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    Krista's Dream Journal

    1. Bulging Floors Signaling Apocalypse, and Getting Pissed at the Hubs

      by , 05-16-2016 at 01:21 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in the house I grew up in. Everything had a Walking Dead/apocalyptic feel to it. I was watching my old friend Tori's dog, in the dream I believe her name was Jasmine. I had her in the play room. My old cat Pounce was inside of a "baby jail" (those fenced in areas you buy for babies so they don't escape an area IWL). I later moved the dog to the baby jail too.

      I noticed that the floors were starting to bulge, even though we were on the 3rd floor (a nod to my 3rd floor apartment IWL). I knew it meant there was an impending earthquake.

      Later, I saw Tori and I told her that Jasmine and Pounce got along. I then started thinking about needing to pack and condense items to only necessities for the apocalypse. I pictured my family and I in a restaurant sitting and me having to condense some items I had into my daughter's diaper bag.


      I was about to go somewhere with my husband. We were doing something online. I'm not sure where we were. It wasn't anywhere that I know, but what seemed to be a completely different place. I remember seeing houses everywhere, like it was a neighborhood. My husband and I were going to go on a date, and he started to mention something about some other woman being there. I didn't know why that mattered since we are married. I asked him about how pretty she was, expecting him to tell me that she wasn't as pretty as me, but instead, he said she was prettier than me even though I was pretty still. o_o Really?! Of course this pissed me off. I stayed mad at him for the entirety of the dream. I don't think he quite understood why I was so mad.

      There were other parts involving going places and talking to other people, but I can't remember any specifics right now.
    2. Work Dreams and Too Small Cages for Too Many Chinchillas

      by , 10-24-2014 at 01:56 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at work. Everything seemed quite dark. It was very early in the morning. I was working with this guy that came from another department to learn the bakery IWL. I was filling all these drawers that filled up this tall cabinet-looking thing with things we would need for the day. I was trying to go fast because I had a certain amount of time to be finished with it.

      I then had to take a break. I went and laid down in a bed for my break. I think I was talking to the guy who was still working as I was falling asleep.

      I looked at the clock to check the time, and break was about over. I got out of the bed and continued what I was doing. I then had to go do something else, so the other guy had to take over.
      "You know what to do, right?" I asked.
      He nodded a yes in response. I hoped he wasn't insulted by my question. I then "remembered" that he did that all the time, so of course he knew how.

      I woke up and it was weird; I didn't feel like I had fallen asleep at all. It was only an hour or so later than when I went to bed. I was burning up, so I turned the heat down and went back to sleep.


      I was in this area, I believe it was a basement, that had these small cages filled with, what I called, "chinchillas", though they looked more like small white mice. There was also one with white cats in it. The chinchillas and the cats were all different sizes; some were big, others were quite small.

      I saw that a medium-sized chinchilla had escaped. I went to scoop her up to put her back in the cage. She bit my palm pretty hard, and it hurt! I carried her over the the cages regardless. I then noticed how small the cages really were; they were small and narrow, and the chinchillas were shoved in there so crowded up. There were two cage doors that would slide open and closed, one on each side of the cage. The chinchillas in the cage were trying to escape by sliding the doors open. I put the one back that I had gotten back inside the cage. The others kept trying to escape. I didn't blame them, but I didn't want them to die out there either. I thought about using different primary colored wooden building blocks (ones I had when I was young IWL) to build on some more room. I laid down a few blocks for a foundation when I noticed that another had escaped, this time a much smaller one. I couldn't find where she went, but then, I saw that a medium-sized white cat had also escaped. She was stretching, as cats do. I hoped that the cat didn't eat the chinchilla.


      I was getting up for work. I was in my room in the house I grew up in. Ugh so early...

      I was then at work. I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to be helping with. Shannon was there, this other woman, a tall, kind of fat Indian woman, was also there; she was also supposed to be a manager. Christian was there as well, an assistant manager from another store. There were also a couple of regular employees there as well. I knew there was this new thing where I was supposed to move these racks over to this certain area for the managers to transport to another store via driving this weird, short truck. I moved the things that needed to be moved.

      I then realized I really needed to pee. There was a bathroom "stall" that looked like the tall racks, only hollow on the inside with a toilet. You could see right into the stall. Ugh...I really needed to go. I made sure no one was paying attention, and I went into the stall. It was very small and cramped, and I could see outside (it was like looking through open blinds). I then saw Christian was there. I quickly pulled up my pants and exited the stall so he wouldn't see. I talked to him for a bit. He was about to drive one of those weird trucks. I had a nervous feeling while talking to him (he is actually pretty attractive IWL [yes I know I'm married; I have no intentions of getting with him], and I can tell he finds me attractive too). He then got in his short little truck and started to drive away. I waved, and another man in another similar looking truck that looked like it had a green interstate sign for the side of the truck waved back. I waved again as Christian's truck went by.

      Then, Shannon and the Indian woman pulled up slowly in their truck, very close to me, then drove away. The Indian woman looked at me as they went.

      I then wanted to try to pee again. There was this box next to the rack/bathroom stall that looked a little bigger than the rack/stall. I had a feeling you were supposed to push it in there when you wanted to use the bathroom, because then, no one could see you. Someone had already done that, I think it was Nicky. They were in the now covered stall. I still had to pee.
    3. Having to Share a Bed With an Ex (and His Girl), Yard Sale and "Boules", and Old Rooms/Injured Cat

      by , 10-16-2014 at 02:31 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was having to share a bed with Katie S. and one of my exes, Ryan. I was really pissed about it. It was dark in the room and I felt the bed shaking. They were doing it! Are you kidding me?? I was also really pissed because they were together. They had just started dating. For some reason, it made me really mad. Plus, I thought Ryan was married? I thought about that and how his relationship must have ended. I didn't think about the details of what could have happened though.

      I remember coming up to the bed at one point and seeing them in it together. I was really pissed at them.

      There was more to this dream, but I can't recall it all.


      There was this big yard/garage sale going on throughout the neighborhood. Dallas and I hadn't known about it, and even though we have a ton of stuff we need to get rid of (true IWL), we had no time to get it out, as it was already the afternoon. There were still people walking around and shopping however. I remember seeing this guy walking around in this indoor area with lots of empty shelves. I asked someone, my brother I believe, about how long the garage sale had been going on. He was telling me that some people were still holding theirs this late in the day.

      I then was picking out these wads of paper and used coffee filters that were starting to get brown spots on them. They were on a table. They were called boules (pronounced boo-lays). They all had stuff in the middle of them, for example, the used coffee filters had coffee grounds in the middle. I picked them up one by one. I think I was going to sell them.

      Someone, Dallas I think, then either threw or shot one of the boules off by this lady. The lady appeared to disappear! I then looked up for the moon in this small cloud break, even though it was daytime, and the moon was gone too! I then saw it starting to reappear. It was some property of the boules that made that happen. Nothing actually went away, it just appeared invisible. It was being explained to me, but I don't remember the details. I then had some loaded in this small double-sided cannon thing. I wanted to try the disappearing act! I shot the cannon, and two fired out, one from each side. One shot close to a lady. When it exploded, red dust came out of it. I don't think anything disappeared though.

      We were then looking at a garage sale at furniture that was being sold. It was like walking through a furniture store. We saw all these ugly chairs, many were red, but I can't remember the colors of the rest. This part had something to do with Dallas's mom; I think the chairs had been hers. We then moved on to some couches and chair sets. There was one that was green, and every piece of furniture looked as if it had trees and plants broken out of the soil and growing in the middle of them. A cool art piece, but not practical. In fact, it was kind of ugly. We moved on past that set and onto another green set, though this set looked cheaper and not as artsy; there were no trees in this one. A young black man then stopped us and started trying to give away the furniture for free. I thought he was talking about the tree furniture, and I was afraid Dallas might take it when I DID NOT want it in our home, but he was also talking about the other green, cheap-looking furniture. I examined the green coffee table and saw that it converted into a small pool table. I told Dallas we could use that for a game room. He then asked me what the point of a game room was.


