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    Whirlwind of Dreams

    Hello everyone and welcome to my new and improved DJ! I decided to start a new DJ in the hopes of improving my recall and giving other members some insight into my mysterious mind. I'll try my best to be as descriptive as possible
    This is my previous DJ: BigFan's Dream Journal


    Finally, I love and welcome any comments. I'll also write my thoughts on the dream if applicable. Let's get started!

    1. July 9, 2010

      by , 07-10-2010 at 06:43 PM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Starcraft 2 + SupCom Mix:
      I was playing what I thought was Starcraft 2, although, nothing was pointing to that. It seemed a lot like SupCom. I was able to zoom in and out and the terrain in the game was a red color similar to the starting maps in SupCom. I was taking control of two races, zerg and protoss. I am not sure what race the computer was. I had two lines of defense, first was the zerg line and almost behind it was the protoss one. I was thinking along the lines of "they won't be able to break through easily". Due to my dismay, they did. As they attacked, they were overpowering my defenses and breaking through easily using their numbers. I noticed this and decided to send what appeared to be a tank. I was planning to use its special abilites which would be some lighting attack or possibly fire and would do splash damage which would work wonders in destroying some of their units. I got close and activated it but forgot, if you want to call it that, that I have to wait a certain amount of time so that it can be used. As the time neared halfway, it was within the enemy's range and was getting bombarded pretty badly. It's health bar quickly dropped from green to yellow halfway through to red before it possibly exploded. I had more of this unit, so, it wasn't a special one but I didn't use them for some reason. I was almost completely wiped me out. The only remnants left was a couple of zerlings near one of their structures and likely some more units a couple of places over the map. How they managed to miss them, I have no clue.

      Helping out:
      All I can recall is asking my mom if she needed any help in the kitchen.

      Thoughts: That game dream was pretty nice. It would have been nicer if I was in control of it though. Imagine directing 100s or 1000s of units to attack a specific location. That would be something that can't be done in any of those games due to a control limit that is put in place. Would be nice to have more of these dreams with some control of course
    2. July 7, 2010

      by , 07-09-2010 at 03:18 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Starcraft Unit:
      I was in the game starcraft. I think I was facing what appeared to be a cave but it had some boxes in it among other stuff, so, basically it was already controlled by humans. There was some new unit and I ended up grabbing to from within the cave before another guy did. I also made another guy work even though "he didn't want work".

      New Instructor:
      There was a new driver instructor in town. He was wearing circular glasses and a reddish shirt. It seems that he was trying to recurit people to teach them but none would get into the car for the lessons that he would be providing. He ended up coming up to a drive-thru where a lady asked where he was from. He had a large piece of paper which had an address. I was only able to catch the word LeBreton. She asked if he played games and said she could join if he plays since it was obvious he was going to have a hard time teaching when he was brand new to the community.

      Thoughts: Unforuntely, I can't provide more details about the SC dream. I would have loved to see the units or to have operated it, but, alas I couldn't recall that part and it is lost. As for the second dream, pretty odd since I'm been having more car dreams lately. I dreamt it when I took a nap since the last 2 days my sleep has been very minimal due to work shifts