False Awakening
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragment): Something about piloting some craft. Dream 2(fragment): Something about dragons. Dream 3(fragment): Some shmup boss fight. Dream 4: I try to do DEILD but it fails but then i try for WILD and soon transition occurs and FA fades into my view. I get up but it"s very unstable, it's hard to stand and navigate, i try to stabilize but that doesn"t works, then i switch to quadruped stance and go towards balcony door. I try to break through but whole unstability makes me just bounce away. I notice weird mechanism on the wall and there are a few clocks on it, i pick two and one of them is at 4h and another is at 8h, dream fades. Dream 5(fragments): i was browsing dreamviews and there were weird spammy posts around.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): There was some story, main character was talking to some weird characters, including deformed portrait, and then went on some quest. He was carrying a glowing weapon and started exploring some pyramid shaped crypts and a small dragon was following him around. Dream 2: I was watching someone streaming space rangers 2 and there were some weird quests for getting items. Player had to combine some items from various planets, gotten via trade, to get quest items. One of compinations was bathroom + water, and it made soap(so random). Also there was some draconic race in game that player talked with a couple of times. Then i wake up and try to DEILD, but with no result, but then as i get off the bed i feel that i am dreaming but it fades out quickly.(I am actually not sure if i actually woke up or if it was FA from the start) Dream 3(fragment): Was watching some videos.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): There was some talk about games and level-making and something about timing. Then dream faded and i was in some HH/FA hybrid state where i could see a room with closed eyes, felt more like HH, i also saw my snout. I tried to DEILD/make it actual dream, but with no success. Dream 2(fragments): I am playing some game. then i wake up and get up room is different and i feel the dream, but then it fades. Dream 3(fragments): I woke up and decided to try DEILD but multiple people were distracting me with blankets and videos, eventually i woke up properly. Dream 4(fragments): I was with a group of people and there was some talk about 'Trance kid' that we had to find. Then i suddenly got teleported. I am standing on what appears to be invisible platform floating in the air, the platform is above a highway and there are alot of cars and trucks, one grey truck near me. I realize that i am dreaming and apparently all cars and trucks drive but also they are kinda static relative to platform. I explore the place walking on this invisible platform/floor and then suddenly i am in some version of my room. I go ahead and phase through balcony door, which also had slightly broken glass on the right side. Then i fly with wings to metallic roof of one of small buildings and land into quadruped stance, dream shortly fades.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1: I was trying to nap and someone started distracting me, then i went back to nap and had to choose one of 7 dragon pics? Dream 2: I wake up and suddenly get attacked by 'Attacker DC', i resist and then knock him far back with roar.Then i wake up again, vision is kinda weird so i am still dreaming, room is also veeery small, i go towards balcony and easily smash the door open and then take off using my wings. Shortly sudden wave of wind or some kind of power throws me towards the ground, and i kind of lag/glitch in air, bizarre. I get stuck like that for like 10-15 seconds and then finally manage to get out of 'glitch', i fly a bit higher and notice random group of windows in the air, when i get closer my room 'fades in' on my position and shortly dream ends.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): I am doing some stuff at home and then go through corridor into my room. Upon entering i feel that i am dreaming, but it fades. Some person 'wakes me up' and i still feel the dream, i notice that bed is huge, taking like half of the room. I get up and look around, i briefly notice some anime person but he disappears very quickly. Then i look into mirror and i look completely different and apparently blonde. I try phase/teleport through wall but i get stuck midway and world starts glitching out like when using noclip in video game, shortly dream fades. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing dodonpachi daifukkatsu and it was way too easy. Dream 3(fragments): There was something about flying island on which there were dragons of light-blue scale color. Dream 4(fragments): Some story about cartoonish gods of greek mythology searching for a traitor through some places, including temple with marble pillars. Dream 5(fragments): I was at home, listening to some music. Then someone distracted me with talk and after i looked at monitor and there were danmaku patterns firing out of it.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Was doing WILD but got only as far as brief vivid HH/start of dream where i was in the chair in my room and there was a weird person to the right. Dream 1(fragments): I was playing some tactic multiplayer game where we were fighting enemies while grouping in squads. Dream 2: I slowly wake up and looking that i am in different room, realize that i am dreaming. Dad is in the chair near window, looking out of it, he disappears as i briefly look around. Then i think to phase through window again but then remember that i wanted to practice teleport more. I look around for clear wall surface suitable for phasethrough/teleport but dream shortly just ends.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): There was a story about three dragons-warriors which used massive weapons to fight whole enemy armies. Then they were back to base and were talking with each other and other dragons. Then they were called to meet the leader, which was even bigger and with even more massive weapon, he said that he will give them more power and told them to do something specific, but then discussion started and one of warriors borrowed leader's weapon temporarily, he said that he was ok with it. Then everyone started roaring collectively and dream ended into brief FA. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing star trek online and there was something weird about leveling. Dream 3(fragments): There was something about portals and different dimension in which giants lived. There was huge circus and bus going out, and in the bus in random mug little horse and a girl were hiding.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragment): There was some electroguitar-like music. Dream 2(fragment): Was talking to someone. Dream 3(fragment): Was playing some game. Dream 4: I wake up, keep eyes closed and try to DEILD, after a while comes tactile HH where i feel some kind of serpentine creature, then followed by rough entry into dream with loud sounds and sensations. It transitions into FA and i get up from bed, i notice that room has different layout which seems to be a mix of few old ones, also my PC looks slightly different. Also the weird part is that there"s still noise, then it transitions into two or three voices talking with each other, but i can"t understand what they talk about. Also gravity seems to be low. After looking around for a bit i try changing form, but with no result. After a few tries though dark scales appear on my hands. The whole time voices continue talking. I then notice a few white particles phasing through walls in a few places, i decide to go to balcony, which is open, but dream fades halfway. I am back in the bed again with closed eyes, there are noises again which then combine into some kind of scream, so i realize that i am still dreaming, i open eyes but i wake up instead, whoops.
