Lucid Dreams
Dream - Lucid I was definitely lucid last night for a little bit, but the only things I remember about it are: -It felt like I was loosely hanging onto the dream, as in I would feel the head buzz and see the dream form, and then it would go dark and happen again, and -I was naked and imagining someone having sex with me though they never materialized in the dream, and I had a SUPER intense orgasm when I started to touch myself. I am pretty sure I was not woken from the dream afterwards either, something I have been getting better at over the years. I was focusing, in the dream, on not being woken up. ~ I was looking at my UHRS report online. I saw some weird numbers that looked like I had missed a ton of questions, but on closer inspection they looked ok. I had notes in red underneath some, one I remember saying something along the lines of "don't just do a few and get tired of them." There were no capital letters used. I had other dreams too, NLDs, but this had been a weird morning for me as my daughter is hanging out with her Nana for the weekend and I got to sleep in (!!!!!) which never happens. I'm trying to recall but it's proving difficult. Also, I've had a lot on my mind as we are moving a week from today and there is so much that still needs to be done and I am stressed beyond belief. Definitely hampers my recall.
Updated 05-21-2016 at 02:38 AM by 32059
Dream - Lucid It was the zombie apocalypse. I don't remember who it was that I was with, but it was a group. We were living comfortably in a house, feeling quite safe. I remember seeing my bedroom, one I shared with a young girl. It was clean and the queen-sized bed looked comfortable and inviting. Next to the bed I saw a nightstand with a lamp on it. However, we were moving. I was then looking at an area from above. Things started to look like Roller Coaster Tycoon 4 (mobile version), in that I could place different buildings in an area that had roads laid out. This is where we were moving to. I "placed" buildings from my above POV, as if I was simply playing a video game. I was then back in my regular view. I was with the group inside a building that we were scouting for zombies. I was sitting on the floor with a couple others, while the rest stood. I saw two, one I distinctly remember being a female with short brown hair pulled into a ponytail and a messed up mouth coming behind some of my friends. I warned the group. They moved aside. I'm not sure what happened to the other zombie, but the female one was going for me. She came at me and was on me. I was keeping her from biting me, but only barely; I really thought I was about to get bit. Then, one of the people that was there with me, a guy, slit his own throat and used his blood to save me from the zombie; something about the blood killed the zombie. I looked at the guy who saved me, and aside from a slightly bloody, drippy slit in his neck, he was totally fine. At some point, I thought about the fact that we were moving, and I wished we weren't because we were comfortable and happy where we were before. I then was talking to one of the girls that was with me. We were talking about whether or not we thought the zombies were increasing in number or decreasing. She said "Oh they are definitely dying." I then remembered that I was "back" at the beginning of the apocalypse, though everyone else was just at the beginning and was never at the end with me. I thought about the female zombie who almost bit me and noticed how "freshly dead" she still had looked. I had been at the end of the zombie apocalypse previously, and started to explain to the girl how I knew that things weren't going to get better yet. ~ I woke up for over an hour and struggled to go back to sleep. When I finally did, I had an interesting little lucid moment. I felt myself falling asleep, the head buzz feeling came over me, and I saw a moving picture in front of me, like a movie screen. It reminded me of a country western almost; there was a desert and the sky was pink and orange as if the sun was rising or setting. There was no sound. It took up most of my vision, but I wanted to go into it and get a LD started. I entered the moving picture, and wasn't sure if that would make me wake up or if it worked. I started to see that I was submerging myself in this world, but after that, I lost it. Not even sure if I woke up or continued to dream or not. ~ My daughter had pooped in her diaper and it was leaking onto her clothes. ~ My husband got onto me about not packing up my books like I said I would. (I fully expect this to happen IWL, as I did not pack my books last night like he asked).
Updated 05-18-2016 at 01:26 PM by 32059
Dream - Lucid I was at work, and a man with black hair and a foreign accent came up and asked me where just plain loaves of bread were. I went to go point out the ones against the wall, but...they weren't there. I got very disoriented, not sure where I was anymore. I then told him aisle 13 had other bread on it. He said it didn't. I said that it did and walked a little ways to see if I could see aisle 13, wasn't there either. It looked more like I was in a mall than the bakery. He went towards the area aisle 13 was supposed to be. I thought for a minute...I was really confused. I then realized I was dreaming. Doh. Makes sense now. The dream around me started to change; I could see another scene peeking through the top right corner of my vision. I then was somewhere completely different. I was outside a large castle that had a forest around it. I was then inside said castle. The stone was blue steel colored. It wasn't smooth, but it was natural looking stone. I was standing by a spiral staircase that went upwards. In front of me, there was then a man, a big, older man wearing a suit. He told me I was in "The House of Berevity" (he may have meant 'brevity', but he pronounced it 'berevity', I'm not entirely sure). He then was telling me why I was there, and I can't remember what he said, because a question popped up in my head that I wanted to ask. I then asked "How old am I?" He seemed a little irritated that I interrupted him, but answered anyway, saying something about 'young', but that's the only word I caught, so I interrupted again and asked "No, like how old am I?", referring to my soul, not my body, though I didn't specify. he answered, "Eight billion, seven hundred trillion." I liked that answer. I wish I could recall more of the conversation. There was a reason I was there, but I can't recall what he told me. I feel as if we were walking up the staircase as we talked, or if not, we somehow ended up in the middle of it by the time our conversation was ending. We were then about to part ways. He started to go up the stairs even more, when I asked him "Wait! How do I forgive myself?" He turned back around and looked at me, smiled a genuine smile, and said "You already have!" I laughed out loud to express my joy. I was so happy to hear that! I then woke up briefly, didn't move and went back into a dream. It stayed in blackness for awhile while someone was talking me through it so I wouldn't wake myself prematurely. I then started to have images forming around me, then the dream. I was good now. I started to walk around, feeling something that was there so I could stabalize the dream. I then noticed that I was in a field. It was daytime. I started to walk towards a patch of different colored African violets. There were some black ones, some yellow ones, and I believe some purple ones. I was afraid of being stung by bees at first, but then remembered that it was a dream, and I would be fine. I walked through them, feeling them brush against me, completely unharmed; no bees in sights. I kept walking through the field of flowers and started to weep because it was so beautiful. I woke up briefly again, feeling as if I really had been crying, but again didn't move and went back into a dream. This time, I was standing on the edge of a very high cliff. It was daytime and so vivid. Below me was nothing but clouds. I could tell there was a very high wind. To my right, poking through the clouds was a building with columns. Out from the building, there were hundreds of balloons flying out. There were huge patches of them, and then only a few at a time would come out. They were all red, orange, yellow, and black. I decided to try flying into this. I stood at the edge of the cliff, scared at first, but reminded myself that, again, this was a dream, and even if I fell quickly and to my "death", I'd be fine. I put my arms out and let myself fall off the edge. I fell for a bit, but the wind caught me, and I flew. ~ Sorry I haven't been around much. I have other things that I am currently focusing on, and need a break from concentrating on and writing out all my dreams. I have actually had some vivid NLDs lately. I also dreamed more last night, but did not want to type out all the NLDs. This one was a must share. I'll be on occasionally still if I have dreams that are interesting like these were (it will probably mostly be LDs when I have them that I will update with).
