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    Threecat's Dreamtime

    Here is where I post all my good stuff: lucids, OBEs, shared dreams (yeah that's right, I'm open-minded!), lucid NREM, DV members, etc. I also like posting some of the not-so-good stuff as well: missed lucidity cues, failed RCs, sleepless nights, etc. If you like what you are reading, like my entry and leave me a comment--it's nice to be recognized!

    1. 4 DILDs: "I'll have an LD after this problem . . . .", "OK, Computer!", and "Microwave"

      by , 11-22-2014 at 03:17 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      I wake from NLD, very little recall. Scribble down what I can on my bigger notepad. Feel very tired, so get up and walk around a bit, expose myself to a little light. Return to bed, and with light on, MILD for several minutes. Then begin SSILD until asleep. I am teaching a class. A students asks me to help him solve a math problem. I have already realized that this is a dream, but I mistake it for a dreamlet, and so decide to follow the dream plot for now. I solve the math problem mentally, but the student is unconvinced. I work it out on the board an am correct. I then fade into wakefulness. I perform SSILD.

      I am lucid, and some kid is showing off their dream control skills. Something to do with chopping things up with a hatchet? This dream is short, and I don't remember much of anything. After waking, perform MILD again, followed by SSILD.

      I am sitting at the end of a lane outside of a park. I am sitting on my sleeping mat, and am sitting up. I think that it might be dangerous to sleep here, as a horse and buggy is approaching me. For some reason, I think I am pretending to be a ghost. I realize I am dreaming, and try out my new schema I've been incubating. There are numerous DCs walking about the park. "Computer!" I say. "Freeze simulation!" All of the DCs stop moving. Freakin' sweet. "Computer!" I say. "Lift!" I point at some old woman and try to lift her via telekinesis. Nothing happens. I try some more commands (can't remember now) and try to freeze the DCs again, but it does not work a second time. I get into some hugging match with a DC. D'oh!


      I feel my body breathing and I wake up. SSILD.

      I am standing in front of the microwave, microwaving a bowl of chickpeas. I know the chickpeas are done, but for some reason, the microwave door will not open, nor will it turn off. I push the cancel button, but nothing is happening. Finally, the door pops open violently, and actually shoves me back a bit with something like an electrical shock (I attribute this to overloaded microwaves in the dream). It occurs to me that appliances mess up in dreams and I RC. I can breathe. "Computer!" I say. "Produce cake!" Nothing happens, but I think that maybe the cake got put in the refrigerator. I walk out of the bedroom (which for some reason had the microwave in it?) and head to the kitchen. I realize I am quite short (about dwarf-sized) but I ignore this interesting phenomenon. I make it to the fridge and open it. It looks gross and empty, but I feel my body breathing and wake up. Try SSILD for a bit, then just meditate supine for a while. After a while I decide to get up.