      I was in the playroom of the house I grew up in. I was play fighting a friend. We were using fake lightsabers. It was a game that we had played with each other before. It had something to do with these rings we were wearing; we had to get the ring off the other person. We could also put on an extra ring, but hadn't done so before this game. I went over to this box and started looking through it for a ring that fit. All the rings looked like silver colored bolts. I tried many on, and they were too big. I couldn't find one that fit. Then, something happened that was part of the game that had something to do with me rolling up this, big, round, flat chicken patty thing in wax paper. I did it, which meant I won, but it didn't seem fair for some reason, maybe because my opponent wasn't ready yet or something. Either way, I didn't feel like it was fair.

      I then was walking through what appeared to be a mixture of all my childhood homes. It was as big as this wooden house we lived in when I was 4-5 and had rooms similar the first house I remember living in. I was showing this guy around. He seemed to be a bit mentally challenged. I was approaching the room I had when I was very little. It was located on the same side of the house as the one in the first house I remember living in. Before I walked in, I realized I hadn't been in there since I was a little girl. I walked in and stopped dead. I just stared at everything, taking it all in. I felt so strange being in that room. My bed was in the right corner of the room. It seemed much bigger than the bed I used to have. It had a bedspread on it that was split into two different patterns right down the middle. The left side was hot pink and white, and the right was black with maybe some other colors in it, but I only remember black. I looked at all the furniture and stuff; most of the actual objects, like toys and stuff, had been moved out when we moved.

      I then moved on to another room, by brother's old room. I announced that it was my brother's old room to the guy I was showing around. I then moved on to the room I had grown up in. It seemed much more comfortable and familiar than my first room, I suppose since I had spent more time in this one. It didn't look anything like any of my old rooms that I can remember. The same thing applied to the objects and stuff though; they had all been moved.

      I then went back into my old room and the guy was there printing off labels. It was then like the room was the bakery/store where I work. He had printed a ton of labels. I hoped we needed them all and wouldn't have to go into the system and alter the inventory.

      I then went and saw my cat. She was very hurt, but was running around like nothing was wrong. It looked as if she had been cut so deeply with something on her leg/side, that you could see her muscle, which looked like intestines. There was also a spot on her back where she was bleeding. She was very hurt! I figured maybe she got hurt when we were playing with the fake lightsabers. I thought about taking her to the vet, but it was Saturday. I then knew I needed to take her to the animal hospital instead. For some reason, I needed to go to the Dr. as well? Not sure about that part, it is vague in my memory.

      I then let my mom know that I was going to take Belle (my cat) to the animal hospital. I don't remember if I talked to her on the phone or if I actually told her in person. We were then at the entrance to the animal hospital, we meaning my mom, my brother and I. I went to get Belle out, but her cage wasn't anywhere to be found. Shit, had I forgotten her? We opened the trunk and she wasn't in there either. I then thought about my mom being able to handle my cat (she is the only one who can besides me without getting growled at, hissed at, and bitten/scratched IWL), so she went back to get her. I stayed and walked into the animal hospital. Instead of an animal hospital, though, it was...a food court. What. The. Fuck. They turned the animal hospital into a damn food court! I then "remembered" the last time I was there, they had been remodeling the place. I "remembered" that they were going to make it into a food court. I walked out. I was so fucking angry! I tried to yell about it being a food court, but all that came out were whispers, no matter how much force I put behind my voice. I eventually got a yell or two out. I then started to punch the wall, but again, no matter how much force I put behind it, it was like I was only lightly tapping the wall. Over and over this happened. It was frustrating. I said to my mom, out loud,
      "They turned an animal hospital into a FOOD COURT?! Why would they do that????"


      I find the part where I entered my oldest room to be very intriguing because of the feeling that I had. I can't really explain it, it was a nostalgic/shock/feeling of awe. I'd definitely say there's something to that...

      Updated 10-16-2014 at 05:03 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Anxious to Go Home and Smoke/Spiderbirds/Winning Money

      by , 10-11-2014 at 10:16 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was going to take my brother's friend, Tyler, home; he needed a ride. I really wanted it to go quickly so I could go home to the house I grew up in and smoke the little bit of weed I had left. I thought about my sobriety, but had previously already blown it, so what did it matter? I was planning on when to smoke it.

      I then was on my way home. Someone was with me, but it wasn't Tyler. Crap. I then realized I had forgotten all about him.

      I then was walking on the street and saw all these spider birds; they literally looked like different crosses between spiders and birds. They weren't all in the same area, but scattered about. I remember a black one with a spider's body and a bird's head. There were others, but I can't remember the details.

      I then saw Tyler's dad. He was doing something with a dog and a cat, which were apparently his/his family's. I went to pet the dog, and it bit my arm. He scolded the dog for doing so. I wanted to pet the cat too, which was a cream-colored, short haired cat with greyish tips on its ears and tail, but I don't remember if I did or not.

      There was something about a video game in here as well, some sort of quest/adventure game for the PC. You'd visit different places on the map. There was one that just got unlocked where you went and got $7000. I got it, and it was like I actually had $7000 in real life. I was thinking about how to tell Dallas and what we could do with the money.
    5. Kidney Health Video Game, Super Fun Hotel Party, and Overflowing Garbage

      by , 09-18-2014 at 02:19 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was playing a game that looked like it was on a handheld system. It had 8 or 16 bit graphics, I can't remember which, but they reminded me of Gameboy graphics. It was a League of Legends-type game. You'd walk around and kill other players, but your health bar at the top was also tracking the health of your kidneys. It would randomly go up or down and show a percentage off the the side as well, showing how healthy your kidneys were. If you got hit while your kidneys were at low health, you would die. My character had low kidney health the first game, and the health bar kept dropping. There was someone playing with me, walking next to me. I think their kidneys were in better health than mine. I think my character lost their life because of the low kidney health, though I can't recall for sure. I played more than once. I remember encountering enemies and seeing their attacks affect my health and retreating, though even after my retreat, my health still went down. I remember having just a tiny bit left at one point.


      I was in a bar with some friends. We had stopped there on the way to a hotel. I was going to have a party at the hotel. At the bar, I thought I saw my mom, but she looked a little different and was a bit taller. I made note to tell my mom I saw her "twin". When I saw her from the side, she looked substantially different.

      More people started to show up to the bar, David from my old job, Sara from high school, and Sarah from my old job being the ones I remember. Sarah had bought some weed on the way there. I looked in my purse, unzipped the inside pocket, and saw it in there. This was gonna be an awesome party!

      We were then in the hotel room, which had two beds, partying it up. There were lots of people there. Sara was making everyone laugh as she so often did in high school. Sarah was in a blue strapless dress like the one she recently wore at a wedding IWL. I don't know where David was anymore. Anyway, we were playing video games as well. It was a lot of fun. I also smoked weed at some point. I also saw an above-view of the party at one point, almost as if I was viewing the scene from a security camera. I saw some girls that are good friends with Sarah, A and K. I saw that K was walking with silver, metal prosthetic legs. At first I wasn't sure if that's what I was seeing or not, and kept watching her. Sure enough. they were metal legs. I wondered what had happened, but I knew it hadn't happened long ago, and was amazed at how quickly she had recovered and learned to walk with prosthesis. I then saw her walking into the bathroom, one of her legs being kind of wobbly. I had a feeling it would fall off. I then saw her walking out of the bathroom holding the leg. I saw the stump where her real leg had been.

      Then, at some point, my mom showed up. I don't know why, but she did. I didn't want to hear her lecture me as she is so good at doing. I think she did, though I'm not sure what it was about. I don't remember much about this part.

      Then, it was the next day. There were few people around now, as most had gone home. I was wondering whether I still had the weed in my purse. I checked, and there it was. I thought about how Sarah had probably only bought a little for the party, but would buy a lot for herself. I then was wondering if I still had a piece the smoke out of or not. I knew Sarah had taken the piece we were using the night before. I didn't think I had anything but one that was old and broken. I thought about rolling it up in small pieces of printer paper and smoking it. I then thought about how I had already smoked the night before, and how I had just kissed almost two years of sobriety goodbye. I didn't feel an overwhelming urge to smoke though, which was good I suppose. I guess I felt like I could take it or leave it, but I still wanted to take it. I dunno, hard to explain.


      I was in a kitchen, throwing things away in the overflowing trashcan. There were plates and bowls in there that looked like Dallas and I's waking life plates and bowls. They were at the top. They were stacked there because there was no room to put them in the sink either.

