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    Hyu's Adventures

    I've been lucid dreaming all my life. But it is only in late 2010 that I was introduced to what lucid dreaming actually is,
    and that it is possible to induce lucid dreams. Soon after, I discovered Dreamviews.
    These are the adventures and the curiosities I experience in my dreams.

    Last edited on 2014.07.31

    ~ Recurring Locations ~

    • The Beach (Image)
      A place I often end up in if I get lost, or if I use a means of teleportation without thinking of a destination.
      It is always dusk whenever I am there. Usually the beach is empty, but occasionally something of interest can be found.
      The beach is a place of serenity. A place where I can be alone and safe.
    • Teraluna - Riven (Image) (Image)
      Teraluna is an inhabited moon within a binary star system.
      It is orbiting a blue gas giant. It is only sparsely lit by both suns, which are quite far away.
      Riven is a hidden sky city, hovering over the seas of Teraluna.
      It is a safe haven to all it's inhabitants, and home to Yuya.
      The city is lit entirely by colorful bioluminescent plants and creatures, giving the place a rather surreal and vibrant look.
      Riven is my favorite place to visit whenever I am lucid.

    ~ Recurring Characters ~
    • Yuya (Image)
      She has been in my dreams ever since my early teens.
      Formerly a goddess of water, she now lives in Riven.
      She is my spirit guide (although she does not like to be labeled as such)
      The connection I experience with her is incredible.
      She is my friend, my companion, my love, my ecstasy, my guide and my teacher.
    • Faye (Image)
      She is my dream guide, and often changes her appearance.
      But for some reason she has recently turned evil, and now haunts my dreams.
      She is no longer the same person, and can seemingly no longer be reasoned with.
    • Silver (Image)
      A character from childhood dreams.
      He used to be my rival, but is now my dear friend.
      He is not a man of many words, and I do not encounter him very often.
    • Liv (Image)
      Liv is a succubus, a kind of demon.
      She is young, inexperienced, shy, but immensely kind and compassionate,
      even though at first glance she looks demonic and dangerous.
      Nowadays she lives in Riven. Yuya and I guide her on her path towards adulthood.
    • Shinave (Image)
      Formerly a goddess of ice. She is a wise and intelligent person.
      She is Yuya's mother.
    • Ifrit (Image)
      Formerly a god of fire. A being of terrible force and power, but also incredible wisdom.
      He has lived for many hundreds of years, and still upholds old and conservative ideals.
    • Selene
      A character from childhood dreams.
      She has fallen to the templars a long time ago.
    • Templars
      A vile force of darkness that has threatened my dreams in the past.

    1. Why do dreams feel more real than waking life? - Liv gets drunk.

      , 05-24-2011 at 05:55 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm hanging out in Haven with Yuya and Liv, but the dream isn't very vivid and I feel groggy.
      We're standing at some table, and I don't really know what's going on. How did I get here again?
      I'm not feeling adventurous at all, which is weird.

      Yuya notices this and approaches me.
      I feel uneasy and nervous as she is standing very close to me.

      She gives me a kiss on my cheek.
      Suddenly, I feel the urge to breathe, as if I had forgotten to do so for the past few minutes.
      As I breathe in, I get a massive shock of vividness and awareness.
      Colors become vibrant and burn into my eyes. I start to hear what is going on around me.
      It feels like every nerve in my body just turned on, I can feel everything!
      As if I was in a coma, and somebody just woke me up.
      I knew I was in Haven, I knew I was with Yuya and Liv, but it is only know that I truly realize what this means.
      I've experienced this sensation a few times, but it remains as impressive as the first time.

      "Holy shit!"

      Yuya laughs.
      I look at my hands, I can feel every single tiny hair on my hand and fingers, as the wind gently brushes through them.
      I quickly investigate my surroundings because I'm hearing music.
      The 3 of us are standing at a table with different drinks on it. There are other tables with other people as well, it appears that we're at some kind of party or celebration.
      There's a band playing many different string instruments, so that's where the music is coming from.
      I really like the music, it's mostly cinematic music, very dramatic, but also full of energy and very pleasant.

      Yuya hands both Liv and me drinks, they look like shots.
      Liv doesn't seem to trust her drink, she's investigating it carefully.
      Yuya and I pour ours down. It burns a bit in my throat, the drinks are very strong.
      But they're very good. Liv finally drinks a shot as well and seems quite surprised.

      "What wonderful liquid is this?"

