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    Scionox's Journal of Dreams

    1. 19th June 2013 RTS, Cartoonish video game, Robot bees, AI War

      by , 06-20-2013 at 12:22 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was in some metallic place.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was playing some kind of RTS where i had turrets that were launching projectiles which looked like airplanes, which then were dropping onto enemy building. Then i was going around forest park and then train rails. There was some kind of arsenal station where it went RTS mode again and i had to control group of units and defend buildings.

      Dream 3:

      I was in some cartoonish 3D game, i was in group with a few other characters and we were defending some forest-like place from some scientist that was turning spirits into robots. Most of the robots were some kind of bees. We were progressing through level and then i got ability to control different characters, one of which looked like Sonic.
      When level was done we had to do it in reverse, and in addition, some kind of metallic base/fortress was on the way, presumably controlled by that scientist, also it was snowing in some areas. We had some problems going through and robo-bees were more aggressive this time, but eventually we have found the way. I switched to control to some big but quick mecha but was ambushed by very quick crushing ceiling. I respawned and used some speed glitch related to jumping to gain enough speed for going through, which ended up with success. We went through passageway and were attacked by even more robo-bees, eventually all were destroyed and we got to the start, somebody said that the quest was completed now.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was playing AI War with Lordvalkar and there was something about Spire Blade Spawners, Slicers and teleportation.