      I then saw that my cat had fleas, and was itching like crazy. She had a balding spot on her back from all the scratching. I knew it was time to get her a flea treatment. I needed help giving it to her though, so I went to go ask Cherie' to help me. I walked up to Cherie' and told her I was going to get Ziggy some flea meds (Ziggy was a cat I had years ago IWL; my current cat's name is Belle). We were in a weird place that looked like it was outside also, by the intersection that was close to our IWL apartment. I then told her something about her insurance, and I was getting these letters from it saying they needed something from her, money probably. She asked me why I hadn't told her about that before. I don't remember my response. The insurance stuff had something to do with the overflowing trashcan in the kitchen, though I can't remember what.
    6. Time Travel and the Injured Cat

      by , 09-12-2014 at 11:15 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I woke up in a bed, though looking back, it was unfamiliar. It was supposed to be at the house I grew up in. I got up to get a shower. I looked at a clock, and one said it was 9:__am (can't remember the minutes). I then looked at another clock and it said 10:___am. I was confused. I then knew what happened: The clocks had sprang forward, which I had thought that the clocks had just changed a couple of months before, and I had gone back in time. I wasn't sure what made me realize I had gone back in time, but I just knew I had; something was off.

      Something about my younger brother needing a shower first for some reason. My mom and him were both there. He was much younger, probably 11 or so.

      I then saw an orange tabby cat somewhere. He had actually appeared before in the dream, but I can't recall when. He had a hurt front leg. I wanted to help him, but I didn't want to injure him further. I went somewhere else and saw my dad. My dad said something about the cat. I told my dad that I didn't know what to do since you aren't supposed to move an injured animal. He agreed with me that that was correct.


      Only got a few hours of sleep last night. Super early morning this morning for work. Really looking forward to sleeping in this weekend! I need it!
    7. Taking a Thief's Kittens, Walking in the Rain, and the Dance Club/Uncomfortable Sleepover

      by , 09-09-2014 at 02:52 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was doing laundry at the house I grew up in, but the washing machine was in the middle of a room. I just needed to wash a pair of blue jeans and two other things. The two other things were white. I wanted to use bleach for some reason. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. A middle-aged lady then came up to me and showed me what to do. The wash cycle started. I hoped that my pants wouldn't get bleached out. I pictured them being completely bleached out.

      Then I was somewhere else, like an airport or a shopping mall, not sure which. I was sitting down somewhere at a high-top table, and this kid, a boy of about 9 or 10, came up to me and tried to plug something into my iPod. I took it away before he could. Wow, what a rude kid! Soon after, I discovered he was doing this to everyone. He was also telling some people he needed to charge his phone or iPod or something and that's why he needed to do it. In reality, he was trying to steal music and files off of people's devices. His mom was the middle-aged woman, and she had told him to do it. It was some kind of scheme.

      Then, I was at home with Dallas, though the apartment looked way different. I saw that there were some kittens there. What?? How did those get there? They were tiny and adorable, as kittens tend to be. I bent down to pet them, asking Dallas where they came from. I don't remember his response. They all looked different. I named off all the different types there were. The only one I remember is the last one, though, which was a Russian Blue-looking cat.

      The kittens also had cages. I saw them stacked in the bathroom. I think there were some in some of the cages as well. I then saw my cat, Belle, who hates everyone and everything (except me ). The mother cat, a fluffy, grayish cat, came up to Belle. I thought for sure they would fight, but Belle seemed to like her.

      I then saw Dallas trying to give the kittens to the lady from before. He had some kittens in his hand that he was trying to pass over to her. Apparently, the kittens were hers and they had gotten away from her. I came up to them and held back Dallas's hand from giving her the kittens.
      "No, you can't have them," I said, "I know what you were doing, you were trying to steal."
      She seemed taken aback, but I did not let her have those kittens. Who knows what she was trying to scheme with them, poor little babies.

      I then had all the kittens in the bathroom together. They were laying down in two lines. I counted them in twos. I came up with 12, but realized I missed two and got 14. 14 kittens! I was very surprised, since they were all from the same litter. That is a lot of kittens to be born to one cat at one time! I also had no idea how we were going to take care of these kittens. We were going to give them away anyway, but until then, I had no clue. I remember, at some point, making sure they had food and water. I saw the kibbles in a food dish, and the water in a white water bowl like the one I use IWL for my cat. I was using the food I give to Belle, my grown cat, because it's what we had. I said something to Dallas about how we needed to get kitten food.

      Then, something about work, but it was at Kohl's. Then something about this video game-type thing where you were in some virtual reality world where your face was projected onto this weird robotic-looking, floating body. It was something that I had to do. I was there with many others, and we were at a long conference table for some meeting. My brother was there too, and so was the lady. I hoped the lady didn't see me. I floated to the other side of the table.

      Then, I was talking to my friend Caitlin. She was telling me how her review went with our high school band director. She had gotten a 19 cent raise. We were in school still apparently, but were getting paid to be. It's hard to explain; it was weird. I pictured her in the office with him as he read off her review that determined how much of a raise she got. There was one thing that she said she got a lower score on. It was something about attending LSU, which she had no interest in doing so had made no effort to. She still got a "+5" out of a possible 15, so it didn't affect her too bad. I saw the +5 written in a blank spot to the left of the LSU question. I also saw her raise at the bottom of the page; she was now making $9 and some change. I was seeing it from the band director's POV.


      I was walking home. I was walking downtown when it started to rain. It was slow at first. I could feel the drops very vividly. It then started to get steadier and a bit heavier. I was crossing the street.

      Then, all the sudden I was home, though it didn't resemble our apartment at all. Dallas was laying on the couch. I noticed that we didn't have as many kittens. I said
      "Dallas, did you give those kittens back to Blake and Sarah (my brother and his fiance')?" He didn't answer, so I knew he did. I was also referring to a different set of kittens; we still had the ones from the lady. I continued.
      "Why???" I asked. Again, no answer. He was getting up from the couch.


      I was at a gay dance club. I went in and bought a ticket at a ticket booth to go to the dance floor. It was still quite early, so no one was dancing yet. I went through the doorway beside the ticket booth anyway. This is what I always did when I went; I always got there early and was always the first to be on the dance floor. The lights were still on on the big dance floor. There was a stage in the front as well where the DJ was. I don't remember if there was music or not.

      I then was going to leave for the night, just as it was starting to get busy. I walked out to where the booth was. I was now standing beside the booth, and felt the need to fart. I meant to keep it quiet, but it was super loud and gross. No one laughed, but a lady in the ticket booth asked if I was alright.
      "I hope so," I replied.
      I then went into the bathroom and into a stall. I don't think there was a door on the stall.

      I then was at home in the bonus room, but it was at the house I grew up in. It was quite late at night, probably about 4am. Dallas was there and was still awake. He was on the computer. I saw a kitten run by that looked just like my cat, Belle. I pet her as she ran by. I thought about how she had Belle's personality. I then saw another cat that was slightly bigger, but also looked just like Belle. At first I thought it was her, but I saw her next to the cat that had just run by me and saw that they were relatively the same size, but, like I said, the other one was just a tad bigger. I pet that one too. That one also reminded me of Belle.

      My phone then rang. I saw on the caller ID that it was Brittany, a butch lesbian that I hung out with at the club a lot (I don't know this person IWL). I was hesitant to answer, but picked up and started to talk to her. We talked for a bit, and then I had her talk to Dallas while I got ready for bed. I did some other things as well. I had hoped that maybe she would have hung up by now, but she hadn't, and Dallas gave the phone back to me. We talked a little bit more. I tried to steer the conversation to an end, but she kept talking. I really needed to get some sleep...

      I then was in my room at the house I grew up in. I was standing by a chest of drawers with a TV on top of it. My bed was across from it, against the wall that it was against when I was in elementary/middle school. It was morning now, about 7am, and I still hadn't gone to bed. Laying in my bed who also hadn't slept yet was Brittany. I felt a little uncomfortable about sleeping next to her, especially since I was married, but I didn't think she'd try anything. I was talking to her about how tired I was going to be at work. She then said
      "What?" I said.
      "I left my thumb drive." She had left it at the club.
      I don't remember my response. I doubted that it was still there unless someone had turned it in, but I think she doubted that as well.

      I still hadn't gotten into bed. I was stalling. I thought about me sleeping next to her. I'm sure it would be fine, but I was still uncomfortable.