Dream - Lucid I just recalled a bit of something...another dream about not attending a class that I was enrolled in. I think it was math again. I only remember this detail, all others are very vague pictures. Some kind of ceremony, I think? Maybe graduation? Not entirely sure. ~ I'm not sure where I was, but it was daytime. Dallas was texting me. He was in Oregon. He was saying he may fall down this huge hill. I guess he was hiking and close to a steep hill/ledge. I was worried for him; I hoped he didn't fall. For awhile, I was then not getting any responses from him, and when I'd text him, it would have trouble going through. He must be in a bad reception area. I then tried to call, and it wouldn't go through. I was really starting to get concerned. I was then in the car, sitting on the passenger's side. Dallas was in the driver's seat, but there was no wheel on his side. I guess I was driving. Anyway, Dallas was sitting there completely naked. He had fallen down the steep hill/ledge. His body was turned in a way where I couldn't see any of his junk. I looked at him, and he looked relatively normal, aside from his front teeth looking like they got banged up, his lip was half normal colored and half a little dark. I was talking to him about us taking him to the hospital, letting his mom know, etc. I also commented on how quickly he got from Oregon to here (it's literally across the country!); I said something about it taking him an hour. He then told me he didn't think I could handle seeing his injuries. I was talking to him about something when he said this. He turned his body all the way around and...his penis and testicles were completely gone. I tried to keep talking and ignore it, but I couldn't. I was then thinking about some IWL conversations we had about penectomies and how Dallas would fall into a huge depression if that happened. He was telling me it got cut off in the fall, but he couldn't go back and get it. He seemed to be in shock about the whole thing right now, like it wasn't affecting him that badly. I was wondering what they could do for him at the hospital. I then saw him again at some point, a side view, and it looked like his penis was there after all. It was a very brief view though. I think we were in the hospital. ~ I was going down through the floor, down, down, down into darkness. I realized this wasn't waking life, but it didn't feel like a lucid dream, it honestly felt more like an OBE (for convenience purposes, I'm going to use the color code for my LDs, even though I genuinely do not believe it was a regular LD). I decided that I wanted to see what Hell looked like (I do not believe that heaven and hell are real places, but states of mind and being). In a previous experience some years ago, I was going down into the ground in a similar fashion in an LD, but I was too afraid to see hell, so I went back up. This time, I said to myself that I could handle it; I was ready to see it. I was concerned about waking myself up, but I held it together very well. I then looked down at my body and saw I was naked in the darkness as I descended. Interesting. I then was in hell. I was in a room where there were these long tables all around the perimeter of the room. There were children who were supposed to be getting their faces painted by adults, but the adults were cutting their faces and painting them with blood. The children were scared and upset. There was a doorway leading into another room. I went into that one. I don't remember what was specifically going on in there, but there were more scared and upset children. I then was in blackness again, and this feeling of fear and despair came over me. I knew they were not my own feelings, but the feelings pervading this hell. I saw vague shapes in the blackness. ~ I woke up from that last dream and fell asleep again, fully aware that I was going to enter a dream. I was out of my body again. I was in the house I grew up in. I don't remember many details about being in the house, but I then went outside and floated into the air. It was a bright and sunny day. I decided since I had seen hell, it was time to see heaven. I went up, up, up into the air. I then was in this tube that was very vivid. It was covered in light blue squares that had some Disney character's face on them. I went further into the tube and the color changed to yellow with more characters. It kept changing like this until I emerged on the other side. I was in what looked like the exact same face painting room from hell, except for this time, the kids were really getting their faces painted. They were not scared or sad, but it was a much more calm atmosphere. Unfortunately, I don't remember any more from this experience. I don't think much happened after that. I then was back on Earth, outside in the daytime. I was floating, working on the effortless method of just letting it happen, but then I started to go down towards the Earth. I started to make myself float up again, and started to "swim" through the air. I knew that this was not what I had been working on, and it felt like I had more resistance, but it was working. I was swimming upwards and to the left towards the house. There was a point where I looked in a mirror slightly above me and at an angle, and wanted to make angel wings appear on my back (something I tried to do in a previous LD not long ago), and lo and behold, there they were on my back. They were white and feathered. I smiled; they were beautiful. ~ I was again entering a dream. I felt like I was leaving my body, but appeared in a different room. I saw my sleeping body laying on the bed. It was naked, but in the same position that I fell asleep in. I seemed to be in what looked like a hotel room. Someone else was in there too, though I'm not sure who. They could see me though, which was kind of surprising. I went into the bathroom and floated. Someone else came in, my CS assistant manager, C. She could see me floating in the air! I was surprised that she could see me! I started to do these flips between the walls by the toilet, and she was laughing. I loved it! ~ Caved and took a whole Ambien again last night. -_-; I'm going to take a half tonight, otherwise I'll never get off this stuff. Though the experiences I had were very cool. I never felt like I was lucid dreaming; I felt out of body. It really did feel different. It was quite fascinating!
Updated 10-23-2014 at 07:58 PM by 32059
Dream - Lucid Alright. So I'm trying to wean myself off of my Ambien. I took a half of one last night and fell asleep no problem, but I woke up at around 2:30am, remembering only fragments about work, and started freaking out a little, thinking I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I took a benedryl and went into the other room (my husband was breathing very heavily in his sleep and it was also keeping me awake). This is what happened after I fell asleep. I was lucid, but I don't remember if I entered the dream lucid or if I became lucid later. I am having a lot of trouble recalling the specific details of this one, other than we were in a house, and I was trying to cheat on my husband with this guy I knew in middle/high school named Carter H. My husband was around during the dream, and we were trying to avoid him by going into different rooms and such. I do remember at one point Carter expressing how he would treat me well and was excited about being with me. I told him I was excited too. I think I was topless during that part in a bedroom. There was a point where I was outside in a garden, and I was afraid of losing the dream, so I took some advice from Hyu and started touching everything around me. There were plants in the plowed ground. I touched their leaves, feeling their realness. They felt a little muted, but it wasn't bad. It helped me to stabalize the dream. This dream was quite long, and I can't recall the little details of it all. It was a very...strange LD for me. I seemed to be in a weird mindset (I would never cheat on my husband IWL, especially with someone I barely know and have no interest in!). I then woke up. ~ I was in a fairly normal-looking room; nothing weird was going on at all, but I decided to do a nose pinch RC just to keep my awareness up. I did it, and...I could breathe! I was super surprised; I thought I was awake! I think I said "What??" or some kind of exclamation. I did it again just to be sure, and sure enough, I was dreaming. Spoiler for Explicit content: Again, all the small details of this one are not coming to me anymore. The only thing I really recall about this one is finally getting to sleep with Carter. I don't know where we were, but we were naked, and he was getting on top of me. I was so excited to sleep with him. He had a big dick. He went in and out a couple of times, and then he was done. I mean literally, in and out, and done. I looked down at his dick and it was very small and flaccid, not even really looking like a dick, more like a finger-shaped flap of skin. It was covered in semen. I "remembered" being told that he was a premature ejaculator. He seemed to have no qualms with the whole thing, not saying a word and just getting up and walking off like it was no big thing. It was a disappointing, anticlimatic sexual experience. I woke up and wondered why I did something so superficial with these LDs. I wanted to have another one where I summoned Mike or delved into past lives. Sadly, I didn't get to. :/ Again, I would like to reiterate that I really don't have any interest in cheating. I love my husband very much. I am really kind of taken aback by these dreams, especially since I was aware that I was dreaming for them. I'm actually a little embarrassed to post them. ~ I was in a dressing room at a department store. I had these black and white comics that I had made that depicted my cheating LDs. One was only a page long, the other a few pages. I taped them to one of the dressing room doors. I then watched people pick the comics up and read them. Some teenage guys read them and laughed. I left the dressing room for a bit. I didn't really want the comics there anymore. I went back and took them down. ~ I was laying in the guest bed with my husband. We were getting ready to go to sleep. My husband put on one of my sleep shirts similar to one I actually own IWL but not the same. It was black with 3/4 length sleeves and lacy shoulders. It was tight on him, but he didn't seem to mind. I was wondering why he was wearing that (he usually doesn't wear any kind of shirt to bed). I guess he must be anticipating a very cold night. I said something about it being a girl's shirt. Again, he didn't seem to mind. ~ Something to do with typing these entries up and an Animal Crossing game that you could only play with a wireless controller and could only play online for a certain amount of time. I was called by a video/game rental place and was asked if C (the assistant CS manager at my job) was my sibling. I told her no, she was my boss. I thought they asked me to verify the spelling of her name after that, but I couldn't hear them very well. "What?" I asked. They said something again, but it didn't sound the same as before. My DJ entries were all centered and spaced like I was writing them in poetry format. I was typing them up. I didn't want them centered, I don't think. I then was signing on to play League of Legends. They had really updated the game. My friend Jeremiah was online, and sent me a game request. I was in the middle of doing something else, but I guess I could play a game with him. I accepted his request. I picked my champion, a female one that doesn't exist in the game IWL, and we were then playing. It then looked very cartoony and very much so like FFII graphics. I started getting attacked, but the map controlled so weird. I didn't die, but it was a close call. I went to the settings, and I couldn't change the graphics back; I had to do it outside of game. There were two options I could have picked from, Cartoon or Realistic. It was a new feature that I didn't know about. Cartoon was checked by default. I considered quitting and taking the penalty for it. ~ I seriously felt like I was having fever dreams all night. I'm not sick, no fever or anything, just...what. I don't even know. It probably has something to do with lowering my dose of Ambien and taking that benedryl. It affected my recall as well. I have to stop taking the Ambien though, so my entries may be like this until I even out. I will eventually go down to taking a quarter of an Ambien, then eventually completely being off of it. I am actually happy for that. I miss sleeping naturally; I haven't since November/December of 2011, so for three years.
