• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
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      Looks pretty successful last night and really funny too! I wish you had the chance to wreck that dude in the coloseum.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      What were you thinking, refusing a snot-shake? It's no wonder he slapped you on the butt, how else was he supposed to get your attention? Poor guy.
      LOL. Clearly the problem is that I have no manners. And then I commit the faux pas of dragging the guy to the Colosseum for a fight to the death. Was I raised in a barn?

      Do you write in your DJ after each dream? That's probably the most obvious solution I can think of, but you probably already do that.
      This is a great suggestion, and if I'm not too lazy I usually do try to scribble down a line or two of keywords that will bring the whole dream back later. (For NLDs as well as LDs.) Last night was galantamine night, so I was trying to keep myself totally relaxed and locked down to prevent insomnia. This meant that I didn't write anything down until I was up for good. (Galantamine can make me feel a little buzzed, so I try to stay in semi-meditation and avoid looking at the clock.)

      What seemed to happen is that I would wake up from a series of dreams and remember these lost LDs like they had happened a while back, you know? Like perhaps I had lost lucidity at some point? It's difficult to say exactly what happened to them.

      And lol with the dog poo. "Better hurry, it ain't gonna get any fresher..."
      What a shame that the back story on this one is now gone forever. Did it have healing properties and I was racing to save a life? Was I going to save the world by dropping the poo into the fires of Mount Doom? (Like Frodo Baggins, only I am pure enough of heart to destroy the poo rather than use it for my own ends.)

      So many questions. So few answers.
    3. Iokheira's Avatar
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      What were you thinking, refusing a snot-shake? It's no wonder he slapped you on the butt, how else was he supposed to get your attention? Poor guy.

      Do you write in your DJ after each dream? That's probably the most obvious solution I can think of, but you probably already do that.

      And lol with the dog poo. "Better hurry, it ain't gonna get any fresher..."
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Great thoughts. And your dad sounds really on the ball if you can discuss the hippocampus-visual cortex relationship with him! My folks are still pretty stunned by the concept of a "reality check".

      The fact that he made the connection between meditation and lucid dreaming is impressive. That's insightful stuff, and I only picked up the close link between them after really thinking about LD for several months.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      Thank you, Xanous! You finally jogged my memory of what you said in your robot voice. It was definitely "EXTERMINATE!"

      Well, either that or "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto". You really need to learn to enunciate.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, thanks, Art! After it was well underway, I was surprised to find myself just shrinking down like that. I didn't really even think about it, which was probably a blessing. To me, it was just something that it seemed I ought to be able to do. I don't know if you've listened to the whole back catalog of DreamViews podcasts, but I think that the one about the September TotM must have lodged some schema in my brain that "shrinking is something lucid dreamers just do." I think that's where the confidence came from.

      Yeah, the sand was cool! I should check out some pictures of sand under a microscope and see how far off the mark I was.
    7. Xanous's Avatar
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    8. Iokheira's Avatar
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      Hilarious dream! I loved the dream logic about turning Paigey into a knife. Shrinking too - I bet that's difficult! I wish I could have seen the sand.
    9. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      I always knew Xanous was a robot.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      I wouldn't worry about your control, you're definitely improving. You've just added a whole new dream power to your repertoire and you didn't even have to try to make it work - don't let that slip by unacknowledged! A whole new realm of possibilities has just opened up for your future lucids.
      Thanks! You're right -- I'm definitely patting my brain on its back (its occipital lobe?) for coming through on that. Can't forget to enjoy the small (medium?) victories along the way.

      Speaking of the effort, I'm starting to get pretty tired. X) I think it's about time for me to hit the sack tonight~ And hopefully I'll have something interesting to report tomorrow!
      Ha ha, yes... with 80 mg of melatonin coursing through your veins, I'd say that "pretty tired" is a very normal way to feel. Can't wait to hear how it goes!
    11. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Ah, that makes sense. Well it's cool that your mind filled in the blanks that way, I love how stuff like that works out lol. And I can definitely see how the Google Maps effect would be perfect for it, it just seems like an all-around smooth transition.

      I wouldn't worry about your control, you're definitely improving. You've just added a whole new dream power to your repertoire and you didn't even have to try to make it work - don't let that slip by unacknowledged! A whole new realm of possibilities has just opened up for your future lucids.