      Updated 09-09-2014 at 03:40 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Work/Fight with Cherie'/Baby Picture Frag

      by , 08-29-2014 at 01:10 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I remember nothing about my first dream, though I do know I had one.


      I was working at the bakery, doing something with...well...baking. I "remembered" working as a decorator in training, and wondered why I was now on the baker's side. The sides were swapped from where they really are IWL. I also "remembered" seeing a girl I work with sometimes named Courtney C. taking orders on the phone; that was her sole job for the day, to stand by the phone and wait for calls.

      I was then mad at Cherie' and someone else about some way they were treating cats, or some thing they watched about cats...I can't remember exactly what, but it had to do with cats. I was off by myself somewhere when David came up to me and was trying to get Cherie' and I to make up. He was working at the bakery. I believe we did make up, though reluctantly on my part.

      Then, I was racing in this truck in a video game. I think it was supposed to be some Pokemon game. At any rate, I won and got a really good time. My father-in-law gave me a picture that was edited to look like I was a baby wrapped up in a blanket and he was holding me. My face was the same as it is now, though. He said something about it; he was proud of me, but I can't remember his exact words.

      I then wanted to talk to Dallas, but I knew he had married Brandi, a lady I had worked with at Kohl's a while back, but they had divorced. Brandi was still in love with him. I saw them talking in a store. I wondered if he had remarried her, or if they were still divorced. I talked to Brandi at some point. I found out from someone, Brandi I think, that they were divorced again. I was relieved because I wanted to be with him.

      At some point, I looked at the picture that my father-in-law gave me again, and it was reversed; he was the baby and I was holding him.

      There was more to this one, but for some reason, I'm having trouble recalling much this morning.

      Updated 08-29-2014 at 02:07 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Dark Bedroom Fragment, Buying a Car, and Poisonous Cat-Spiders

      by , 08-26-2014 at 02:43 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      The only thing I remember about this one is that I was in a dark bedroom at night, and I wanted to leave to go to a different apartment. Something about Cherie' and Jeremiah being there as well, or they were on their way. I thought about Cherie', Dallas, Jeremiah and I all sharing the same bed. Something about me trying to get Dallas to leave with me. He was in the living room.


      I was going to a dealership to purchase a car. I thought about how my husband had just done the same. I got out of my car and went inside. The showroom had a few cars on display in it. I saw the one that I was going to purchase. It was the exact car that Dallas got, but instead of a dark metallic grey/silver, it was slightly darker in hue. There were many salesmen in there. Mine finally found me. He was an older man with greying hair and a grey beard. He greeted me and we went into his office. I sat down at his desk across from him. He had the results of my credit check. He said they were bad. He handed me the paper, and on the right side there were some numbers, the last one being the amount I had to pay each month. I only had to make payments of $37 and some odd cents every month. Wow! My credit must not be that bad. I told the dealer that my husband had to make payments over $300 every month. My credit must not be that bad for such a seemingly low APR. I thought that maybe it was because Dallas had an accident that was his fault, and it upped his APR.

      I then realized I needed to transfer all my things into the new car and someone would have to drive the old one home. I got out my cellphone to call Dallas, but I then realized that I didn't have anyone's number anymore. I guess I got a new phone with the car. I went to my new car in the parking lot. It was dusk. I sat down in the driver's seat. I saw how the dash looked exactly the same as Dallas's car. I knew it would drive the same as well. I thought about this, thinking maybe I should have gotten something different to mix it up a bit.

      I was then at the house I grew up in, sitting on the couch in the living room. Courtney S. was sitting next to me. She had what looked like this HUGE spider. I freaked out; I hate spiders, but she told me it was some kind of cat spider? I then looked at it again, and it looked like a Siamese cat/tarantula hybrid. I started to pet it somewhat cautiously, but she seemed to like it. I asked Courtney S. if it was poisonous, and she said yes. I was careful to pet it the right way so it would be happy and not bite my hand. It went to the other side of the couch, hidden from view, and then came back and just looked like a white piece of paper with fold lines on it. It then moved, and was the spider cat again.

      There was also another spider cat, though I can't remember the breed. I was petting it also, now on the floor of the living room. At some point after that, Courtney S.'s cat spider bit me on two of my fingers. I told Courtney S., and asked if there was anything I needed to do. She said no, my fingers would just get kind of swollen. I imagined this happening.
    10. Inconclusive Pregnancy Test, Performance With Dallas, Fox the Beagle, and Angry Mashed Potatoes

      by , 08-22-2014 at 02:44 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at this restaurant that had just opened. The inside was wood, and it was small. I was with a group of other people. We were going to work there. It was a small business. I wondered how they would do, if they would get any business or if they'd end up having to close, as so many small businesses do.

      I then was with my old roommate, Katie. We were about to take pregnancy tests. I went into a bathroom stall and sat on the toilet to pee on the stick. Before I could pee on it, I noticed that it was already a little wet from something. I hoped that didn't affect the results. I then put the stick underneath me and peed on it. I waited for the little test area to turn blue. After waiting a bit, I looked at the stick. There were two red lines. I thought it meant a positive result, but one of the lines was crooked, which meant an inconclusive result. I started feeling panicked about the inconclusive result, and wanted to take another one right away. I remember telling someone it was inconclusive.

      I went back to the restaurant thing again. I can't recall what happened.

      I then somehow got a hold of another test. I went to pee on that one, making sure nothing got on the stick before then as to not screw up the results. I peed, and the lines were blue, meaning not pregnant. At least now I knew for sure. I was kind of disappointed though.


      I was watching either a video or I was in third person watching Dallas and I play music together on a stage. I was seeing us from a top view. We had 3 or 4 songs that we did. I sang and he played the electric violin (like he does IWL). My voice sounded airy, but clear and pretty. I had the lyrics to at least one of the songs in my head after I woke up in the middle of the night, but I can't remember them now at all.

      I asked Dallas if there was such a thing as an electric cello. I wanted to learn to play it. I then saw his violin, and even though it was a violin, it was big and upright like a cello. I wondered if the electric violin was this big, how big is the electric cello? I figured the electric violin was so big so it would have a bigger range.


      The beginning of this dream is kind of jumbled. It had something to do with computer viruses.

      Then, I was walking in one of my old houses, though it didn't look anything like any of my IWL old houses. I was walking up some stairs into my old room, which had all of my old toys and furniture still in it. I entered the room and saw an orange fluffy cat with slightly elongated, pointy ears. She was running around the perimeter of the room. I immediately knew I wanted to keep her. I decided that, since she looked like a fox, I'd name her Fox. I thought about calling her Foxy, but I had already known an animal named Foxy (IWL, an old man who lived in our neighborhood had a corgi named Foxy Roxy). I called out to the cat:
      Then, a beagle walked out of somewhere in the room.
      "My name is Fox," she said in a soft female voice, though I think she said it telepathically.
      I went up to her and knelt down in front of her. I put my arms out in front of me to hug her. She smelled of dog, but it was ok. I wasn't sure if she'd hug me back, but she did. She put her paws on my shoulders. I was delighted. Telepathically again, she said
      "I'm sorry if I smell like dog."
      I don't remember my response, or even if I had one. We hugged for a bit. It was such a perfect hug.

      I decided to keep both her and the cat, but I was way more excited for the dog (IWL I've never owned a dog, and would consider myself to be a cat person more than a dog person). My parents were with me now, and we were outside. I had Fox on a leash, though I kept calling her Foxy. I was telling Fox that I could now have a guard dog to protect me. Either she or my dad said something about opening the windows when I leave her in the car. Of course I would. I imagined her in the car with the windows open. I was so, so excited for this new companion! I felt very close to her.


      I was sitting in a restaurant with my old boss from the coffee shop, Teresa. She was asking me if I'd take over the jewelry counter for Emily, because I knew better what I was doing. I looked over to the right and saw Emily's back. She was setting the jewelry cases. I told Teresa I would do it, but I had only set jewelry once. Emily was now Ashley, and she was close to us. She said something to me that was sarcastic as she walked away.


      I was playing some Mario game that wasn't very fun that you had a time limit on before you had to pay a fee to keep playing. That would happen constantly. I decided to stop playing, and this little girl started to play instead. Sherry, my old boss from Kohl's, was there as well. The girl seemed to be doing things on the game that I didn't figure out, like talking to characters in certain ways. A pop-up menu would come up when she interacted with another character, asking who she wanted to respond like. I remember she chose Tingle (from The Legend of Zelda) for one of the responses. I started to walk away as it played. I read a little bit of the text, but I don't remember what it said.