Dream - Lucid I was with a group of people. The next day, we were going to Africa. I'm not sure what the purpose of the trip was. I was supposed to be careful in certain areas, however, so I didn't catch any diseases. Then, the next day, I was in Africa with this group of people. We were by a desert area. I was trying to remember how I had gotten there. I "remembered" before the flight, but I was drawing a complete blank for the flight. I could not, for the life of me, remember being on the plane! ~ I was in a classroom. I was sitting at a desk/table next to a guy. There were many students in the room. The teacher, a guy, was teaching. I had these workbooks, three I believe, and the teacher was telling us to do something with them, like go to a certain page or something. I was trying to follow the directions; I wanted to do well. I then was driving up to my high school. It was morning. I looked at the front of it, and it looked like my elementary school, but it had my high school's name on it. I parked and started to walk in. I got almost to the door when I realized that I had forgotten my backpack. No matter, I'll just make it appear on my back. I tried to do that, and it made me realize that I was dreaming! I walked into the school and into a room. My brother was in there playing the piano I think? I don't know what we talked about, I can't recall, but I then wanted to make angel wings appear on my back. I looked at my brother and saw that he had these what looked like costume green fairy wings on his back. I concentrated on making the wings grow and then saw them coming off my back. They also looked like costume fairy wings, only white. Eh, I was close. My brother was then talking, but I couldn't hear anything at all; there was no sounds whatsoever, as if someone had hit the mute button on my dream. Everything then went black around me. I was not all the way out of the dream yet, however. I took off into the air, letting myself float like a leaf in the wind. The wind was blowing me around quite a bit, but I let it; I was going with the flow. I felt myself flying for a few seconds, and I then, unfortunately, woke up. ~ I was working at Kohl's again. There was a newer girl working with me. She was telling me something, and I was talking back to her, telling her I had worked there for almost 3 years now. I then thought to myself how that didn't seem quite right. I briefly became lucid while looking at a shelf, and thought to myself I could either keep the lucidity or go on with the dream, but I lost it for some reason. ~ I had another, very explicit lucid dream, and while I sometimes do a spoiler tag, this time, I really don't think I want to type it out. Sometimes, these dreams get too personal to share online. Sorry, guys.
Dream - Lucid I was living in a house with Dallas, Rachel, and her husband, Chad (who looked nothing like his IWL counterpart). Also, I was married to both Rachel and Dallas. I was trying to explain this to someone in the dream how that worked. It was like I wasn't married to Chad, but Chad was married to Rachel. It was interesting. Also, dream Chad had a little above shoulder length curly brown hair, and he really annoyed me. I remember talking to him while he was sitting down. I don't remember what we talked about, but I was annoyed (IWL Chad doesn't annoy me at all). Someone then came over with a little boy. He was probably about 4 or 5. I was talking to him. When I first started to talk to him, I felt apprehensive, because I never know what to say to children. However, I discovered that it wasn't so bad after all. I don't remember much else about this part. Then, something about us all going on a trip to Japan, or maybe it was just me going on the trip, I'm not sure. I didn't actually go in the dream, but it was a plan. I was thinking about if I had enough money, or how I had saved the money up in the first place. ~ I was helping to decorate this huge vanilla cake. It was carved to be someone's head/torso with some cake bordered around it, carved to be circles that I was decorating however I wanted. It was for someone's birthday, though I wasn't sure if it was a child's or adult's birthday. I don't remember how I decorated the circles; I do remember on one that I sketched a person, however. Then, C, the customer service assistant manager, came up and started to take over the decorating. It kind of irritated me, but it wasn't that much. She sketched a woman holding a young boy in her arms. I now really couldn't figure out if this cake was for a child or an adult. ~ I was working in the bakery, but, of course, it looked different. I'm not sure how long I was there, but it felt like awhile. My manager wasn't there either; I'm not sure where she was. I went over to a file folder and stuck my two week's notice in with some of her other papers. I tried to keep everything in order, making sure that my notice was the last thing in the stack. I "remembered" that she really liked everything to be in order. I had put on the notice that my last day was October 1st. I then got a call from Shannon asking me about my work schedule the next couple of weeks. She named off some shifts and asked if it was ok. I said it was, and hung up. I then was thinking about what day it was that day. Today was actually the 1st, and I just agreed to shifts beyond my two week's notice. I then went to go get my notice to change the date to the 10th instead so I could work the shifts that she wanted me to. I couldn't find it in her stack of papers anymore. I then started to gather up some of my things. I started cleaning out my locker. I had some stuffed owl in there among other things. Someone saw me carrying all my things. I don't think they said anything to me. I then remembered again that I had agreed to those shifts, and today wasn't my last day after all. I felt so hazy and confused (this feeling permeated the entire dream). Oh well, at least I was getting some things out now. I then was walking around, looking at my feet, somewhere completely different. The floors were purple. I realized I was dreaming, and thought to myself how much lucidity I'd had lately. I was thinking I had had some every night. I then started to make this little noise, and I could feel my waking life body breathing out and making the noise also. Oops, making noises in my sleep. I kept on doing it. I then had an FA in a different bed. I was back in the two week's notice dream. I don't think much else happened.
Dream - Lucid I was in the middle of this story/movie, but it was real life? Hard to explain. I somehow just knew the storyline without anyone having to tell me. I was living in this apartment with a girl. There were these two guys living there also who were murdering people by stabbing them in the side near their heart. It had something to do with money. Everyone who was somehow connected to the money was going to get killed. This girl and I were doing a good job hiding ourselves and being inconspicuous; we were somehow connected to the money. At one point, I was playing Ski Free on the computer (anyone remember that game??). Many people got murdered. We had somehow still evaded it. For much of the dream, we were in the apartment. At one point, I was alone in the apartment. I went out into the hallway, and one of the guys went after me with his small knife. I somehow got back into my apartment and tried to lock the door, but the lock was flimsy and he kept using his knife, which he slid through the door crack, to unlatch the lock. He was also doing something to the knob on the door as well. I knew I had no chance and it was only a matter of time before he got in. I then was again out in the hallway, and he got ahold of me and stabbed me in the side with his knife. I thought for sure I was done for. I don't remember what happened after this, but I feel like the dream continued a bit longer. ~ I was hanging out with this girl named Michelle (no idea who she is IWL). She had big boobs and short, straight dark hair. We were getting along really well, having a good time. She had kind of a loud personality, but I liked hanging out with her. I was then sitting at a table with her and a few other people, when Jarrod, an ex, sat down with us. He had on a baseball hat and a white shirt. He folded his arms on the table and was a little slumped over. I was surprised to see him; I thought he had moved out of state. I said hello to him. As I did so, I noticed these scabs on his face next to his eyes. He didn't say hello back to me, but noticed I was hanging out with Michelle. He then said "So you guys get along now?" I guess we had met before and disliked each other, but I couldn't remember when that was. I thought it must have been when I was dating Jarrod at some point. I kind of remembered, and said, "Oh, I remember now!" It was a very vague memory of meeting her and just not liking her personality. Michelle was then wearing no shirt. I noticed that she didn't have any nipples. I could see stretch marks on her breasts though. I thought she must have fake breasts because of cancer or something. Her face then looked kind of swollen. It looked like it was carrying up from her breasts. Then, I was at a circus. There was supposed to be some sort of petting zoo thing where some people from the audience came down to pet some animals. I was down there getting the animals ready. It was piglets from what I remember. Taylor then came down as well. We were transferring the piglets from one set of bins to another. I then started to clean the filthy litter that was in one of the bins. There was lots of gross, wet poop in it. I felt awful for the condition the animals were in. I knew it really made Taylor mad too; he was passionate about animals. ~ I was making some sort of egg sandwich. I cut up a fried egg with my spatula in a frying pan and put it on a sandwich. Dallas was up now as well and told him he should make an egg sandwich too. I had the bread ready for him and everything. I also think I made myself another one. The other one I made was very soggy and had big, slimy chunks of egg that would come out all at once in my mouth as I bit into it. I think I was going to make a third one as well. Then, I was in bed at what appeared to be our hotel from our honeymoon, though I was sleeping on the opposite side of the bed than I did when we went IWL. I was asking Dallas, who was up in the bathroom area, if he was going to make himself an egg sandwich. I then somehow figured out I was dreaming, though I could tell it was unstable from the dimness of the room. I decided to try something different. I started to pull off my thumb. It popped right off. I looked at my right hand. No thumb. I then looked in my left hand and saw my thumb. Cool! I did it to my index finger as well. I then woke up briefly and went back into the dream. This happened a few times where I'd lost the dream, wake up, and go back into it. The last time it happened, I couldn't see anything; it was completely dark, even though I felt my eyes were open. I woke up and had a moment of panic because I thought I may have gone blind, but I just had my sleeping mask on. -_-; ~ I was on some Victoria's Secret talk show, but I was hanging out by this big, raised sandbox with some kids. Some were in it playing, others were with me hanging out to the side. I wondered why I was here with these kids? I looked for someone who may be around my age, but saw no one, the oldest kid probably being around 11 years old. I wondered if I was too old to be here. The talk show then started. I wondered what I should do. I contemplated getting in the sand box. I don't think I did. The kids were then all going to do some obstacle courses. I watched a little girl swinging on these metal bars, attaching herself to them with these small metal pieces she had in each hand that latched onto the edge of the bar. She'd then slide on that metal piece to the end, and attach to another. I was worried about her; it looked dangerous to me. Her mom was at the end of the bars.
Updated 10-09-2014 at 03:38 PM by 32059
Dream - Lucid I was staring out the window in a house. It was nighttime outside, but I could see this weird break in the clouds that had a reddish tint to it, as if the sun was setting behind that small break, but it was nighttime. I'm not sure exactly what triggered it, but I figured out I was dreaming! Very cool. I examined my hands to stabalize. Then, just for fun, I did a nose pinch RC, which is something I've been practicing IWL lately, but have never done in a dream. I could breathe! So that's what it feels like. I then decided to fly towards the break in the clouds. I phased right through the window, no resistance or anything, which doesn't ever happen to me. I then started to jump to take off to fly, but once again remembered to just let myself float up. I did just that, and it was so easy! When I was in the air, I used this same technique to move to the left or the right. This is one of the first times in a long, long time that I have flown and not started to immediately lose height while in the air. As I approached the break in the clouds, it started to look more purple than red. I briefly thought of Dreamer because of the purple. I then went into the break and saw what looked like a Mario Galaxy world with all these giant floating black bombs with faces and red tops among other things I can't recall right now. I feel like I saw them all from a different angle than the one that I entered the break at. ~ I felt myself falling asleep and entering the dream. I was with Dallas. I was sitting on the kitchen floor with him in the house I grew up in. There were all these kitchen utensils on the floor scattered about. I told him that since we were dreaming, he could do whatever he wanted to me (I definitely meant sexually ). I was kind of excited so I briefly lost the dream a couple of times, but went right back into it. I took off my pants, which of course made me more excited and once again I briefly lost the dream but went back into it immediately. Dallas then took this long straw-type thing with lube and inserted it into my forearm. Totally NOT what I expected at all, and if felt so weird! He kept sliding it in and out, and I couldn't even look at it because I was afraid to see it. "No! Not that! Don't do that!" I said. He kept doing it. ~ I was at Dakota's apartment. Someone else lived there as well. I hadn't heard from Dakota in years, much less seen him. He was sitting on the couch smiling, but it was a sad smile. I talked to him a little, though I can't remember what it is we talked about. I noticed he was wearing a dark green sweater, and he looked so much thicker than usual. Not fat, just...thick. He had a really thick neck that was as wide as his head. ~ I was playing this online multiplayer game where you would get put in a house in one of 8 places. The house would be themed randomly and would have a shop in it for food. The house would be where you "lived" in the game. I got put in one but I don't remember the theme. I went up to the counter in the back to buy something, though I don't remember if I actually did or not. I then was doing something else and not paying attention to what was happening in the game. Three girls came into my house. One had a short blue dress on but I don't remember what the others were wearing. They then started to change all my furniture and make all these alterations to the house itself. It then kicked me out of the house, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Wtf! I was then looking at all the houses in the area from an above view, kind of like The Sims. I then somehow got another house. I was then working in the food area, which, in this house, was in the front. I felt as if I was in first person now instead of third person gaming. Other people would come in and buy food from me. I was then making some kind of chicken pita sandwich when a girl came up and was telling me how it would be good if I did it a certain way. I was still doing it my way. I then noticed that the girl looked like one of the girls who kicked me out of my house before; I noticed her blue dress. I asked her if she was, and she said yes, and I cussed her out and she left. I then saw some sort of small purple pop up that came up when someone wanted to buy your house. It would give you an option on whether or not to sell it to them for a certain price. I then was on a menu area where you could pick a place to visit, one of the 8 places you could be assigned a house. They were represented by little icons. There were 3 areas in the "fun" category, which was off to the left of the screen, separated from the rest, and the rest were in multiple categories, all except the "fun" category. I don't remember anything about what the categories were called. There was a mountains area and a town/village area, but I don't remember any of the others. I decided to visit a different area, though I don't recall which. I then was calling a book store inside of the game with my phone outside of the game. Some kid answered and was talking really fast, so I couldn't understand what she was saying. I heard another kid giggling in the background. The girl kept repeating whatever she was saying really fast, so I couldn't understand her. She started to sound impatient. I then figured out she was asking me if I was over 21. I said yes. She then started telling me about a porn book that was on sale and a lesbian book. I turned to the person that was with me (I guess someone was with me now) and said "This is an adult bookstore!" I was amused, but not interested. I hung up the phone. I then visited the town/village area, and heard some music from KQ7 playing, the music from Archduke Fifi la Yipyap's party. There was a stage at the front of the town, which looked 16-bit, that had small flies moving around on it. The area looked quite primitive. ~ I was feeling myself fall asleep. I would see images around me that looked like movie screens playing clips of movies. I then was in a dream where it looked as if I was looking through my cupped hands to see what was going on. I don't remember what it was now, but it looked vivid and stable. However, it didn't feel stable. I then woke up. ~ I was playing this game, though I was inside of the game playing it. It was like League of Legends, where you pick your player, but it was an open-world game instead of a MOBA. We were underground in an area with lava and some very small erupting volcanoes that separated the sides of the cave. Right before the other side, there was a pool of what was supposed to be hot water. You still had a team. I don't remember who my character was, but Dallas was playing as Captain America, and someone else there was some girl from Captain Planet, the Asian one (was there an Asian girl on that show? I think there was). She had on a white shirt and a short orange skirt and white pants/leggings underneath the skirt. She was hovering around above the ground and shooting around magic spells. I thought that she was the weakest, but whoever was playing her knew how to play her so she wasn't as weak. I only saw her from the back. I then saw people from our team walking over the lava to get to the other side and getting hurt, but not dying. Dallas (Captain America) was trying to explain how to do this so you didn't die (you weren't really supposed to walk on the lava at all). He was saying you just had to avoid the small erupting volcanoes and the "magma" (he used the word magma) that was pooled around them. I think I tried it and died. I know someone else did too, someone who had done it without dying before. Dallas was then using a bucket to scoop lava out of the lava pools and dumping it in the water to try to make a pathway. The lava just evaporated and disappeared though when he did this. He didn't think it would work (like it does in Minecraft), but it was worth a try. ~ I was telling Dallas about my dream and that he was Captain America. "How appropriate," he said. It made sense why he said this in the dream, but not IWL.
Dream - Lucid I was at work talking to Taylor about going to Oregon together on a trip. I then remember being in an apartment with him at night and seeing what looked like a small tornado hit the glass on the floor-to-ceiling window. "Take cover! It's a tornado!" I said as the thing pounded on the window once before disappearing. It left an indentation in the glass and some debris behind that stuck to the window. It looked like machine parts. I then felt silly for freaking out about it because it apparently wasn't a tornado. Something about a stag and these waves of dirt on the Earth that had to do with the stag. ~ I was working in the coffee shop again. It was under new management like it is IWL and was inside of an apartment instead of a shop. It was really slow, as you would imagine business would be. I knew it was only a matter of time before the shop went under. I didn't understand why they would do this when they had had a perfectly good shop in the first place. I was talking to someone about this. I then noticed that there was more room towards the back for people to sit down in, a little area with tables and chairs. Maybe this place wasn't so small and insignificant after all. It was then liked I was in the bakery, and we had to make all these special orders for people. There was one for a therapist that I stopped seeing awhile ago. I didn't recognize that at first until I saw her. I hoped she didn't see me, but too late, she did. She said "You need to come back and see me!" in a cheerful tone. I didn't respond. I was then preparing these cupcakes/brownies with cookies on top. Shannon showed me how to put the cookies on top. I started to put one cookie on some and three on others, but decided that two was the best choice to make them all even. I fixed the ones with one and that had one and three and made them all have two. I then came out with an extra cupcake/brownie thing and had to cut it and the edges to make it the same size as the others. I clipped the edges off the way I thought they looked best. I wasn't sure at first if I was doing it right, but I compared it with the others and thought it looked passable. I was then outside. There were chairs, tables, and umbrellas. It was sunny and daytime out. I knew what was going to happen next: Someone was about to open fire on the coffee shop and go on a shooting spree. I even knew there would be some people who wouldn't make it. Then, a man's voice yelled "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" I dropped to the sidewalk, and other people there did as well. I was underneath a table and heard the gun going and going and going. It just kept shooting. I was afraid for my life. The shots then ended and I got up. Inside at a table there were some dead people, some black men that were from Africa. I walked around a little and started to notice a wet feeling on the back of my neck. I then saw blood dripping down my leg. I had been shot in the back of the neck! I needed help before I lost too much blood. A man found me, I think it was Keith, one of the previous owners of the shop. He was so upset that I had gotten hurt. He helped me to a hospital. At some point, I saw blood dripping onto the floor. At another point, I saw the wound after the bullet was taken out. It was quite small and looked to be scabbed over already. At another point, I felt that this wasn't real, and I became lucid. There was a guy with me who looked like my husband's best friend, and I said "This is a dream!" He was quite close to my face and he just looked at me. I then woke up. ~ I was at work at the bakery. It was nighttime. I was working with Taylor and Kaitlin. I was supposed to get off of work at 9, but we were so slow and caught up that I clocked out at almost 8 o'clock. As I was leaving, I saw Taylor and Kaitlin working on something. I hoped that they didn't need my help. I had to be at work by 6am the next day anyway. I was thinking about how Shannon would probably be mad at me for leaving early, but oh well, too late now. I then briefly woke up and thought that that had really happened. I then went back to sleep. I was back at work, and the computer screen there was a buttery yellow color. I had left it that way; I was supposed to clean it off before I left. There was a note typed up in the top left corner of the screen with some quote about cleanliness from the assistant CS manager. I started to scrape the yellow stuff off with my fingernail. ~ Again, I was working at the coffee shop, though it looked different. Two girls came in, one about 12, the other a teen, and ordered some drinks, a cafe' au lait for the older one, and some kind of latte for the younger one. I realized that we had no milk. We also had these weird milk steamers that were hand-held. I looked in vain for milk. I remember seeing some black coffee that looked steamed and bubbly. I felt bad for making the girls wait. What kind of coffee shop runs out of milk?? I had to apologize for the wait to the girls. The younger girl then changed her order to an amaretto latte. I then ran to another coffee shop to borrow milk. I told the guy working that I needed enough milk for a cafe' au lait and a latte. He poured some milk into a steaming pitcher for me and gave it to me. I looked inside the pitcher, and it didn't look like there was barely any milk, and it looked like it was separated; the white part was on the bottom, and on the top it looked like water. Ok...weird... I then was back in the coffee shop and looked in the pitcher again and saw that it was full of orange juice! What...the heck. I didn't want to make these girls wait any longer, so I decided to change the OJ into milk by thinking about it. I realized I was dreaming for a split second while doing this, but quickly faded back into the NLD. I was kind of succeeding at the beverage change. I eventually steamed it, which I remembered how to do surprisingly well. It now definitely looked like milk. I gave them the drinks. I couldn't remember exactly what the younger girl had said she wanted in her latte. She then went over to a self-serve area and put some kind of amaretto powder into her drink. Alright, whatever! ~ I was in the library in college. I was getting on a computer. Jason was next to me on a computer. He was playing Starcraft. I then also started to play. My base was right next to his. We were both playing as the Zerg race. I was literally trying to build on his land. I built some kind of something, honestly I don't remember what it was, I think it was to make the most basic attack Zergs (can't recall what they're called). His drones started to attack them. I then started to try building a base around his, but he kept attacking me as I was doing so. I would succeed, but his drones would kill off any progress I was making. I decided to quit because I didn't think we were supposed to be playing Starcraft on the library computers anyway. It then showed a screen that had the word FEMALE on it inside of a bar and the bar filled up almost all the way in a lime green color. It was a bonus for being one of the few female Starcraft players. I went on there again and immediately got attacked by more advanced Zerg fighters. I quickly quit again, this time receiving no bonus.
