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    1. Blur

      by , 01-23-2012 at 11:52 PM
      Driving, lots of it. Specially since I made my cross country trip to see family a few years back. I'd had them before.... but not to this extent (varying environments, once i've not even seen). I'll get aerial views, flowing out of those into me sitting in the vehicle as it goes. Its also weird there are a lot of elevated freeways that seem to be hundreds of feet in the air, definitely creeps me out to see some of the shit I just drive out without hesitation- i get the gut feeling that it may become an "oshit" moment but.... the dream just keeps going.

      I remember driving through mountains roads with fking snow n ice as a earthquake shook/broke it apart, some major o-shit moments there

      I see a lot of hotels/motels as the destinations in my dreams, occasionally really nice homes, or even rarer boarded up home/structures that I hide/hold up in i'm guessing. Occasionally I do notice I'm with a few or even a small group, but rarely anyone i recognize specifically or i can even see the detail of at all.

      I get random shark dreams, which range from me being towed by a submarine at really high speed (like water skiing), to being at a beach and seeing them through the crystal clear water. I had a recent one where my little brother was going so far as swimming out with them (they were all g-whites btw). I remember calling him back in. He came back and then.... there was another large one just floating at the steps (we were on these concrete steps at the beach that lead into the water), my brother just hopped down the steps and landed in the water beside and just... fking pet it like a dog.

      I remember doing one of my "floats" through this bay and just seeing the undersides of yachts, and of course the sharks were there, swimming around all the same.
      There are the occasional floats I do in rivers too which are about the same.

      . . . . . (just got pwned by a flood of more mems) ah another driving, this time with meh mum..... x.x I hate my driving dreams that involve water, those are generally not to pleasant.

      There are the occasional storm ones, where i'm caught in the awe of a tornado, a large funnel that never seems to finally meet a layer of clouds, rather seems to consume the clouds above and just continue widen and grow.

      Zombie dreams thankfully are finally starting to be gone, they were kind of getting old honestly. Can only have so many dreams where your just running around from a mob before it gets old. Maybe if I were lucid and decided to just pwn them all it wouldn't be a problem. Sadly that just never was the case, they were awe-fully realistic in appearance in the scenarios I found myself in. Glad my instinct still manages to keep me alive in my dreams at least though XD
    2. blur/driving(freeway and city)/ hotel assassin

      by , 01-23-2012 at 11:35 PM
      A lot of what I "remember" from the early part seemed more of a blur as a bits of my dreams do, usually the times when i'm alone and there is nothing being said (i vaguely recall an... "everywhere storm" on the US and another shark themed dream passed by in the blur last night)

      But yes, all of a sudden I was like... driving around this sity, had just taken an off ramp and was driving around looking for something. It was dark, and for some reason I was particularly trying to stay away from "skunks" (what i generally call their calls). I managed to pass through the town with only seeing glimpses of them going in their own directions.

      I remember the feeling of urgency growing rather strongly in this dream, that I needed to find the freeway and and backtrack or go somewhere else. Another thing I must note, wasn't the first time I'd been to that city. First time driving around there.... but I can pull back having a dream some months where I was running around it barefoot or something.

      . . . . . (catching flickers of a memory) nah.... that was... hmmm For some reason I'm remembering a lot of.... aerial acrobatics.... which is something i generally don't do (matrix-status jumping around/over homes/buildings)

      Anywho after the driving dream ended.... there was one more dream for me to have.

      Once again another hotel/motel (may have been a motel in this one, looked more like it). As the dream started, I'd just arrived with a 2 others. For some reason me and one of them expected someone to be waiting inside.

      One of the two followed behind me (for some reason, some people in my dreams... may as well just be a dark shadow with no detail XD..... I just don't see them, i know they are there, but I can't place what gender they even are .) The other went to a side window to look inside. Before doing this I of course "pulled" 2 swords that I own, (one being my main, but the other wasn't the other one from the previous, which would explain what happened in a few moments) I have my main spkatana, and i toss my old oceankatana to the person i arrived with about to go for the window. Now armed we proceeded

      I went straight for the door, opened it about an inch, and then kicked it the rest of the way open. At this point, me and the follower only had t otake a few steps in. Just being me, I naturally decided to just pear around the door (against the wall where the door sits when fully open), and.... I couldn't even see them but he was there, just as with those i'd came with.... I could but couldn't see him. Within the second I saw the othersword, the angel-wakizashi (naming em for later reference) flying right into my face, I remember pulling back just in time to see the blade extend past it and the eventual hand and handle of the sword which is how i knew which one it was.

      I grabbed the person and pulled them away from the door, one of the others was about to help me with em while i had them locked up, to which I yelled at them not to. I tripped the person/thing up and followed him to the ground, both of us still also clutching the Wakazashi (short katana for those who don't know), a smooth as butter I turned it towards his chest and sunk it down into him. I vaguely remember me/those with me asking who sent him... But I don't remember hearing any answer. Pretty much when I woke up.

      May go and type up some other entries while I seem to be in the dream remembering mode, an have the day off. Have missed a lot.