      Now, the girl was a kitten, a black kitten with pink stripes and purple color blocks. I stared at her for awhile. I knew it was very unnatural, but it just made me think about cats breeding with each other that had unnatural colored fur in their blood lines.

      The kitten was then the girl again, and she got into some food on the kitchen counter. I thought that she probably shouldn't eat that since she was a cat. Then, I heard Sherry's voice say
      "She eats angry mashed potatoes. ____ women shouldn't eat angry mashed potatoes!"
      By angry mashed potatoes, I understood her to mean she pouted or was angry when she ate them. Sherry then started to tell me a story about the girl eating angry mashed potatoes in a restaurant.

      Updated 08-22-2014 at 02:55 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    11. Work "Emergency", Chasing and Talking To My Cat, and Working With My Old Manager Again

      by , 08-21-2014 at 02:07 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at work at the bakery. I was walking by a room where the managers were having a meeting. None of them were in their work clothes. I saw my manager there. Her back was to me and her hair was half pulled up in a short, high ponytail. I thought about how different she looked when she was back here working.

      I then had to approach her about something. We were still inside, but I had to wade through this high grass that was flooded with this milky white water. The discoloration of the water was caused by chemicals that were being used on the grass for some reason. I was worried about the chemicals making me sick. I finally got to the other side. I looked down at my leg, and there was this huge bruise that took up my whole kneecap. It then started to move around on my leg. I wondered if I was seeing things, but no, it was clearly moving. I then saw this weird brown streak coming from a healing scab. Someone, a female employee, pointed it out and asked what it was. I thought it was a sign of infection in my blood, as was the moving bruise. I was afraid that it would move to my heart and kill me. I started to panic. I said
      "I need to go to the hospital. Call 911. Call an ambulance!"
      I then started to overflow with panic, thought about the ambulance fee, and I passed out.

      I was feeling like I was buried beneath consciousness; I felt like I was out quite deep. I started to surface, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was at work, sitting next to my manager, Shannon, on a grey bench attached to a wall. I guess nothing was wrong with me. I looked down at my knee, and it looked better and less bruised. I looked up and asked Shannon
      "What happened? Was I just panicking?"
      She responded
      She then gave me a copy of the hospital bill. It had a description of everything they did and how much it cost. For instance, the used a strong anti-anxiety of some sort to calm me down, and that cost $321. That's the only figure I remember though. It listed the life flight to a different state's hospital, which was in a jet instead of a helicopter, evaluation, and showed that I was good to go home that day because nothing was wrong with me. I felt bad because I didn't want to waste anyone's time, and I felt like I had.

      I then was behind the counter, and I was trying to call my best friend Mk. I got her voicemail. Her voice sounded like she was on the verge of tears. She said the usual, that she wasn't available, and then she started to apologize for something about some chemical company she was apparently working for. Then she went on to say leave a message. I then noticed a customer, a woman, and I quickly hung up the phone and said
      "I'm so sorry! I was trying to call my friend!"
      She gave me a smile and a stare, as if to say she knew and I shouldn't have been doing that.
      "What can I get for you?" I asked with a smile.
      She then started to walk to the other side of the case to point out what she wanted,
      and then I woke up.


      I was leaving the apartment to go to work or something. Dallas was there, and it was daytime. I opened the door to leave when my cat, Belle, ran out. Ugh, I really didn't want to chase her down. I waited, trying to see where she would go. She paused, and then started to go down the stairs. She got to the bottom, and instead of a parking lot, it was a small grassy field. I finally got to her and grabbed her. I remember grabbing her tail and another part of her and pulling her to me. I picked her up to take her back inside.

      Then, it was like she was a child, and asked if she could go out to this different part of the field when I got home. I told her no. I think I told her no because the spot she wanted to play in was muddy.


      Something about work, about me clocking in late a few times for some reason, like from coming back from lunch and being late getting to work. I was worried about getting fired. The rooms I was in for a lot of this dream were dark. Something about someone calling my current manager by her real name, Sherry.


      I was working at the bakery, and had been there for only a week. I was sitting in this very large back room at a long table. Across from me sat my old manager, Sherry. She was my manager again now. Also, my friend Courtney S. from my old job was working there now too.

      I then was in another part of the back room. As I entered it, I saw racks full of perfectly iced coffee cakes and such. Courtney S. and Patti, a lady I work with currently, were both back there. I knew Courtney had done the racks of perfectly iced coffee cakes, even though she had only been there for a few days. I asked her what I needed to do. She told me that I needed to scrub the doors. I think they were doors to the ovens. I then started to do it. I also had to get on a step ladder to clean on this blue, cylindrical fan-type thing. It was caked with bread dough. It was used to cool it down, or something weird, I'm not sure. At any rate, I had to use this special tool to scrape the dough out. I didn't use it at first, but then I switched to it. It worked much better. I kept thinking about how pissed I was that I had to work under Sherry again, when she was part of the reason I quit my old job in the first place. I "remembered" speaking with the old store manager, a bigger woman resembling one of the customer service managers I work with IWL, at the same place I first saw Sherry working there, in the back at the long table a few days prior.

      When I finished that chore, I asked Courtney what I needed to do next. She was telling me how to do the floor. I had to flood it. I asked if I needed to squeegie it, and Patti said yes. I remembered doing that before at a different job (IWL the only job I have done that at is the one I'm at now in the bakery). I started to do it. I saw lots of bread crumbs and such.

      Then, I was sitting on my bed in my childhood room. The bed was even in the place it was when we first moved in there. Dallas was sitting on it with me, but...he was a baby. Like, he looked like he does now, the same size and everything, but he was a baby. I had to try to keep him from falling off the bed. I then had to pick him up and carry him, though I wasn't quite sure how to do it correctly. I picked him up with one hand under his butt. He was so heavy, and it felt awkward to carry him. I had to adjust my grip so I wouldn't drop him. I even commented on it, saying I wasn't sure how to do this right. I then remember seeing his hair styled in this weird, curled fashion, with it being curled in on both sides. He liked that hairstyle, but I thought it looked silly. But it was ok since he was a baby.

      Updated 08-21-2014 at 02:57 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. The Origami Parrot, and Saving a Friend From Her Cheating Husband

      by , 08-01-2014 at 12:17 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was "remembering" a time when I was in high school, and I had a blue origami parrot. It very much so seemed real; it would move, though it would make no noise. I showed it to my friends. I was super happy having this paper bird. When I took it home, though, I could not find a place for him. He needed a cage, but I didn't have one. I'm not sure what happened to him.

      I'm not sure where I was, it was a building in my town, but I wanted another origami parrot. I called up one of my friends, maybe Rachel, and asked her if she wanted to come with me to get one. I "remembered" I had gotten it at Animal City, a pet store here in town, though I wasn't 100% positive. Rachel was then with me, and I told her we were going to Animal City. We walked out of whatever building we were in, and Animal City was right next door. We walked inside.

      We walked around inside Animal City. We saw what looked like a very large brown cat with flecks of different shades of brown playing on a cat tower (one of those carpeted towers cats use to climb/scratch/perch). Many people were around it. I figured it was the store's current mascot (IWL they always have some sort of mascot animal). I, being the cat lady that I am, went over to the cat. I was super excited to see the cat. The cat then turned around, and its face looked alien. I had no idea what kind of animal it was supposed to be, but it definitely wasn't a cat!

      I then continued my search for the origami bird. I then came across a woman who had a small, green origami parrot. This is what I'd been looking for! The bird was perched on the lady's shoulder. I started to speak with her about the origami bird. She said something about it having poetry written underneath its wings. She unfolded one to reveal it. I did it myself as well, and had trouble getting the paper to fold back properly. I wondered if my old origami parrot had had poetry underneath its wings also.

      I then saw that the bird only moved when the lady moved its tail. It was like an IWL origame swan; when you move its tail, the wings move. But she would do it very subtly to make it look like the bird was moving on its own. I did not remember doing this when I had my origami parrot. Maybe my memory was deceiving me. At any rate, the paper bird moving on its own was definitely an illusion. I wanted to believe that it wasn't, but it definitely was.

      I don't remember if I got to have the bird or not.


