25th Nov 2013 Various dreams and MiniLD FA
, 11-25-2013 at 02:51 PM (897 Views)
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.
Dream 1(fragments):
There was some story, main character was talking to some weird characters, including deformed portrait, and then went on some quest. He was carrying a glowing weapon and started exploring some pyramid shaped crypts and a small dragon was following him around.
Dream 2:
I was watching someone streaming space rangers 2 and there were some weird quests for getting items. Player had to combine some items from various planets, gotten via trade, to get quest items. One of compinations was bathroom + water, and it made soap(so random). Also there was some draconic race in game that player talked with a couple of times.
Then i wake up and try to DEILD, but with no result, but then as i get off the bed i feel that i am dreaming but it fades out quickly.(I am actually not sure if i actually woke up or if it was FA from the start)
Dream 3(fragment):
Was watching some videos.