      Yuya and I have to laugh, and we continue having a good time and having drinks. Liv is such an innocent girl.
      I clearly feel that I'm getting drunk, and I do so faster than I should.
      After just 3 shots I can already clearly feel the effect, but the dream remains extremely vivid.

      "Yuya... how come dreams feel more real than waking life?"

      She smiles.

      "In waking life, it feels like I'm on autopilot the whole time. I do not see the beauty of my everyday life, everything seems boring and normal even though it really isn't."
      "Why does it feel like I'm asleep in waking life and awake in my dreams... awake right now?"

      After some thinking Yuya replies.

      "In waking life, you are busy thinking about a million things at the same time."
      "You might not realize most of what's going on, but you subconscious continuously tries to solve all the problems of your life."
      "There is simply not enough room to think about your surroundings the way you do right now."

      As always, Yuya's explanation makes a lot of sense, but I still feel like I'm missing something.

      "Well... I simplified it quite a bit... it is quite complex, I don't know how to put it in words..."

      She puts her drink down and puts her hands around my neck. She then presses her forehead against mine an closes her eyes.
      Our thoughts merge for a second and I catch a glimpse of the proper explanation.
      But I can't understand it, it feels like it goes beyond the limits of my imagination.
      I do understand the conclusion though, and I feel like it makes more sense now.

      As Yuya opens her eyes I get lost in their beauty.
      I'll never get used to such beauty, to such infinite detail.
      Usually, I'd start feeling insecure and look away, because I know I'm streaming my thoughts towards Yuya, and she'll immediately realize that I'm thinking about how beautiful she is.
      But I'm drunk, and I keep looking for a bit as she smiles...

      "I feel funny!"

      Both of us look back at Liv, she seems to have had quite a few shots while we were distracted.

      "Liv, are you drunk?"
      "Huh? I don't know."
      "Have you never had any alcohol?"
      "Uuuuuh, I don't think so?"

      You can tell by the way she moves that she's really drunk.
      I have trouble avoiding to laugh out loud, but I got a funny idea.

      "Liv, tell us a funny story!"

      Yuya is about to crack up.

      "I'm way too insecure to tell you anything shameful!!!"

      But she continues anyways.

      "So... you know how I seduce people in their dreams to leech some of their energy?"
      "Well... see, when a succubus seduces someone, she awakens the natural sexual urges within that person, but blocks out the thought of having sex..."
      "This way you get lost in a state where you're extremely aroused, but you won't do anything..."
      "But err... apparently not everyone is... interested in the same things?"
      "There was this guy, about a year ago... he casually started to get his dick out... I thought I had forgotten to block his sex thoughts at first... but I didn't!"
      "He proceeded to try to FUCKING PEE ON ME. I mean, can you believe this shit?"
      "What is wrong with people???"

      This is too much.
      Yuya and I burst out laughing. We both have to hold on to the table to avoid falling to the ground.
      Liv, the shy succubus, that fact alone is funny enough as it is, but hearing her tell this story because she's drunk, it's just too funny.
      All three of us can't stop laughing... I can feel the dream fade away, but I can't stop.
    2. The spoon is real.

      , 05-21-2011 at 11:39 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      A friend of mine has gotten into lucid dreaming about 2 months ago.
      He's been lucid dreaming naturally before that, but only learned about induction recently.
      Both his and my friends are very uncomfortable talking about dreams, so he and I talk about our dreams rather often.
      He has texted me on msn before this dream, expressing that he wants to experience more "spiritual things".
      Things like visiting unknown worlds and talking to "intelligent" DC's.

      I'm home, programming on a project for school. Things are not going well, I'm getting all kinds of errors that don't make any sense.
      I'm tired of this, I want to do something else. How awesome would it be if this was actually a dream and I could become lucid right now?
      Then I inevitably realize that I have no idea how I got here, and that the code indeed makes no sense whatsoever.

      I'll be damned, I am actually dreaming! sweet!

      I remember the conversation I had with my friend before going to bed and decide that it would be awesome to try and visit his dreams, they are quite different from mine.
      I summon my phoenix wings, search for his aura, and try to teleport to him.
      The transition is not as smooth as usually, I nearly loose consciousness, but then the new scene finally appears.
      The heat is strong, and I am blinded by the strong sunlight.

      I investigate my surroundings. It appears that I'm at an outdoors marketplace. It is very crowded.
      It reminds me of the Bazaar in Cairo, except it's completely outdoors.
      They sell all kinds of items, pretty much anything you can think of, from food over household appliances to souvenirs.
      I hear people speaking Arabic and English, I must be in an Arab country.

