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    Brainy Vapours

    My collection of dreams or lack thereof. In case of lack of dreams, random utterings of extreme frustration

    1. Grey's Anatomy Cast Moving my Furniture and Cheater Theatre

      by , 02-24-2011 at 05:10 PM (Brainy Vapours)
      Non Dream

      Dream 1 - Grey's Anatomy Cast Moving my Furniture

      Some guys are moving some furniture for me. Included are my Partner, my Brother In Law, and Alex Karev from Grey's Anatomy. The house we are in in a two level version of an old beach house my Grandparents used to live in. After a while, they come downstairs looking exhausted and frustrated. Apparently there was a problem. Lexie from Grey's appears and gives me the low down on the situation. While they were moving furniture around my baby son's bedroom, a window was broken. They are all very concerned that my son will suffer from too many cold drafts of air.

      Too much time in Germany is to blame for that brainwave I think! LOL

      Work stops and there is pizza for all the hard working helpers, but I realize I must bring a table down from upstairs so that people can eat it. I can't do it alone, but no one offers to help because they are all so tired. My Brother In Law seems to be especially tired - he begins to snore loudly on the couch next to me. I chide him for it and he smiles at me before quickly passing out again. Suddenly I feel really tired too, like I can't move, even though I did nothing. I know that the others all want me to go get the table, but we all pass out instead.

      Dream 2 - Cheater Theatre

      I think it's rather strange that "cheating" seems to be a reoccurring thread through out my dreams. Perhaps it is a dream sign, reflecting in inner fear.

      A group of people are watching my closely to see what I will do, if I will cheat on my man with this random guy that looks a bit like Tom Cruise. I feel pressured. I am not interested in cheating, but for some reason I agree to. There is a room separated by a curtain that we go into. Flash forward to after the "event", there is a large African American man telling me that I've got game, and he has respect for me. I barely acknowledge the comment. Flash forward to me putting on some makeup with the same people watching me intently. The onlookers are waiting with baited breath, and when I put on a certain shade of eyeshadow they go mental, telling me that the colour is perfect for me. It's really odd as they are all shouting and cheering over it. They offer me a really over the top curly blond wig to complete the look.