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    One Last Mission

    by , 07-30-2015 at 02:38 PM (1146 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #2??: One Last Mission

    I’m heading upstairs to change my lightbulbs, but arrive to find that we’ve got tons of people upstairs visiting while my father-in-law changes them for me. I feel embarrassed, as if it looks like I never take care of anything around the house. He even somehow installed light bulbs with little solar panels attached to them, which I’ve never even heard of!

    I head downstairs, feeling inadequate. I see that we have a big video screen that greets people at the front door. I see that it’s programmed to show a big story about turncoat spies within some US government agency. It’s some kind of huge story and these traitors are all over the news. As I’m heading into the kitchen, thinking about this fancy video monitor and the fancy lightbulbs
    , I realize that this feels a whole lot like a dream.

    My father-in-law joins me downstairs and I say, “Hey, [Father-in-law], I’ve got an even cooler way to change lightbulbs!” I gesture at one of the recess lights in the kitchen ceiling and with a couple quick hand gestures, pull it out, summon a new one, and place it into the socket. It lights up!

    He looks amazed and asks me how I did that. “This is actually a lucid dream,” I admit. “You can really do anything here.” He nods in acknowledgement, still looking impressed.

    I recall my conversation yesterday with Iokheira where we were talking about cool dream ideas that people had never, ever done. I chose one of the ones we had decided was awesome enough that we were going to try: werewolf skydiving! :canislucidus: I phase through an external, curtained door out onto a back patio.

    There’s a long row of side-by-side deck chairs here, with lots of people lounging around and relaxing. I look at the woman closest to the wall, but no, this isn’t Iokheira . One chair over, though is a group of three women sitting together, and on the left is Iokheira ! She hops out of the chair and we hug.

    “It’s great to see you!” I say.

    “Great to see you too!” she says and then starts nodding as I’m about to say, “Do you remember what we’d planned to try in this dream?” I can tell that she already knows the plan is werewolf skydiving.

    Iokheira throws on a pair of aviator sunglasses, grabs my hand, and strides forward. We walk through a large yard into some suburban streets. She says, “Dylan (??) and Romero tried to tell me that this is my last mission. We’ll see about that...” I get the idea that she’s some kind of spy or secret agent. “The agency’s in [turmoil? chaos?] right now.”

    I’m strongly sensing a backstory where she’s an agent in some kind of secret government agency. I wonder if it’s some kind of special division for werewolves. We go past a bus stop to a grassy field, while she continues to explain some more of the backstory. I wonder whether there will be a cliff at the end of this field for a possible BASE jump! Before we get to anything like that, though,
    the dream ends.
    NyxCC, Iokheira, JadeGreen and 1 others like this.

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    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld! It's interesting how in the unpleasant non-ld part you had others doing things for you. That actually sounds quite nice, but I guess it all depends how we feel about it.

      Werewolf skydiving - what is that? Oh, looking forward to reading about it in your next ld.

      By the way, the backstory in the dream was really cool!
      CanisLucidus and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks! Werewolf skydiving is a lot like what it sounds like... transform into a werewolf and then go skydiving! (I told you that nobody's probably tried this before!)

      And thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the backstory! I enjoyed it quite a bit myself. I think that it was a riff on a very interesting non-lucid that Iokheira had recently (not yet written up for DV.)

      It's fun, sometimes, to sit back and just see what the mind spools up when you let it tell a story, isn't it?

      One of a million reasons this hobby never gets old!
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.
    3. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      I like that you nursed your ego by showing up your father in law's lightbulb installing skills.

      It's really cool that you remembered a goal you'd only just conceived IWL!
      I love your idea to try something that no one has ever done in a lucid dream.
      It kind of reminds me of that time when Dreamy and I were trying to find topics that didn't exist on google... although that venture turned out to be quite shocking, if you remember.
      Werewolf skydiving sounds like a perfect task for you, I look forward to reading about it in the future!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      I like that you nursed your ego by showing up your father in law's lightbulb installing skills.
      Isn't that such a weird dream insecurity? That I'm going to be outdone and shamed in lightbulb-changing??

      I love your idea to try something that no one has ever done in a lucid dream.
      It kind of reminds me of that time when Dreamy and I were trying to find topics that didn't exist on google... although that venture turned out to be quite shocking, if you remember.
      LOL, yes this is highly reminiscent of your experiment! I recall very well the rather shocking conclusion of your research on that one!

      Thanks, I hope to bring you some werewolf skydiving tales in the future!! :canislucidus: