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    Scionox's Journal of Dreams

    1. 12th Apr 2013 Battle, Trap, Curd making facility and Lucid from false awakening

      by , 04-12-2013 at 10:15 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's naps.

      Nap #1(fragment):

      I was in the field, brown ground, i was the leader of the warrior squad, there was semi-ruined building that we decided to use for camping, but soon, we were attacked by enemy warriors. We were battling them at our best, but they kept coming. I saw an enemy leader while overlooking the terrain, i sent some of my warriors to deal with him, but they failed. I had to deal with this by myself, but before i went there one of warriors was saying that i should not go for enemy leader. I ignored him and soon was about to attack enemy leader, but it was a trap, leader somehow paralyzed me and then dream ended.

      Nap #2(fragment):

      I was in some futuristic city and there was facility i was visiting. There was some blue humanoid, that i was calling 'Curdy', and he was operating machine that was making curd. He told me recipe and there was some kind of secret ingredient, then i went to home. There was cutscene happening back at the facility, Curdy went missing and there was dude that was mostly bald and he was in cyan suit. Then cutscene ended and i was back at home, i was trying to eat potato but was very hard to eat, then dream ended.

      Nap #3:

      I woke up in my bed and i had to move some stuff around room< then i realized that i forgot to take off headphones, i took them off and binaural beats are still playing, so i am dreaming, dream is somewhat unstable so i rub hands on my way to balcony door. Then i slam the door open and fly outside, i feel the wings and i fly around pretty quickly. Shortly the dreamscape changes and goes weird, like two perspectives are overlapping, some parts of it are normal and some parts moving around with my field of view. After i fly over some street it goes back to normal and i decide to attempt transformation into a dragon again. There's not much of result though, my hands only got a bit bigger. I fly through some kind of temple ruins and suddenly my room appears right in front and before i can do anything i crash into the wall in the room. Dad comes into the room(i think my awareness decreased after this transportation...) and we talk about bunch of things that i barely recall, i recall something was about transformation. Then dream fades out and i woke up.