Dream 1(fragments): I was on some minecraft server and we had problem setting up some stuff, i was using command line while trying to fix it and suddenly game turned into gmod, then as i continued fixing it turned into dreamviews chat somehow and commands started working totally wrong, op command was deopping and other way around, plus every time command was entered it spammed chat with weird messages. Dream 2: I was playing minecraft with 3 people(That were my friends in dream but i didn't knew them), we were in some brown land place with bushes around and some kind of ruins. Nearby were a few wooden buildings, one was like an inn of some kind, night was approaching as well so we went here. Then at night some ghosty things started attacking us, so we fought them and noticed a gate at ruins that looked like creeper's face. We went out to investigate and land started filling with some kind of dead bush leaf blocks, the gate was active and there was lava under it. Then i wake up, in different room, and i decide to expect someone to appear near bed.Surely some kid appears and i realize that i am dreaming(So opportunity for october TOTM comes only in november, lol), i ask him who is he and such, but he ignores me. I get up and ask again, he only responds with 'I need a doctor' and then shortly disappears as i look around. I shrug and continue with my goals, i switch to quadruped stance and go for window, but dream fades out shortly. I wake up again and get distracted because i notice that i slept too much and then family distracts further as i talk about schedule being broken again.
Dream recall from today"s WBTB/nap. i was at home, watching some video, someone was distracting me and i told him that there's 15 min left on video, then after a while i woke up, twice.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): I am looking around net for some dragon pics and then at some point i wake up i notice it"s different room, i do RC and stabilization then go towards window, i try to phase around it since it's blocked by curtain, but curtain still gets in the way and dream destabilizes. Dream 2(fragments): For a part of a dream i was in quadruped stance and felt wings i was searching for something then it turned into video game and i was going around some base, then i joined massive attack on enemy base and we were fighting some mutants that looked like ones from far cry, then i went to ingame editor and was looking around. Dream 3(fragment): I was chatting with someone about dragons.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps, had difficult time falling asleep but still got lucid in the end. Dream 1(fragments): Something about dragons and barriers. Dream 2: I still "can't" fall asleep but then i realize that room is different, in fact it's different room of my home, i go around and stabilize, then i go on all four and find some midget who asks if i need help, i ask him about dragon form but he just goes away, i end up going around rooms and finding a distorted mirror, near which i find him again, i ask again but he still doesn"t responds, i think about going outside but dream fades.
Dream recall from today"s WBTB/nap. Dream 1: I was playing creeper world 3, custom level. Started in top right and there was apparently some sort of enemy base near the bottom left corner of the map which was connected through rotated S-like way to start. There were also creeper emitters all around and bunch of stuff to the right of the base. I've started progressing and apparently had to fight enemy forces like an RTS, as well as creeper, which was apparently controlling those enemy forces. I've managed to clear enemy base using turrets and destroy specific building, which freed the base and gave all it's units to me. I've built two artillery cannons, one on charger, and easily cleared up the remaining part of the map. Dream 2: I was playing SK with some T3 newbie, we have reached some dark purple place with obelisks that was apparently newly added place to arcade which allowed to access danger missions from arcade runs. Also custom models were added and my player model was a black dragon. We decided to do Compound 42 but i forgot to change equips which were weaker versions of fire breath and fire ball that i was leveling up for upgrading. I've left to change equips and we decided to restart mission from mission menu. Then i wake up and feel that i am dreaming. I stabilize and go to balcony door, i try to phase through it but something goes wrong and i get outside of the place's boundaries into the void in some glitchy state. I try to get out but then i wake up again, or rather, get awaken by somebody, i still feel that i am dreaming and i go to try again with balcony door. Halfway towards it i wake up again, bed is in wrong position and i feel that i am dreaming, movement is glitchy but i manage to get up eventually. I look around for portals and then i just decide to teleport by going through the wall. It works and as i go through wall view kinda gets pixelated for a bit with white pixels forming squares. Then i find myself falling through some large dark tube, i glide with my wings to the bottom and there seems to be exit to the side, but i wake up before i can look into it
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): Something was going on at home and then i was watching some fraxy replay, there was some boss that spawned walls of bullets from the bottom of screen while firing pattern fro the top. Dream 2(fragments): I was at home and there was some loud radio and an hot air baloon flying outside, then i noticed part of wall gone AWOL and everything faded. I wake up and hear weird sound, and feel that i am dreaming, i briefly see miniature shadowy terraria-like slime jumping on the table but it shortly disappears. Then i go for balcony but dream fades and i wake up.
Dream recall from today"s WBTB/naps. Dream 1(fragments): I was reading someone's dream apparently on a side that looked vaguely like DA, it was about an island and a blue dragon. Dream 2(fragment): i was talking to friends on skype. Dream 3: I wake up in bed but i am in different room. There's a collection of dragon plushies in front of the bed and some of them are a bit changing so i am dreaming, i try to phase through window but dream destabilizes and i bounce off, then it fades out.