      I was with Dallas at my old friend Kacey's place. She lived in a different town, as she does IWL. We were watching her do some dance performance with a dance team. It was some interpretive type of dance. I saw people that I knew in high school also dancing with them, one being Mary Lane, but her hair was waaaaay longer than I had ever seen it IWL. I saw someone else too, a blonde girl, but I couldn't place her name. I called her something that started with an R. Kacey's husband, Rick, was somehow also involved with this dance.

      When they finished, I talked to Kacey about Mary Lane being there. I also talked about the other girl, the blonde with the R name. Two girls, identical twins, then approached me. They had grey and pink in their hair. One I had mistaken for the blonde girl I knew in high school. I then realized I was wrong about the name of the blonde girl; I had no idea who these twins were.

      Everyone but Kacey and her husband cleared out. We were all visiting in their living room. A boy, a child of about 5 or 6 who was supposed to be Kacey's son (she only has a daughter by marriage from Rick IWL, none of her own) came up to us. He seemed like a happy child. I saw him smile up at me with his teeth.

      Then, where her son had been, was this big white bathtub full of milk and...dry cat food (I've dreamed of a bowl of cat food and milk once before, though I did not write it down). It was behind the couch. There was way more milk than cat food; I only saw some scattered pieces floating around. In the middle of the bathtub was a black and white kitten, who was drinking the milk and eating the cat food. She seemed super happy (what cat wouldn't be?). I then thought about how milk isn't good for cats, and how they would probably have to clean up cat diarrhea later.

      I then woke up, but went back to sleep into the same dream.

      The cat in the tub was now gone, and I was talking to Kacey in the living room. Dallas then came up to me, and told me he had heard Rick say he was going to cheat on Kacey! Kacey had not heard him tell me this; I think that Dallas whispered it to me, or Kacey was out of earshot. I really debated on whether or not I should tell Kacey, but she is one of my best friends, even though we barely talk anymore, and I owe this information to her; she deserves to know so she can decide what to do about it.

      I then told Kacey about what I had heard. She was aware of the problem; he went and cheated on her all the time, and didn't think she knew. I then told her that if she wanted out, she always had a place with me. I would take her in for as long as she needed. She wasn't sure what to do, but I feel like I kind of pushed her to leave him. She finally agreed, and started throwing some of her things together. On my part, I felt that I may had been somewhat impulsive, but I would, of course, take her in no matter what she needed. I didn't want her to feel pushed though. But that feeling quickly faded, because I was finally going to get Kacey out of her horrible situation.

      I then thought about her son, and whether or not she should take him. I couldn't remember for sure if the son was hers or Rick's. I guess I decided it didn't matter. I saw her get some things together, careful not to let Rick hear her, and we got into my car to drive to my place. I thought about us staying at my old apartment with Cherie', my old roommate, but realized that I had just turned my keys in (true IWL), so I couldn't just go in there anymore. So instead, I drove her to my parent's house. I had not told my parents prior to this that I was taking her in, but my mom loves her, so I figured it would be alright, and it was for a good cause as well. I did need to tell my mom, though. I went into the living room while Kacey stayed in the kitchen. I saw my mom wrapped up in a blanket, asleep on the couch. She was sick with a cold or something. I woke her to tell her about Kacey. I don't remember what she said. BUt I then figured out that my dad was cheating on my mom too. Wtf.

      I then thought about how Rick knew where my house was, and so we should probably relocate, because he would absolutely suspect that we were here.

      Back in the kitchen, I saw Kacey helping to fix up some dinner. As she poured frozen green beans into a pan with the entree', chicken probably, I thought that she looked like an expert the way she was putting the food together with confidence. It had something to do with the way she was pouring the veggies; she just looked like she knew what she was doing.

      I then realized that we had left Dallas. Whoops. We had to go back and get him. We drove back, hoping Rick didn't notice our absence. We got there to get Dallas, and Rick had a backpack on. A guy friend was waiting for him with a backpack. It looked as if they were going camping. Rick had not even noticed we were gone. He said he'd be back in two days. I knew he was going to cheat on Kacey when he was gone. Further, if he cared for her at all, he would have noticed she disappeared without warning for awhile. His mind was obviously preoccupied.

      At some point being back at Kacey's, I saw a bunch of sweat pants. I wondered if Kacey wanted to grab those to take with her.

      When Rick was gone, Kacey and I went into town to investigate. We came across this building that had signs on the front window. It said "Cheat! Cheat! Cheat!". It was a lounge for men to go to to cheat on their wives (subtle advertisement, right?). I forgot what it was called. There were men going inside.

      We then went into the lounge. Since it was daytime, not too many people were there yet, thank goodness. There were lots of big, circular and half-circle couches there. We went up to the counter, and two young men were there. We spoke with them, though I can't remember what it was about. They were acting like we didn't know where we were, trying to hide it and not doing a very good job at it; they were smiling and surpressing laughter as they spoke with us. They said something to us along the lines of there was no man that stayed faithful; all men cheated. When we decided we would leave, they said
      "Thanks for visiting the ____lounge, I mean room." As if room made it sound less shady.

      There were bits where Kacey and I talked about Rick cheating, and how she would approach him about running away from him. I don't remember if this was done in the dream or not. I don't think it was. During this whole dream, though, I felt very close to Kacey, closer than I have in years. I missed that, and still do IWL.

      Updated 08-01-2014 at 03:21 PM by 32059

    13. Getting Kicked Out Of Band, Muscle Men in The Ocean, and Adopting Annabel Lee (the Cat)

      by , 07-19-2014 at 03:14 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in a school, a college. I was trying to pick out a class to get me to 18 credit hours to complete my major. I was filling out a paper, but it was like the paper was also a computer. I needed to choose one of these medical classes that I really was interested in taking, and the course numbers were 96, 98, and 99. I saw one, and then it disappeared. I could not find them anymore on the paper; they had already filled up. The only course numbers I was seeing were numbers in the 60's and I remember seeing 89. Those were not courses I wanted to take, however. I was frustrated. I wouldn't be able to take them until they were offered again the next fall.

      I was trying to fill in the credit hours so I could stay a full-time student, so I signed up for a music class with my husband. I sat down in this single arch of chairs in front of the conductor's podium. It wasn't in a classroom; it seemed to be open to the whole building. In fact, the whole building seemed to be set up this way. At any rate, I noticed the band was all reed instruments, which was fine, because I play the bass clarinet. I remember seeing people with saxophones and bassoons. It was also a very small band. I sat down somewhere towards the right on the arch. The band instructor stepped up to the podium. She was a shorter black woman with lighter skin with reddish hair. It was actually difficult to tell if she was black or white. She seemed like a hardass; she never cracked a smile as she addressed the class. I was nervous too; this seemed like a class full of musical experts, and I had not played my bass clarinet in years. She wanted us to get right down to playing, and singled me out, since I seemed to be the only bass clarinet, telling me to play. I told her I could not play that day because I didn't have a reed, but I would get one for the next time. She said
      "Get out of my classroom."
      I guess she really didn't like that I wasn't prepared for class. I got up and left, angry and a little embarrassed. I wasn't going to come back either.

      I talked to my husband later in the dream about the class, about the instructor. I remember also seeing the small reed band practicing as the instructor instructed them.


      I was working at Target, setting up some summer set in one of the departments. I was a new employee there. I think it was the accessories department. I was unloading boxes and putting things on the shelves. I felt like there wasn't much rhyme or reason to it, but they had not given me any. I kind of had the freedom to put them where I saw fit. I can't recall exactly what items I was putting out.

      I then had to go take some empty totes to the back, and had to ask someone where the back was and what to do with the empty plastic totes. I had the empty totes on a cart, and rolled the cart behind me as I followed the person to the back room. It was a large back room; I remember seeing a dumpster, and someone throwing boxes into it. I don't remember what this person told me to do with the totes, but she was pointing out where things were back there.

      I was then back out on the floor in the accessories department. I had to go find something for the display that I didn't have on me. I went walking around, searching for these items. I encountered a room that had flowers floating in tubs of ice water. They were pretty white flowers, and looked healthy. I knew they were in the ice water because it was so hot and the water needed to stay cold for the flowers.