Dream - Lucid I was outside somewhere in a parking lot. I noticed a car with lots of little signs propped up on the hood that said things like "Blow me!" and other similar statements. Upon further examination, I noticed it was an anti-rape thing that people did. It was like you'd put all these vulgar statements about oral sex on your car while it was parked, and it was supposed to be an anti-rape thing. The things were then on my car, though in the dream, I had a mini-van or an SUV, not the car I currently have IWL. Dallas didn't like it at all. It made him mad. At one point, I believe he was taking the signs off the car. Then, we were inside a mall. There was a table that had all the signs on it. For some reason, I went to go pick the signs off, and noticed there was a necklace at each place. I started to pick up all the necklaces. Some were gold, some silver. I particularly liked one with a large elephant pendant on it, but I knew it would be way too long on me. I then noticed that the table was set for a dinner that was going to take place that had something to do with the anti-rape thing. The necklaces were gifts. I started trying to put all the necklaces back. ~ I was at Disney World at Hollywood Studios, though it didn't look like it at all. I was with my mom. We were walking when I looked behind us and saw that The Tower of Terror was collapsing! I also saw other tall buildings collapsing. I thought maybe it was a tornado. I then saw one off the the right destroying more buildings. At this point, I started to question where we were. Was it Disney? It must be. My mom and I started to run the other direction, and I was thinking to myself that you probably shouldn't try to outrun a tornado. We then came across some tall grass and somehow figured that was the best place to go. I then was walking towards the ruined Tower of Terror, thinking about how many people had died in the tornado, when I figured out I was dreaming. I did some finger counts, and only came up with 6 once. The rest of the times I came up with 5. I also noticed that my nails were painted. I then tried to stick my finger through my palm, and it went through. I knew I didn't have much time left for this dream, so I decided to fly a little. I was right next to the ruined Tower. I was jumping, trying to get into the air. I then remembered to just let myself float, and it worked. I floated effortlessly into the air. I didn't go very high, but I wasn't trying to. I did let myself float a tad higher, and would start slowly sinking down again, so I'd have to do the floating thing again to gain my height back. I floated into the ruins of the tower; it was literally just the base that was left and nothing more, not even a ton of rubble or anything. I then couldn't think of what else to do. I decided to talk to my mom, whom I suppose was nearby somewhere, though I didn't see her. I said "Hey, you know I'm lucid dreaming, right?" She said "Yes, but only for like 5 more minutes!" "Less than that!" I said back. Nothing else exciting happened. A few minutes later, I woke up. ~ I was walking through a mall, looking for a particular clothing store. I walking through this laser tag place where kids were running around. One little boy was trying to shoot me. I don't even have a vest on, I thought to myself. I then walked out of it and back into the mall. I was at a dead end. I felt as if this is where the store should be, but it was the same stores that I had already passed. I felt silly for going in circles. ~ I was at the bakery. Barry, an older man who works there, was in the freezer getting something. I was standing in there as well in front of the open door. I was messing with my phone and just plain zoning out. I then walked out of the freezer and Barry followed. He was carrying a box. Had he needed to get out of there this whole time? I then wondered how long I had been standing there. He hadn't said anything to me about moving, though. I then was in a room that doesn't exist IWL. It was dark in the room, but only the colors of everything around me; there was enough lighting in there. There was a chair in the middle of the room. On it, there was a box of what looked like donut holes. It should have been in the freezer. I picked it up, and it was room temp. Wow, it had been out for awhile! I went up to Barry to ask him if I should put them back or what he was doing with them. He told me he was going to eat them. When he said this, along his bottom teeth, I could see this whitish cream that I could only assume was the filling of the donut holes. Shannon, my manager, was then there talking to someone, telling a story, but then she switched her attention to telling the story to me. I couldn't really hear her or understand what she was saying, but she was smiling, so I assumed it was a funny story. She then pulled her phone out to show me something on there. I wasn't sure whether I should just go with it, or tell her that I couldn't hear her. I then was out in front of the counter. There were these velvet line dividers up like you see at the movie theater that were leading up to the bakery. These two teenage/early 20s guys came up and were asking me something about getting hired, but I couldn't understand them either. I said "I'm sorry, what? I can't hear very well." They smiled, and I then quickly added, "But you don't have to yell." to make sure they weren't going to start talking too loud. My hearing isn't THAT bad. They started to speak again, and I still couldn't understand a word they were saying, though I could hear them. I just felt so zoned out. So, logically, to escape the situation, I just fell onto the floor, knowing that it would actually work and I would be somewhere else. I somehow had an inkling that this wasn't reality, but I wouldn't say I was lucid. I then woke up.
Dream - Lucid I was waking up in what seemed to be my room at my house. It was dark and nighttime. I was looking at my dresser, and something seemed amiss. My TV wasn't there. I was dreaming! I got pretty excited, because I knew it was the beginning of the dream. I had quite a bit of lucidity ahead of me. I went into another room, thinking as I went, trying to figure out what to do with my lucidity, when I remembered CanisLucidus's dare, or at least the first part of it, to make Mike, my spirit guide, appear. I was in the bonus room and saw that on the couch sat my parents. It was quite dark in the room, like it had been in my bedroom. My dad was smiling at me, sitting right in front of me, and my mom was next to him on the right. I wanted Mike to appear, so I decided to try the Canis approach to making people appear in his dreams. I turned around to face away from my parents on the couch and said to my dad "You're going to be Mike!" I had no idea if this was going to actually work for me, but I turned around and saw that he had, in fact, changed! He was an older, rugged-looking man with straight, slightly thinning and slightly whiting shoulder length red hair. The red seemed to be mostly closer to the tips. He also had a mustache and a small beard. Even though he (once again) looked different, it was definitely him. "Mike!!" I said. I gave him a big hug. "Where have you been?" I asked. I don't recall his exact response, but he was telling me he had been busy doing other things. I kind of expected him to respond with something like "I've been here the whole time!" or something cheesy and predictable like that. Mike then asked me if I wanted to see his world. Of course I said yes! I don't remember if there was a period of transport or not, but we were then there. We were outside. It was sunny and bright, and actually appeared to be quite Earth-like. There were humans like us walking around, quite a few in fact; we seemed to be in a town or neighborhood. I wonder what made this world different from Earth? I then thought that this was a very Earth-like planet, but it was in a different dimension. That made much more sense to me. We then proceeded to go to his house. I was introduced to his mom, though I don't remember exactly what she looked like. I was a little nervous about meeting her since I was from such a different place and that I wouldn't know much about this place if she asked. We were in his house for a bit. It was easy to tell that he felt at home in this world. I felt like an outsider. Then, I think we were outside again, and he was showing me some solar powered thing that charged when held under the sun. It may have been a cellphone, but at any rate, it was a small black device that looked similar to some cellphones. He was guiding me on how to hold it under the sun, telling me I did a good job when I figured it out. Well, there's one difference, more emphasis on solar energy. There were other slight differences, I knew there was, but I didn't know what they were yet. Around this point, I also looked at some text on a sign that looked like it said "Kristia" or something like that. I looked away and back to find that it was now gibberish. The K was still there though. Yay for wonky dream text! I was also remembering that I had another part of the dare to do, but everything was so fast paced, I couldn't seem to recall it. There was a brief point where I did, but Mike was in front of me walking, so I didn't ask and forgot about it. We were then going around town, and his appearance kept changing, which is what he's good at doing. I'd look at him, and he'd look different, but still had something about his face that made me know it was still him. He, at one point, turned into this short, very dark Indian-looking woman with short black bobbed hair. He was next to me, then started to walk in front of me. I cannot recall where we were going at this point, all I know is that we were outside. Throughout the dream, I had also been doing random finger count RCs to make sure I was going to stay in the dream, sometimes coming up with 6 fingers, but it was usually 5. We were then sitting down somewhere. He was back to his form from the beginning of the dream, which was kind of a relief for me. I then really wanted to kiss him. I focused on his lips and leaned in. I closed my eyes, there was a slight delay on his end, but we kissed. I was concerned about my eyes being closed and how that could very well wake me. We kissed a couple of times