      Seeing how busy everyone is is very pleasant, but I'm a bit overwhelmed by it.
      It is very difficult to navigate the marketplace, it is way too crowded.
      I realize that I'm getting distracted and search for my friends aura and approach it.
      At first I doubt I'll be able to find him in this crowd, but his aura stands out, making it easy to track him.

      The crowd clears up a bit, and I finally see him next to some shop selling handcrafted and painted household items, such as many beautiful plates.
      He looks slightly different compared to waking life, but the differences are subtle.
      As I approach him I notice that he seems focused on a woman browsing some clothes a few meters away from him.
      I get a feeling of what he's doing. He's attracted to the woman, and he's trying to put the thought of being interested in him in her head.
      He's obviously lucid.
      I've done this before... I can tell quite clearly what he's doing.

      Should I intervene? I don't want to interrupt his lucid.
      Err, what am I doing, he said he wanted to experience new things.
      I sit on a desk belonging to the shop, right next to my friend, the woman is already approaching him.

      "No wonder you aren't experiencing anything overwhelming my friend, you're being distracted by women all the time."

      He turns around and looks at me very surprised. He looses focus on the woman and she goes back to browsing clothes.

      "I don't blame you, some women are just irresistible."
      "No kidding..."
      "You're Hyu right?"

      "Yep, you even used my nickname, how come?"
      "I don't know, you told me you're called Hyu in your dreams."
      "Fuck... this is really you isn't it?"
      "Yes, I can't prove it though"
      "Well, I suppose that doesn't really matter. Tell me about dreams! How to go past the limit of my imagination, how to meet dc's that seem sentient! Tell me!"

      I think for a few seconds, about many things, about what to say to him, and then I suddenly know exactly what to do.
      I grab a spoon from the shop we're at and hold it in front of me.

      "You've seen the matrix, right?"

      I start bending the spoon around with my mind.

      "Yes! The spoon doesn't exist!"
      "Huh? What do you mean?"
      "Why does the spoon not exist?"
      "Because it's not real. It's a projection of my mind, and because everything in my dreams is, I can control everything!"
      "Right... so... how do you define reality?"
      "Err... well, some time ago I would have said that whatever I can grasp with all of my senses is real, but nowadays..."
      "... uuuuh man, this is hard... I'll go with everything that directly affects my waking life."

      I'm positively surprised that he's thinking past his senses, but I'm not quite satisfied with his conclusion.

      "So, everything you experience in waking life is real, because it directly affects you?"
      "Do you agree that every action you take in waking life will change your future, the outcome of your life, regardless of how benign it seems?"

      He thinks a bit.

      "Yes, any action has an infinite amount of consequences, it's the butterfly effect."
      "Very good! Now, tell me friend, when you look at this spoon, when you touch it, when you bend it, does this not affect your waking life?"
      "Does your brain not save the sensation and experience of holding this spoon? Does it not form neural pathways to remember this information?"
      "Aren't many of your decisions in waking life based upon the past experiences you can access in your memories?"
      "Can you really in good conscience tell me that this spoon is not real?"
      "Sure, the experience of holding this spoon is very benign, but what about exploring your inner self, the experience of letting your creative mind run wild, do these things not affect your waking life?"

      I'm pretty sure he gets it, and I feel surprisingly wise telling him all of this.

      "Telling yourself that the spoon is not real is a fantastic way to improve your dream control."
      "But if you really want to explore the unknown and go beyond your imagination..."
      "... If you want your dreams to affect you, you have to understand that they can do so."
      "And you've stated yourself that every experience will ultimately affect you."

      "I see... that does make sense, and I feel like this will help me, but how do I create a sentient DC?"
      "Don't you see the contradiction? Creating something sentient? I think that is your problem."
      "You think that everything right now is an illusion created by your own mind."
      "Tell me, what are you basing this assumption on?"
      "I... well... Yeah, I have no fucking clue."

      "Now, I'm not telling you this spoon is not a creation of your mind, but if you want this world to affect you, to overwhelm you, you have to understand that it actually can!"
      "And if you want to meet a sentient DC, you have to understand that they may actually exist."
      "Yes, I understand."

      He takes the spoon from my hand and looks at it closely.

      "The spoon is real!"

      We had a discussion about this today, and I told him the same things in waking life, which ended in a discussion about
      how our brains are awareness factories, and what it does whilst awake and asleep.
      He feels that thinking everything is an illusion and nothing affects him (which he did) was indeed holding him back.

      Updated 05-24-2011 at 05:57 PM by 37117 (typo)

      lucid , side notes