of it did feel a lot like telepathy. The whole dream was more abstract and surreal than my typical lucids, probably a function of it being early(ish) in my sleep. I think that this might put me in the mood to accept a scenario that's largely a bunch of abstract ideas sliding around.

      Very good point on waking world vs. dream world! The way that reality was built "as needed" while the DCs moved through unconstructed white void seemed so dreamlike to me... but when I think about it more, the waking world perspective makes just as much sense. After all, "reality" as we experience it is something we really do build on the fly from our own experiences. (And each new person builds their own version.)

      And thanks, it was a great dream. Not at all what I was expecting, but a good LD when I needed one. The thought-provoking ones can catch me off guard though.
    14. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      I notice you're using telepathy for much (if not the entire) duration of the observation.

      One thing I do wonder, what is different from applying this concept in the dreamworld to applying it to the waking world? Sounds like a great dream (for you), unusual too.
    15. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks, you two! Yeah, it felt profound to me as well. That makes me slightly embarrassed to say that I don't completely understand what it meant, heh heh... it seemed to be saying something about the way dream worlds are created and the way that DCs are created, but it was a bit artsier than I'm used to interpreting

      One interesting thought which occurred to me is that as one of the "avatars", you'd have never seen each room or chunk of the hillside being built. It would just sort of be there when you arrived. The view that "the collaborator" and I had seemed more "under the hood", I guess.

      I'm still not sure what the DC creation process might have meant. Maybe that DCs are somehow a combination of different concepts/memories that we have...? Or perhaps this is simply how DCs reproduce. It was riveting to watch it unfold though.

      You know, Nyx, I did not get to see exactly how each new DC appeared. It seemed like there were now three people getting up off of the floor. It was hard to say where the new person had come from!

      Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention! Nyx, you are right, this was a relatively early dream. It was after maybe 4 hours of sleep? That may have contributed to the more abstract feel of it and my greater than usual degree of compliance!
      Updated 09-29-2013 at 10:18 PM by CanisLucidus
    16. NyxCC's Avatar
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      Congrats on the ld, CL! Wow, this one was very interesting and profound as Highlander said.

      If there are other dimensions out there, you surely were in one of them. That white void is so intriguing. Was this an early dream or just at the usual times btw?

      And also did you see how exactly the new DC appeared? Very interesting process!
    17. Highlander's Avatar
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      That dream sounds really profound with the DC and opposite gender creations and the moving contolled avatars.
      Have you any thoughts on it?
    18. NyxCC's Avatar
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      I agree that this stuff is all in there and dreaming lets you access it, although usually through a very odd lens. I've wondered whether there was a way to gain control of the dream in such a way that you can use it to more directly access memories as you truly remember them happening, but I've never succeeded at this in any way that I can recall. It's literally a skill where I have zero practice or even a concept of how to improve at it. Is it something you've thought much about?
      I have thought about it and even planned to do it a few times, but you know how long that to-do in ld list can get. I am pretty sure that it is possible, yet I have no idea how to initiate it. But then again, I have to give it a try quite a number of times before getting the hang of it. One of the meditations I do consists of going back to old memories, reliving, analyzing and letting go of the experience. I was thinking that dreaming and attention to detail during dreams might actually help me relive these in more detail or even call back those memories during the dream where you are already in your subcon. Still many years of practice needed, I am afraid. Well, if that ever works out, it will be interesting to see if one can reconstruct an entire memory with the correct description and then look at a forgotten photo to see if elements were on the right place.

      It's strange the things that I'll believe when I'm dreaming. In dream I really felt insecure about the dream geography looking so unstable and shifty. Very weird mental process going on there for sure!
      Another thing that is very fascinating in dreams is the power of some false memories. Some are so convincing, not just distracting but seemingly true stories that you could swear are real. I remember having this high awareness lucid-like dream where there was some memory-like info about my great grand dad and his workshop. It left me guessing to this day whether there was some truth to it or not. And it wasn't very concrete either, more like a feeling of an explanation than facts.

      But then, if dreams were more straight forward we would easily get bored. Instead, we have layers upon layers of unexplored territory which makes it so exciting!
    19. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Yeah, some months can be very tough, lots of stuff going on and your schedule gets pretty messy and you have to work hard to get back on track. The good news is, it's the end of the week and also the end of the month. For me this has a positive psychological effect. I like to think that I am starting with a blank slate and hopefully can reorganize things my way. Know that strong good memorable lds are coming our way. You are gonna kick ass this weekend and we're gonna post awesome entries the entire October!
      What a great perspective!! I agree. October is a fresh start and I'm gonna be healthy, have all this work stuff behind me, and always know that I'm dreaming.

      Thanks for that! Looking forward to an awesome October!
    20. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      That's really cool you got to be a younger version of yourself. It's really interesting how we mix old and new like we are in high school, sometimes even taking tests or seeing people that are long gone, but we don't get back to the younger versions of ourselves. I am pretty sure everything's neatly stored in our subson though. Maybe one day, after years of practice we would be able to call back if we want to some orderly memories in an ld the same way we strive to make those TOTY visualizations come to life.
      Yeah, that's a good point... it's very common for me to relive exaggerated aspects of the high school/college experience (tests, final exams, making terrible scheduling mistakes, forgetting to go to class, etc.) But it is a little less common for me to be literally that younger version of myself. That made this dream a little more interesting.

      I agree that this stuff is all in there and dreaming lets you access it, although usually through a very odd lens. I've wondered whether there was a way to gain control of the dream in such a way that you can use it to more directly access memories as you truly remember them happening, but I've never succeeded at this in any way that I can recall. It's literally a skill where I have zero practice or even a concept of how to improve at it. Is it something you've thought much about?

      I am not quite sure what made you worry, for me it might be destabilization. Apart from that I think it is a cool effect, and from your strange description in bold, I get the feeling that you might have stumbled upon on the surface of something interesting. Or it might be a false memory and then it's just a cool trick? At any rate it would be nice to see if there is any consistency in results.
      Strange, isn't it? While I was seeing the effect in-dream, I became worried that dreams always do this and I had just never noticed it before. But from the sobriety of waking life, I can clearly see that this visual artifact was just one of those funny dream things that happens. NOT some kind of permanent effect in every dream I'd just somehow never noticed before!

      It's strange the things that I'll believe when I'm dreaming. In dream I really felt insecure about the dream geography looking so unstable and shifty. Very weird mental process going on there for sure!
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