      Speaking of the effort, I'm starting to get pretty tired. X) I think it's about time for me to hit the sack tonight~ And hopefully I'll have something interesting to report tomorrow!
    12. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks, Aly! You know, I didn't think of this until later today, but I bet that the shrinking skill was in my "universe of possibilities" because it had been a Task of the Month last year. OpheliaBlue and RareCola podcasted on that task and even though I never tried it myself, I think that listening to them discuss ideas about it had to have rubbed off. I don't think that the whole Google Maps approach was discussed, though, so it was nice that something novel happened.

      I'm hopeful that control is getting better. Attitudes and expectations take time to adjust but I do feel like the effort is paying off.

      And by "the effort" I of course mean carpet-bombing myself with melatonin before bed.
    13. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Menthol!! Yeah, they were right up mine as well. I feel like the structure of the fantasy was that this was an endless series of dreams-within-dreams that would go on forever and that I could see this structure stacked up like an infinite series of worlds. The thing is, that may very well just be post-hoc poetry that I'm assembling to make sense of the elements that I remember. The specific structure got mangled when I went non-lucid, I think.
      That sounds wonderful. >w< Well, how else are you going to describe something that crazy anyway? Poetry is about as neat as it gets for experiences that defy normal reality!

      Thanks! I was so excited to finally pull this off. DV members ought to make great DCs because in a lot of cases you know a lot about each other's dream lives and there should already be a mental schema which says, "This DC gets what lucid dreaming is and will be eager to participate." Friends and loved ones that don't LD have DCs that are pretty hit and miss in terms of how cooperative they are (at least for me.)
      I never thought about it like that, but that's a great point. Makes me think I should start actively searching for other DVers in my lucids, too.
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Good old menthol! X) I don't blame you for getting distracted, those fantasies sound like they're right up my alley.
      Menthol!! Yeah, they were right up mine as well. I feel like the structure of the fantasy was that this was an endless series of dreams-within-dreams that would go on forever and that I could see this structure stacked up like an infinite series of worlds. The thing is, that may very well just be post-hoc poetry that I'm assembling to make sense of the elements that I remember. The specific structure got mangled when I went non-lucid, I think.

      Congrats on seeing a DV member in a lucid! I'm still not sure if that's ever happened to me, at least not one that I really remember.... It would've been cool to see the rest of us in there too, but... yeah, probably best that you didn't.
      Thanks! I was so excited to finally pull this off. DV members ought to make great DCs because in a lot of cases you know a lot about each other's dream lives and there should already be a mental schema which says, "This DC gets what lucid dreaming is and will be eager to participate." Friends and loved ones that don't LD have DCs that are pretty hit and miss in terms of how cooperative they are (at least for me.)

      And is there really any better place to be a dork than in your dreams?
    15. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      This is great. XD What a wonderful setup lol. And congrats on shrinking! That's pretty neat, I've never thought to try something like that before. The sand sounds like it was really cool to see. That definitely sounds like an increase in control to me!
    16. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Good old menthol! X) I don't blame you for getting distracted, those fantasies sound like they're right up my alley.

      Congrats on seeing a DV member in a lucid! I'm still not sure if that's ever happened to me, at least not one that I really remember.... It would've been cool to see the rest of us in there too, but... yeah, probably best that you didn't.

      And is there really any better place to be a dork than in your dreams?
    17. Xanous's Avatar
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      I think you are close to the truth there. We tent to over think things when it comes to dream control.
    18. paigeyemps's Avatar
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      Dream cameo ftw!
    19. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, thanks, man... I do hope that this is a sign of some improvement in control. I've been trying to gradually internalize the whole "There is no spoon" essence of dream control and even though it's very slow going, successes like this are encouraging.

      I was sort of dull-witted in this one and I wonder if that's not actually a good thing in some cases for dream control. I think that in some ways it left me unable to outsmart myself when I would try things. That might be why it was easier to "do" rather than "think" in this case.
    20. Xanous's Avatar
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      Nice dream. This one cracks me up too. The fact that she was a safety pin is just bizarre and awesome. I think if she had a choice she would chose something like that to pop in a dream.

      Nice job on shrinking. I've never tried that. I think your control is really improving!
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