      The dream then shifted as I was searching, an absolutely seamless dream shift. I was walking around, looking for something, a job that I enjoyed. I was transitioning into these random areas, one I remember being a movie theater. I remember then seeing a girl sitting on what appeared to be my parents' bed in the house I grew up in. She was blonde, but her head was shaved. She looked quite androgynous, almost like a girl I knew at my old job IWL, though the girl at my old job had red shaved hair. I got this jealous feeling about her.

      I then encountered Jake. We were then looking around together for something we enjoyed doing. We then walked onto a beach. It was a sunny day. We went out into the ocean, which was so calm that there were no waves at all, and noticed these men swimming in this formation around some kind of float in a deeper part. Their formation was perfect; think synchronized swimming. Looking closer at the men, I noticed that they were all super buff and muscular. We asked what they were doing, and they said they were some kind of coast guard or beach guard, though those weren't the words they used; I can't remember exactly what they said. But Jake joined in with them; he really wanted to be a part of it. They seemed like they were glad to have him, even though he was not buff and muscular; they were very accepting and happy. I noticed the androgynous girl was with him too. I knew they were good friends, maybe even lovers. That is why I got the jealous feeling about her when I saw her.

      I did not want to participate, and started to swim back to shore. I watched them swimming with the men, and noticed that they were not perfectly in sync with them, but it would, of course, take practice to get as good as they were.

      I then started to walk somewhere else. I was on a paved walkway that was shaded by trees. Looking back on it now, it was kind of like in the area that the Renaissance Fair is in every year here. There were many people about.

      I then noticed a very fluffy cat; her fur was a creamy, very light tan color, almost with a pinkish hue to it. She looked scraggly and dirty. I noticed she had clumps in her fur too. Poor baby! She was a stray! A couple of people said something about her, and I said
      "Well if she isn't anyone's, I'm going to take her in!"
      I didn't think twice about it; the kitty needed a home, and I was going to take her. I named her immediately, calling her Annabel Lee after the poem by Edgar Allen Poe. I pet her scraggly fur after that at some point.

      I remember her being in a warehouse-type area with me after that.
    14. Dying Grandpa, Lava and Pills, Library Lucidity, and More

      by , 07-15-2014 at 03:38 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      My grandpa was still alive, but he knew he didn't have much time left. I was with him, my mom, and my aunt Marge, though I feel as if there were more people there too. They were all very sad about him dying, but he was at peace with it, and was trying to make the most of his last moments.

      I was then somewhere else, though the situation had not changed. I opened a door, and saw my grandpa sitting in a chair at the head of a table. His hair appeared different than it ever was IWL, with streaks of red, some blonde and maybe brown as well, though the red is what I really remember. I then caught a quick glimpse of my mom and aunt, who were sad and not wanting him to go. I feel like they were asking him, pleading with him not to die. He looked at peace.

      My aunt Marge closed to door. I wasn't supposed to be there for some reason.


      I was at my old job, which was a department store. It was nighttime. I was in the building with a few other associates.

      I was over by the women's fitting rooms, when I saw some lava leaking from a crack that it had caused in the wall. I remember going back to it a little later, and more was coming out. I started trying to cover it with clothing, but, of course, the clothing just caught fire and burned up. I felt as if we were trapped.

      I then had another idea. I went to another fitting room with another associate, and we started looking for fire retardant clothing. We looked through lots of packaged pajama sets that normally the store receives around Christmas. I went through lots of red ones. Then, a supervisor, Charles, came up to us.
      "Those aren't going to work," he said.
      I imagined the fitting rooms slowly filling with lava.

      Someone went back in the fitting rooms a little later to get something, and I was surprised when they came back out, because some time had passed, and I figured it was filled with lava by now.

      Then, I was close to the front of the store by the doors, when Ashley, another associate and my IWL friend, came back in. I asked her if there was a way out, and she said no, there wasn't. I imagined it outside, us surrounded by lava or erupting volcanoes. I knew we were doomed to die in the building. We all knew.

      I then approached Jaime, a manager, and asked her if she had anything strong we could take. If we were gonna die slowly, may as well not be able to feel anything. She took a silver package of these big pills out of her purse. They were Percoset, a strong pain killer (never taken them IWL). She gave one to me, one to Ashley, and took one for herself. The pill was wrapped in another piece of plastic besides the silver packaging, but it was supposed to dissolve when you took it. I put it in my mouth to swallow it. It immediately tasted very bitter. I tried to swallow it, but it was such a big pill, it was proving to be difficult. I really wanted the bitter taste out of my mouth. Before I swallowed it, I already started to feel the effects of the pill. I figured it was a fast-acting pill for those who were in major pain. I remember Jaime chewing her pill. I didn't understand how she could stand the bitter taste.

      I woke up for a little bit, then went back to sleep, entering the same dream.

      The pill was in full effect now, and I went to the bathroom to pee. I looked down at the tiled floor, and the designs on the white floor tiles appeared to be oscillating. Yeah, definitely feeling the pill. I stood up, and then, even though I did not feel the need to pee, I kept peeing. I peed a lot.


      I was at the department store I used to work at again, setting up some display on the endcap of a register. It was almost Christmastime. I thought to myself that it seemed so soon for Christmas; it felt as if we had just had it. I remembered the year prior with my husband, who was then my fiance. It seemed like just yesterday.

      Then, Ashley walked by. She was wearing a black maxi skirt that was slightly sheer, but only at the legs, and a black top. She said
      "It's been a year, and I'm going to be possessive of you, _____, and _____." I can't remember what else she said besides me.
      Apparently, Ashley was my wife. She had some issues about Christmas; something about the holiday made her feel insecure. I understood this, and was not upset by it. I just wanted her to be happy. I "remembered" kissing her, and thought about how I never thought I would marry a woman, and how my family never saw it coming either. But I loved Ashley; she was my wife.

      I then "remembered" driving to see her the prior year on Christmas, and taking pictures of the road on my way and sending them to her. I remember one in particular of the interstate in front of me. I was in the far left lane, and there was a metal chain-link fence on the divider. I think a semi-truck was also in the picture.


      I was walking through a city in the daytime. It was sunny out. It reminded me of a video game. I was with my husband, Dallas. The objective of the real-life game was to kill the governor. I had a shotgun on me.

      Dallas and I split up at some point. I was walking the streets alone, searching for the governor. I feel like I encountered some people and talked to them, but I can't quite recall. I noticed my husband's absence, and wondered where he was.

      I then approached a building and entered it. It was a library. I was standing in the huge foyer. There was a service desk in front of me, and behind it, glass windows looking into a room with computers and books. The floors were dark wood, and the lighting was sort of a "mood" lighting, not too dim but just right. Immediately, I recognized this library as one from a dream I had years ago, and knew I was dreaming. The dream quality instantly started to suffer, so I concentrated on my hands so as not to lose lucidity. My hands were changing as I looked at them, turning into baby hands and sprouting extra fingers. I walked as I kept focus on them, and the dream seemed to stabalize.

      I approached a young, tall, skinny girl standing at a podium. She looked to be in her early teens, and had dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.
      "What's your name?" I inquired.
      "Jaime," she responded.
      "Jaime, are you a real person, or are you part of my mind?"
      "Part of your mind," she responded with a smile. As she said this, she stepped out from behind the podium.

      I then went somewhere else, up some stairs I believe, and into a very crowded hallway with a balcony overlooking the foyer. It was circular and stretched around the edges of the room. I approached a blonde boy, probably about the same age as Jaime, and found out his name was Josh. He didn't really seem happy. He reminded me of someone I met IWL at my old job. He had the same name as well. He looked similar too, though much younger. I was having trouble getting him to look at me in the eye. I took his shoulders in my hands and said something to him, though I can't remember what. I was trying to get him to see something.

      I then was not sure what else to do with my lucidity. I didn't feel like I had much more time. I could not remember any goals I had prior to falling asleep. So I decided to do something I actually haven't done in a long time in my dreams: Fly. I took a running start, and people started to look, telling their friends to look because I was going to fly. I ran up and down the hallway a few times before I decided a running start wasn't the best way for me to do this. I leaned over the balcony. I saw all the people across from me on the other side of the hallway, and everyone below me in the foyer. I wasn't sure about this, since I had not done it in so long, but I let myself fall from the balcony. I then flew. Everyone was cheering me on. I was going very fast, however, and felt out of control of my speed, though I could rise and fall when I pleased; when I thought about going higher, I would, and when I thought about going lower, I would. I was just going so fast...

