• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    DJ Comments

    1. GypsyKiss's Avatar
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      well, Kaomea may pretend like she doesn't enjoy DJ story time with Gypsy Kiss but she does... a lot. also it makes the DJ's more vibrant & entertaining so I think this was a really good idea.
      few suggestions...
      you have a very alluring & eloquent voice to say the least, Mzzkc. but i can hear the hesitance in it & it not necessary. don't be shy. take advantage of the naturally sensuous tone you possess and don't hold back. also, dont be afraid to get into charactor a bit more, whether it be humorous or not. it's a great way to portray your DJ's so have fun with it and explore different facets.
    2. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Oh my ... tis your voice! You know what's funny, this is how I sorta read your entries when reading your text. What's even more funny, is this is how GypsyKiss reads your entry (she occasionally likes to read me various user entries to make a point about something ... typically it just shows how retarded she is) although, she tends to exaggerate it a bit more than you do here but overall very very similar.


      I like intros before the dream a lot, keep those.
    3. <span class='glow_00868B'>Raven Knight</span>'s Avatar
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      Cool dream! Riding on the back of a dragon is a truly awesome experience!
    4. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      That was really the biggest change outside of fixing up some repetition and flow issues. Content is exactly the same save for a single dialogue touch-up.
    5. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      That too. It's somewhat distracting.
    6. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Not a fan of the quote boxes?
    7. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      I preferred the first version.
    8. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Was this within the past week or more a few weeks ago?

      EDIT: Nvm, I just PMed you instead.. had other questions
      Updated 12-18-2011 at 03:42 AM by Kaomea
    9. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Crawl really is a great song choice. Reminds me so much of you. Do me a favor though... I'm getting mildly reprimanded for your current condition. Like I'M responsible for what anyone does, pfft. Try to behave? I'm catching flak for some of your more recent actions.

      Flak not from Hades.
      Me? Not behave?

      Wouldn't dream of it!

      Brutal, hahaha. I think I need to watch some anime or something before my next dream.
      Heh. I watched quite a bit of Anime back in the day and that's definitely made certain pieces of otherwise more complex control super simple. Just a matter of accessing and using those archetypes.
    10. Neptoid93's Avatar
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      Brutal, hahaha. I think I need to watch some anime or something before my next dream.
    11. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Crawl really is a great song choice. Reminds me so much of you. Do me a favor though... I'm getting mildly reprimanded for your current condition. Like I'M responsible for what anyone does, pfft. Try to behave? I'm catching flak for some of your more recent actions.

      Flak not from Hades.

      Nearly dead now, in some sort of half-defeated limbo, I try something else on her. Striking with an open palm thrust, I exclaim “Hadoken!”

      A burst of blue energy erupts from my palm, immediately exploding in a blast of smoke and blood, blowing her into oblivion.
      Laughs. I like that. One of my favorites actually... no weapon, just raw energy.
      Updated 11-26-2011 at 09:11 PM by Kaomea
    12. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      My energy surfaces and bursts from my body in a blue flaming jet. He's still smiling. The bastard.
      Finally fighting against kids your own size. Guess they're a little bigger.

      “What? What do you mean, Hades?”
      ..... I'm not surprised by Hades or your confusion. Makes perfect sense to me. Except for what he wants from you.
    13. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Ha. Another interview, this time with a god. Lucky you.
    14. SarcasticIndeed's Avatar
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      Bleach! Awesome. When I get into a LD, I'll try creating my own katana Awesome dream
    15. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Our desperate situation and a reminder is all it takes for me to take the initiative, dredge our plane to the surface with my TK, and repair it instantly. . .
      Wow. Funny how situations and emotions allow us to do things which impress even ourselves. Seems like you're exploring unchartered territory.
    16. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Ha, thanks mediabat. ^.^
    17. Mediabat's Avatar
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      I didn't know that you post here too!
      And how poetic
    18. Mzzkc's Avatar
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      Yeah, he was surprisingly chill about the process. Well, minus the whole still-beating-heart-being-brutally-removed-from-his-chest thing.

      And, believe it or not, there wasn't much more to this dream besides the stuff I mentioned.
    19. Samael's Avatar
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      These things make me so bloody curious.

      Although I imagine life will be much easier for him with that pesky humanity removed. Not so much without the blood circulation.
      Updated 02-24-2011 at 06:55 AM by Samael
    20. insideout's Avatar
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      Very interesting dreams.
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