before... I opened my eyes and I was in my room...kissing my husband. Ha! Well that's good at least. I looked at my nightstand and saw that many of my things, my notebook, phone, DS, etc. weren't there, but were on the floor. I guess I somehow knocked them off the nightstand in my sleep. I asked my husband if I had been doing anything in my sleep, and he said I had been singing a song. Ha! I then, at some point, figured out that I was dreaming again, and had had a FA. I found Mike again somehow, though I couldn't tell you where. I feel like we went back to his world for a bit, and we were talking about something when the dream finally ended for real. ~ I was in high school band again. We were going to have to stay until after 10:30pm, which, in the dream, was when classes ended, for band rehearsal. I was complaining to my friends about it. We weren't happy about it. I was then sitting with the other clarinet players in an arch in the front row of seats in the band room. We were trying out for chair placements. My band director played a scale on the clarinet he was holding and told us that was our tryout. God, I hadn't played a scale, or the freakin' clarinet, in forever. It was assumed I was going to go first even though I was sitting in the smack dab middle of the arch because of my last name. I said "Don't look at me! I always go first!" The attention was taken off of me. I looked at my mouthpiece to make sure my reed was placed on there correctly. ~ I was about to walk into a classroom to watch some kids while the teacher was out. I wrote something on the floor right next to the inside of the doorway on the right in chalk, a couple of sentences that kids would write over and over again on the blackboard for getting in trouble, though I can't remember what the sentences were. I hoped that the teacher didn't expect me to write them over and over again on the blackboard. I then was walking into the class. I walked in the front past the teacher's desk which was in the middle of the classroom. There was someone else in there at another smaller desk close to the end of the front. I started to think about how I would discipline a student who was doing something wrong. I looked to the blackboard and saw another, smaller board on it. I could make them write their names up there like I had to do when I was a kid, but I doubted that I could speak up enough to do this; I didn't want them to dislike me. I was then putting cake donut holes in bags when the other person there asked me a question, asking me if I would do something, a hypothetical question. I said yes, I'd do it. She was shocked by my answer, but I had meant it in a different way than what she was taking it in, and I tried to explain myself to her. I was then putting dill pickle slices in one of the bags with the donuts. I had only put a few in there before I realized that was a terrible idea. I took them out, but there was still a little juice in there. ~ I had a dream before my LD, but I was so excited about the LD that I completely forgot it! Still super stoked about seeing Mike again. It has been awhile! Also, thank you Canis for (inadvertently) giving me a method of making DCs appear! Also, I completed half your dare. Does that count for anything? XD
Updated 09-28-2014 at 02:15 PM by 32059
Dream - Lucid I was holding a guitar. Dallas was teaching me how to play it. I had my fingers on the strings, which were going both vertical and horitzontal, like a tic-tac-toe board. He was teaching me how to put my hands on the strings and only strum one at a time, not hitting any others at the same time. I wasn't sure how that was possible, but I did it. I moved my other hand on the neck to produce different notes. It actually sounded good! I played a couple of scales, making the end of the last legato on the last few notes. I then was approached by a little boy. He was this girl I knew in high school's son, John. He gave me a hug, then, very articulately and adult-like, started to tell me about this video game he played called "Kingdom Health"; I assumed it was more of a Christian version of Kingdom Hearts. He then was telling me how much he loved my recording of Moonlight Sonata Movement III. He said he really liked the one that I had that played backwards. I was thinking about the recordings, and how they weren't that good since I'm not really that good at playing that song all together, only certain sections of it. I was thinking about how the backwards recording sounded, however, and it was quite smooth. ~ I was pushing around these three infants in a shopping cart. I was in a building, though I'm not sure what it was. They were wrapped in blankets. One was a boy and two were girls. I kept thinking about how I needed to change their diapers, particularly the boy's, but I hadn't yet. I reached down to touch the boy's face to make sure he was even still alive. His eyes opened so I knew he was. The weird thing about the babies was they were like "training" babies; it was like a sim game of taking care of babies. I knew they weren't "real", but at the same time, they were. I kept thinking about this the whole dream, but never doing it. Someone else, a girl, was with me at some point. Also at some point, I was in an arcade. There was then a point where I didn't know where the babies were anymore. They were gone. I figured they had gotten taken away from me. ~ I was at Dallas and I's wedding, though it was taking place in a beautiful church rather than the place we really did get married. There were many people there. I remember the atmosphere being fun. At one point, I heard my old friend Josh on speaker phone with my friend Caitlin. He sounded like the Josh I remember (haven't spoken to or seen him in ages IWL). The phone looked more like a small radio than a phone. I then announced to him "You know you're on speaker phone, right?" His voice was then replaced with another guy's voice. I don't remember what he said, but he was talking directly to me. I do know it was because Josh didn't want anything to do with me anymore. A bit later, I thought I spotted Josh at the wedding, but upon further examination, it was an older man. Of course Josh hadn't come for the wedding. I then was having a good time in the sanctuary of the church with my family and friends, and I became lucid. I started to walk to the side of a table, like the gravity was switched and I was standing up sideways, but I quickly woke up right after. -_-; ~ I was with my friends Rachel and Chad, a married couple. They were playing piano duets, Chad playing the left hand part and Rachel playing the right. I didn't even know they knew how to play piano! I saw the music going by as they were playing. The right hand looked complicated. The song was in a minor key. I think I wanted Dallas and I to be able to do it too. Then it was like I was controlling a Sims game. I made my character have this glitched black doberman looking dog. He kept getting bigger and bigger. I then put my character in fish net tights, a shirt, and I think a skirt? And my character was a middle-aged balding guy. I made his thighs get bigger too. He looked ridiculous. I was making my character walk around at night outside. The viewpoint was not a traditional Sims overhead view, but a closer view similar to that of many FPS games. There was an NPC at the backdoor of a building trying to deliver a package. I made my character go up to him to tell him he had to go around front. He did just that. I then wanted to take my character downtown to go party all night. I looked at his needs bars, and saw that all but one were completely full and green, with the one not being completely full just a tad bit drained. I just had wanted to make sure his energy was up, but since I had just created him he was full. I then made him start to run through some grass towards downtown. The character was taking huge steps because he had long legs. I then was the character, and I felt myself running and taking these giant steps. ~ I was at work at the bakery. A girl I used to work with at the coffee shop, Virginia, was working on the decorator's side. She was helping a customer with something. I was feeling very lightheaded and tired. I walked around to the back. I think I was eating something and trying not to get seen. I then was trying to exit the dish washing area, and I started to feel so tired and lightheaded I fell to the floor. Wow, why was I feeling so off? I then realized that I was dreaming. The tiles on the floor instantly became more vivid, being a light olive green color and a light pink color. Almost as quickly as it came, however, I felt it fading. I rubbed my hand across the tiles to stabalize the dream. They felt quite real. I then started to run my hand over the wall, and it felt like only pressure on my hand. I got up off of the floor and started touching everything I came across. There was some black metal grating over this small electronic thing that looked like a digital thermostat or something. I ran my hands over it and felt how realistic it was. I then reached into the grating and pushed a button on the thing. It was locked with a code, and the small screen said something like "Cal9". I thought about how dream text constantly changes. Spoiler for Explicit content: I then walked out of the bakery and into a new area. I was in some restaurant-type place now where many people were sitting in booths. I decided that I wanted to have some dream sex, so I approached a tall bald black man with a mustache who was sitting at the booth. He had a child of about 4 with him, a little boy. I straddled the guy, and he said "Do you think gay people ever come here?" I understood that to mean that he was gay and uninterested, so I moved on to the person sitting behind him in a booth, a girl probably around my age or a little younger with long black hair. She looked up at me and I went and straddled her. I lifted my shirt up and exposed myself. I then couldn't hold it in anymore and had an orgasm, which, of course, woke me up. ~ My sleep was fragmented last night, so I don't feel like I remember as much as I could have. I know there was more to all of these dreams except the last one, but I can't recall too many details, only generalities. I have been quite stressed lately, so I'm guessing that has something to do with it.