      The cheers then started to slow way down, like when a record is slowed down.
      I had an FA in my bed. I kept my eyes closed for awhile, but finally decided to get up out of bed, because I was hearing what sounded like someone peeing, or water trickling into water. When I went to get up, however, I noticed that my feet were already touching the floor, as if I was half standing, and half laying down in my sleep. I got all the way up and walked down the hallway. I noticed my husband standing in the guest bathroom doorway. The lights were off in there. That's odd, I thought he went to work. I got closer and noticed his shorts were pulled down, and he was peeing. Is he sleep peeing?

      Upon getting closer, I noticed he was peeing in my cat's water dish! My cat, Belle, was just standing there too, watching. I started getting really pissed at him (no pun intended), and yelled at him for doing that. I know that he and my cat don't really get along, but seriously?? I started yelling at him to stop, and asking him how he would feel if someone peed in his water. He said something smart-assy back to me. As I was raging, he started to walk away into the kitchen, which was much, much bigger than our IWL kitchen, which actually brought me to lucidity for a second, but I was so angry that I lost the lucidity in my rage. I noticed that the kitchen had chopped up potatoes all over it; the counters and every surface were covered. I knew he had done this just to spite me. I asked him if he was going to clean it up, and he shook his head no. I was so fucking angry. I went into the guest room, which also looked much different, and tried to slam the door, but the coat rack on the top prevented me from doing so (this does happen IWL). Ugh, I was so angry!

      Then I woke up for real.


      Ugh, I can't believe I couldn't remember what I wanted to do with my lucidity. Maybe another night. I'll just keep incubating my ideas, and hope that they come through into my dreams. Glad for the lucidity though! Woot woot!!

      Updated 07-15-2014 at 06:58 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    15. Being Kicked Out of My Own House, A Bit of Lucidity, and School Anxieties

      by , 01-15-2013 at 05:48 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was going to my house with Caitlin and her boyfriend, Israel. I'm pretty sure my brother was there too. It was nighttime. We had apparently bought a new house, and this one was on the market or something. But Caitlin and Israel wanted to stay there and hang out all night.

      When we walked in, a younger Mexican couple came in shortly after we did, and told us we needed to get out. They had a key, and let themselves in the front door. They were in charge of the house now that no one really owned it. They yelled at us for awhile, and then left.

      Right after they left, I remember looking out one of the windows next to the front door. Caitlin and Israel had parked their cars on the other side of the road to make it look like they were at the neighbor's place instead of ours. I remember a white pickup truck being out there.

      Of course, we didn't leave. Caitlin and Israel gamed in the living room, and I went upstairs to my room to try to sleep. All the furniture was still there, my bed included. I slid my sleeping mask over my eyes, and tried to sleep, hoping that if the Mexican couple came back, they would take pity on us because I was trying so hard to get some rest. I tossed and turned (which is exactly what happened last night IWL).

      Then, two little Mexican girls climbed into bed with me. I was happy to have them there. I figured that now the couple could never kick us out, seeing that there were small children here.

      Morning then started to break, and only one child was there now, curled up under the covers. Though now, she wasn't a child, but a kitten, a white, fluffy kitten resembling my waking life cat, Belle. I remember seeing her fluffy tail poking out and waving. It was kind of like she was still the girl, but in a kitten's body? I dunno, it's hard to describe.

      I then noticed that the little girls were playing a joke on me. They put up these really inappropriate posters on my walls of naked, HUGE women (they sort of resembled Jabba the Hutt they were so huge). One had speech bubbles coming from the mouths of the women. It was supposed to be funny, though I don't remember what it said. I was really concerned that the Mexican couple would come and see. I told the girls to take them down. They ripped the one with the speech bubbles off the wall, tearing it down the middle, leaving the side scraps taped to the wall. Underneath it was a fat, cartoon vagina.

      I then had a thought to myself "This is a dream". Wait. This is a dream! I floated up from my bed, and saw some posters above my bed. I decided to phase through the wall to see where it would take me, though I didn't really think about the destination; I was a bit hasty with that decision. I just ended up back in my room after easily phasing through the wall.

      Well, I thought to myself, I better think this through. I then really noticed one of the posters above my bed. One was of a bald, younger black man with lighter-colored skin trapped inside a crystal (it looked like the crystals you can break in Super Mario Galaxy, which I have been playing a LOT of lately). I decided to try to phase through to see what kind of world he was in. First, though, I tried to interact with him. I put my hand up to the crystal, and he did the same, and smiled at me. I started to phase through, and I went somewhere VERY briefly, though I can't remember any details because I either woke up or went into another, non-lucid dream.


      I was in a math class with a woman teaching. We were finding number patterns. For every one that we found, the teacher would give us a $50 check. I remember we were asked to find a sequence, and I was writing it down in pencil, and I raised my hand to give the complete sequence, which happened to be the numbers 1-16, in order. I was writing the sequence down on a white envelope that had been torn open. I can clearly remember writing the numbers down, correctly and in order, despite dreams liking to mix things like these up. I received a check for $50.


      I was now in a doctor's office or hospital, though it did not resemble one. I'm not sure why I was there. There was a man there too, who was getting worked on before me. A nurse then came in and examined my foot. She took a silver tool that resembled pliers/some sort of clamp, clamped it on my big toe, and squeezed down, cracking my toenail, which had old, lighter-colored blue nail polish on it. It took me a second to realize exactly what she was doing, because she offered no explanation beforehand; she just did it.

      "Are you removing my toenail??" I asked, taken aback.
      "Yes," she replied.
      "Why? It's going to hurt isn't it?"
      She replied, saying that removing the nail would make something easier, though I can't remember what.
      I then said back, very upset,
      "I don't want you to do that. Fix it! Fix it!!! There's no reason for this!"

      But it was too late; the nail was cracked in three places. I removed my foot from her grasp and refused to let her remove the nail.

      I then went on to a psychology class I was apparently taking. A friend was there with me, though I can't remember whom, or if it was someone I even really know IWL. The teacher was female, and she started to lecture, giving us the definition of psychology. I figured i should take notes. I scrambled through my things, looking for a sheet of paper. I realized I was so not prepared for this class. All the paper I had didn't have lines, and there were very few sheets anyway. I started to write, in orange highlighter, on the inside spine of a black and grey fabric trapper keeper. I write in huge letters, and spelled psychology "Psychollogy". I was desperately trying to keep up with her as she lectured.

      The class ended shortly after, since it was only the very first day of classes. I couldn't remember if I had another class after that or not (in the dream, it was Thursday, the day school starts back up again IWL). I was going through my things again, looking for my schedule. But I just couldn't find it. I racked my brain trying to figure it out, and thought that maybe I had chemistry afterwards. I then remembered a dream memory like it was real life; I had dreamed that I had another chem class, and I skipped most of the classes (I did actually dream this once; in my dreams, I remember many dream memories as if they really happened). I thought that I had tried to take chemistry 3 different times.

      I then was looking through a book I had, and I found many $50 bills tucked away inside its pages. I also found a fake-looking $20 bill that had a blank back side to it. I remembered the math class. I suppose I had forgotten about the money. I figured I should put it in the bank.


      I was in my room, laying in bed. It was morning, and I could hear my brother talking to my mom. My brother was supposed to be out of town with his girlfriend, so I figured something must had happened with them.

      I was then at my brother and I's friend Charles's house. I walked in the kitchen where Charles was, which looked different than his waking life kitchen, mostly because it looked like it was on the opposite end of the house, and my brother was there too, along with another person, I think it was supposed to be Charles's little brother (he doesn't have one IWL). Blake (my brother) was talking to Charles about what happened with his girlfriend, but when he saw me, he stopped talking. I asked them what was going on, and my brother just held up his hand to me like he wasn't going to tell me. I guessed they needed some guy time, and I was intruding.

      Charles's little brother then chimed in and said something about Blake's girlfriend situation, and either Charles or Blake told him to be quiet, or shushed him.


      IWL I'm about to start going back to school to work on another degree, and I guess I'm a little anxious about it since I haven't been in school for over a year now. I'm sure it will be fine, but I'm taking some difficult classes, I have two labs, and I'm also working part-time. Glad I got a bit of lucidity, though I'm surprised I did since my sleep has been hella fragmented lately. Hoping for some better, more restful sleep tonight.

      Updated 01-15-2013 at 06:08 PM by 32059

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
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