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    Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams

    1. Ice Skating; WILD; Weirdness with Church Friends

      by , 09-02-2012 at 09:15 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I was ice skating with two friends I'd just met. They were both girls. One had straight ginger hair that fell approximately down to her shoulders (maybe slightly longer). I don't remember what the other girl looked like, but I think she had black hair. There were other people there, too, but I didn't know them.

      The ice rink was outdoors and fairly small. Ice skating was a lot easier than I find it IWL. I was actually going rather fast most of the time. Every now and then, I'd fall over from being careless and inexperienced, but it never hurt. One time, when I fell forward and put my hands out to catch myself, I let myself continue sliding across the ice on my hands and feet (the blades of my skates were touching the ice) because I thought it looked cool.

      I eventually woke up (or so I thought) and considered trying WILD but decided not to because it was already morning and I didn't think I'd be going back to sleep. After a couple minutes, though, I changed my mind. Here, weird dream logic took over, telling me that WILD involves walking around the house. I went downstairs but then realized I was only wearing a towel, so I decided to go back to my room and get dressed, but I woke up before I did.

      I did a quick reality check to confirm that I was actually awake this time but soon went back to sleep anyway.

      This time, I was at church with my friend Giana. There's a little room by the sanctuary that no one ever seems to use; that's where we were. I asked her a question (though I can't remember what it was now).

      "Yeah, but no killing," she responded. This confused me, but then she made a comment about some game.

      "I thought we were talking about real life," I said.

      "I'm talking about our game," she told me. At this point, I assumed that she and Emma (another of our friends; the three of us make up our little trio) had made up some game last week when I wasn't there.

      We left the little room and found Emma waiting for us. Giana wanted me to download some music and play it for us, so I did (actually, she just took my laptop and downloaded it herself). When it started playing, I asked if there was a censored version, since the music had a lot of swearing in it, but she said no.

      At some point, we somehow ended up outside in a field. The music had stopped playing, switching to a slideshow of pictures instead. One of them was a demotivational poster. I don't remember what the text was, but the picture was a poorly photoshopped image of a cross between a lion and some other animal (can't remember what). I then alt-tabbed over to DreamViews and started typing up my previous dreams in my dream journal before waking up and realizing I'd have to type up my DJ entry all over again.
    2. Zelda Songs

      by , 08-08-2012 at 12:07 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I had a dream last night that my friend Lizz and I were listening to Zelda songs (from the game soundtracks) on my iPod. I was trying to guess the songs, I think. Also, I think we were on a train for some reason. Anyway, one song came on, and I said, "You can skip this; it's from a cutscene." The song was The Revival's Completion from the Spirit Tracks OST (i.e., the part where Malladus is revived). I looked at the iPod and realized that it wasn't anything from Spirit Tracks; it was music from the new Zelda game (not Skyward Sword; it was a Wii remake of the original).
    3. Thruway (and three others)

      by , 07-18-2012 at 04:13 PM (Fennecgirl's Collection of Dreams)
      I remembered four more dreams last night. I don't really remember the order of these (save for the last one), but I'll try to put them in the order I think they happened in.

      1. I don't really remember how this one started. There were some bad guys or something. They were trying to escape from this place where they were trapped, I think. I was watching this in third-person, by the way. They made some sort of homemade flying machine (a chair with a propeller, or something like that) and escaped, so they were in the air. They were flying alongside two zeppelins; if I remember correctly, they'd actually ejected out of one of them.

      I'm pretty sure the zeppelins appeared because, yesterday evening, I went to see a concert IRL, and the guy playing (a local musician, my dad knows him somehow) did play a couple of Led Zeppelin songs... two, to be specific, which I'm sure corresponds to the two zeppelins that appeared in the dream.

      2. I was at the library for the teen writing group (which I do attend IRL). For some reason, though, we were going to be singing instead of writing. When I saw the sheet music, I recognized the song as Largo, and I hoped I would be assigned the Soprano II part.

      3. I was in my room with my friend Giana, showing her this online flash game on the computer. I told her it was kind of like the Super Smash Bros. games but in the water (i.e., you fight in the water, and whoever gets knocked out of the water loses). I started the game and realized I was kind of right; it was like Super Smash Bros., but you couldn't get out of the water once you fell in, so the fight would gradually shift to be in the water.

      (After this, I woke up, but fell asleep after a little while and had another dream.)

      4. This dream really stands out for some reason. There were several of us, and we needed to get onto the Thruway for some reason. We didn't have a car, by the way. There were four lanes, but only one was open to us; the other three had traffic going the other way. For some reason, we couldn't all go together, so we had to figure out how to get through. We decided that four of the others would walk together. That left two of us - me and some girl I apparently knew somehow. She got on a motorcycle, and I knew I was supposed to follow her. I got on the motorcycle I apparently had with me and followed her. Even though I didn't know how to ride a motorcycle, it was surprisingly easy.

      When we left the Thruway, we ended up at a cemetery. It was supposedly the cemetery where my granddad was buried, though it looked a lot different than it does IRL (and it was evidently in a different location, as I don't remember somehow ending up in England...). Suddenly, it got cold and windy and started raining; fortunately, I had an umbrella with me. Then, it started getting dark. It got dark quickly, to the point where it was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. Once it was dark enough that I couldn't see anymore, I woke up.

      I wish I could remember who that girl was. She seemed important somehow. I may be wrong here, but I think it's possible I met my dream guide last night. I can hardly remember what she looked like, though - I'm terrible at recalling the appearance of DCs, unless they're either somebody I know IRL or characters I'm familiar with.