• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. zebrah's Avatar
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      Thanks Ben!

      I have a few questions regarding stabilization. Often looking at my hands/rubbing my hands/spinning, the 3 most common stabilization techniques, simply causes my dreams to disintegrate. I usually engage my senses by touching/tasting the walls. If I'm really lucid, I may convince myself that I am anchored. I'm wondering if there are any other reliable methods

      Also, as I have hinted at, my LDs vary in clarity - not visual clarity but mental clarity. I know I'm dreaming, but I'm not always extremely clear in the mind or have my conscious mind in 100% control (which is why my subconscious takes over and propels me to have sex, or otherwise disables me to think about other dream goals ). Is there a way to improve mental clarity?
      As far as stabilization goes, if you believe the dream will disintegrate it will. You need to have mental control over your actions in dreams. And decide what outcome you want.

      You could try engaging a different sense like smell. That could help.

      As far as mental clarity, I know exactly what you mean. Back when I first started I had tons and tons of sex dreams and couldn't stop from having them as soon as I became lucid.

      Try thinking about your dream goals while awake. That way you will think of them when you become lucid.
    2. Matte87's Avatar
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      The thing about stabilization is you can't think like: "Making my DREAM more stable, so I don't wake up." That will just wake you up haha. Also when you're having dream sex, try to focus on other things around you to prevent the scenery from changing. Touch the chair you're in, look around you, etc.

      Better luck next time! Lucid sex is always exciting hoho.
    3. NoctemConArtist's Avatar
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      Thanks Ben!

      I have a few questions regarding stabilization. Often looking at my hands/rubbing my hands/spinning, the 3 most common stabilization techniques, simply causes my dreams to disintegrate. I usually engage my senses by touching/tasting the walls. If I'm really lucid, I may convince myself that I am anchored. I'm wondering if there are any other reliable methods

      Also, as I have hinted at, my LDs vary in clarity - not visual clarity but mental clarity. I know I'm dreaming, but I'm not always extremely clear in the mind or have my conscious mind in 100% control (which is why my subconscious takes over and propels me to have sex, or otherwise disables me to think about other dream goals ). Is there a way to improve mental clarity?
      Updated 06-18-2011 at 06:38 PM by NoctemConArtist
    4. zebrah's Avatar
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      Wow you have a lot of sex dreams. If you want them to last longer try stabilizing before you start and during intercourse. Try to stay calm and you should be able to ride it out. (bad pun)
    5. MrPWNGE's Avatar
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      Oh, OK. When I pictured it I pictured him like some sorta zombie or something lol
    6. NoctemConArtist's Avatar
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      Hey, I have a question: When the guy said "Nnnno" and cracked is neck or something, were you scared? Or did you just go with it and not be scared because it would be a Nightmare? I'm just interested in Lucid Dreaming.
      Nah. He didn't crack his neck, he just turned his head the other way and refused to tell me his name in a rather lighthearted and playful manner. It wasn't a scary dream at all, rather funny actually, but the darkness instantly wrapping me up at the end was quite surprising.
    7. MrPWNGE's Avatar
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      Hey, I have a question: When the guy said "Nnnno" and cracked is neck or something, were you scared? Or did you just go with it and not be scared because it would be a Nightmare? I'm just interested in Lucid Dreaming.
    8. Matte87's Avatar
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      Awesome dream! Great control with the telekinesis, keep it up!