Updated 09-26-2014 at 04:34 PM by 32059
Dream - Lucid I was in some video game when I became lucid. The lucidity lasted for a bit, but all I can remember from it was asking a Nicholas Cage, "Tell me who you really are!" He looked at me with a straight face, and responded with something like "You don't want to know." We talked some more, but I started to feel like I was talking out loud in my sleep. I then woke up in another dream, laying on a pull-out couch. I asked whoever else was there, I think it was my brother, if I had been talking in my sleep. He said he didn't hear anything. ~ I was at work in the bakery, but, as usual, it looked nothing like the bakery does IWL. We were by a checkout counter. Someone asked me if I would mix the dough. I told them no, I wouldn't, it was too scary. The reason I said that it was scary was because when someone went to mix the dough, they had to go to a different part of the store. They had to travel through dark, creepy, cave/maze-like areas with enemies that would shoot you. You had to be armed and shoot them before they killed you. It was kind of like Doom/Goldeneye 64. The area where you mixed was also threatened by enemies. I told them that last time I did it, I was sitting down, trying not to fall asleep with my shotgun because enemies kept coming. I "remembered" this happening. I didn't want to go through that again. I preferred the safety of the bakery. There was a guy there who had been doing it every day. He held his own pretty well and was much more of an expert on it than me. My manager then tried to toss me some frozen dough to take to the mixer. I don't remember what I did or said. I then was really close to an enemy, an archer who slightly resembled King Graham from the Kings Quest games. His back was turned to me. I was trying to sneak up on him and throw him in the lava. I was being quiet, until I made a small noise. He heard it and turned around. We fought a little, but I don't remember much about it. I then was going through the dark area for some reason. I had the guy in front of me who went all the time. I was shooting at enemies with a laser. I then started to get shot at, and my laser stopped working, so I turned around and ran the other way to get out of the enemy's sight. I looked down at my laser, and it was a Wiimote. When I'd fire it with the A button, the light on the Wiimote would turn red, signaling to me that I was too far away from a Wii for it to work. As I was turning a corner, a bullet grazed me, and it really hurt! That too was part of the reason I didn't like doing the dough; it hurt when you got hit, though if you died, you'd respawn. I then saw this open part of the maze to the dough. It was very dark there. There were people there with different colored lights all down the middle of the room to direct us where to go. They also had to defend themselves from the enemies. I saw a top view of this room, and then I was at the beginning of the room. I didn't go to far into the room. I also saw, at some point, a view of a room from some stairs. I then was at the checkout again. Someone came and asked if they had different dough runners, and they said yes. I then saw a shelf with bowls of dough on it for each day of the week, each with a different name on it. I really hoped my name wasn't up there. I looked, and didn't see it. I was, for some reason, a little disappointed, even though I didn't really want to do it. ~ I was at what was supposed to be my house, but it looked nothing like it. I kept thinking about the weed I had from a while ago that was in the top drawer of this white three drawer organizer I have. I kept thinking about when I was going to smoke it. I was then in my room, which looked like the room of my first apartment. I opened the drawer, and the bag was in there with some weed in it. I "remembered" when I bought it. I had recently smoked, maybe a few weeks prior, so my sobriety was already blown. I didn't want to smoke it inside though because it would smell like weed, and my roommates might not appreciate it. I then thought about how this woman who was living there, an older woman, liked weed, and wondered if I should ask her to smoke with me. She was there currently, the only other one home but me. I didn't ask her. I then briefly woke up, still half in the dream world, thinking that I didn't really have any leftover weed. As I eased back into the dream world, I thought that of course I did. I went and checked again, and there it was. Then, there was this tall, young black man in our kitchen. He had a Jamaican accent. He was yelling at us about something that we did wrong. It had something to do with work. He was mostly getting mad at two of my roommates who weren't there currently. He was yelling more and more, when finally, I had had enough and chimed in. "Shut up! Shut the fuck up!" I continued to yell at him, saying other things, throwing around a lot of profanities. He kept yelling also. There was one point where I was standing on a chair in front of him. I grabbed his face in my hands, which somehow corresponded to a TV screen, like this was being recorded or something, and told him that the roommates (who were an FFX character, Lulu, and someone I knew it college) were my friends, and he needed to leave them alone. The chair almost fell backwards at one point. I figured I'd probably get in trouble for this, but I didn't care; this guy was insulting people I loved. I also kept thinking that now since I was so mad I was definitely gonna smoke that weed that day. The guy turned around and left, and I was now in the kitchen with Adam, the guy from college who was apparently my roommate, and one of the people the Jamaican man was yelling about. He was doing something by the stove. He was wearing a glittery brown plaid hat. I told him what happened. I then told him I loved his hat. "It's so..." I started to say, when he interrupted and said "Gay?" (IWL he is gay) "You just wear it well!" I said. "Thank you," he said. ~ It's interesting how after not smoking for almost two years I am still having these dreams about smoking. I guess it was such a huge influence in my life for so long, and well, it's an addiction that I've been battling for 5 years now. I guess the dreams just come with the territory.
Dream - Lucid I felt myself entering a dream. All around me was this texture that looked like it came out of DK64; it was a light brown bamboo-like texture with some green leaves. I let the dream world finish forming. I then noticed that I could kinda see through the texture that was in front of me; it was like it was a sheet covering a big window. I could see that there were trees outside, and that it was daytime. I pulled the sheet back to reveal the big window, which was looking out onto a landscape with lots of trees. I started to walk through this landscape, and felt that the dream was quite stable, but I guess it wasn't because I woke up with no warning whatsoever. ~ I was laying in bed in the morning, and I asked Dallas if he was itchy. He said yes. I hoped we didn't have bed bugs; for some reason, I was afraid that we did. He got up, but I stayed in bed for a minute. I then got up too, and looked at the bed behind me. There were a few of these black/grey ant-looking things up by my pillow. There were about as big as two quarters each. Ugh. Is that what bed bugs look like? I wonder how long they'd been there for? I then thought about how at least now we could save the embarrassment of having to tell the apartment complex that we had them since we lived in a house now (not true IWL). I then started to wake up in the middle of the night in our bed. Phew, just a dream, but I better ask Dallas again if he'd itchy just to make sure. I started to tap him with my right hand to wake him up. My touch felt very "muted"; my hand felt kind of numb to me touching him, but I felt the pressure. I assumed it was just because I was just waking up (missed dream sign D: ). I asked him if he was itchy, and he said yes. Hmm...maybe it wasn't as much of a dream as I had thought it was. In the morning, we got up. Again, he was up before me. When I pulled my covers back to get out of bed, I noticed that, on the inside edge of the comforter, there were these tiny black gnat-looking bugs crawling around, and there was also a dead wasp and a dead bee. What the heck? I got out of bed and went to get Dallas to tell/show him. I told him about the dead wasp thing and how weird that was. I believe there was more to this one, but I can't recall. ~ I was outside in a swimming pool in Oregon. There were many others swimming as well. I was there visiting my parents. It was daytime, and there were many palm trees around, as if I was in Florida or somewhere more tropical. I was thinking about the time of year it was and how in the heck it was still warm enough for swimming. I knew it wouldn't last too much longer. I then saw, sitting at the end of the pool on the edge with his feet in the water was Robin Williams. He had a bright smile on his face and seemed to be glowing he was so happy. I swam towards him and we spoke, but I don't remember what we spoke about. Dream skip. There was a point where I became lucid. I'm not sure when or what triggered it, but I was lucid. I decided to fly. I took off into the air from wherever I was and was flying quite fast and had a good amount of control of where I was going for the most part. It was evening, I believe, and I was outside. I flew higher until I was above the clouds. I looked down at all the clouds below me. It was very pretty. I started to lose height for a bit until I was below the clouds again. I thought to myself to simply rise up again instead of thinking too hard about it. I gained a bit more height. Then, back to the NLD. I was inside somewhere in a small room with white walls, and I figured out that the Robin Williams thing happened awhile ago, and he wanted to meet back up with me, but the day before we were supposed to meet up, he killed himself. I figured it out by looking at his planner and his calendar, which was hanging on the wall; he had written in light orange ink "Krista" on October 3rd (not an accurate date I know but it's a dream). In fact, all of his writing was in light orange. I then spent a lot of the dream trying to figure out how to go back in time or how I could meet up with him anyway. I'm honestly not sure if it was one or the other or both, because it feels quite jumbled in my mind. There was a point where I was back in the swimming pool. I also feel like there was some more lucidity, but it was very brief. ~ I was inside somewhere, preparing donuts for some group thing. I called the person I was going to give free donuts to. I was going to just pick a random person. I picked a person with a very short name, it was something like Roi or something; it seemed, in the dream, that the person I was calling was from a video game, Fire Emblem maybe (I know there is a "Roy" in that game). He answered though, and didn't sound like he had any sort of accent. I was asking him about the donuts and what kinds he wanted and stuff. As I was talking to him, I was in a room where we were getting trays of donuts ready and putting the boxes together and stuff. Others were there as well, I remember Courtney S. being there among them. I then left the room to go do something else, and asked the guy to hold on a second. I was still holding my phone. I was looking for something. It had to do with the donuts, but that's all I remember. I was thinking to myself this guy probably doesn't believe I'm getting ready anymore because all the noise from the other room had stopped. I then got back on the phone with him. Fortunately, he was still there. I was telling him I was doing something that I really wasn't doing, though I don't remember what it was. I was frantically searching for something still. Then, we got off the phone. We had everything set up on long white tables; there were many boxes of donuts there, most being all chocolate iced or a combo of half chocolate iced and half glazed. My box for the guy I was on the phone with had lots of different kinds in it. I remember a vanilla iced and a maple iced, and there were some with an orange icing on them. As I was looking at the orange icing, I wondered if it was cheese or icing. The ones with lots of icing had the icing overlapping onto other donuts. It looked kind of messy, but they'd at least taste good. I did wonder, though, if I was supposed to use those kinds of donuts since everyone else seemed to have the same two kinds. Oh well, too late now. People started to come in to get their donuts. I was trying to spot my guy, whom I expected to look Asian. He was one of the last ones to come in, however. When I saw him, I was actually sitting on a platform or something a little above everyone's heads. The guy looked like a guy I knew that came into the coffee shop regularly IWL. He was young, about 30 or so, had a small dirty blonde beard/mustache, and light brown hair on his head. He looked up and saw me, and he spoke to me, though I don't remember what he said.
Updated 09-14-2014 at 06:30 PM by 32059