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    Krista's Dream Journal

    1. Pregnant, Lenghty Vacation Dream, and My Wedding Day

      by , 03-02-2011 at 05:33 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I was in some sort of cabin, I remember the lighting being warm and dim. I thought I might be pregnant, but I wasn't sure. My cat was pregnant, and for some reason this correlated with me in some way. I looked at an ultrasound picture of my uterus, and saw a small flicker on it. Then, I knew I was pregnant. I knew I needed to quit smoking. I was kind of anxious about being pregnant.


      I woke up from this dream, rolled over to go back to sleep, and had a brief, vivid hypnagogic hallucination that I was Ryan, and I was working in an auto factory. There were some older men around me. Then I really felt the need to pee, so I snapped out of the hallucination.


      I was going on vacation with my old friend, Bret. We were going to fly to a different country. When we got there, we were trying to find a hotel. We found one, but it didn't have free Wi-fi, though that wasn't a huge deal. I also remember thinking about having sex with Bret, but the thought was brief, as I'm with Ryan, I'm not attracted to Bret that way, and he's gay.

      Then, I remember waking up on a blow-up mattress on the floor of the hotel room. Bret had slept in one of the beds, which he told me was not a very comfortable bed. We went down to the beach. It was a beautiful, sunny day. The ocean was very calm, and the shore was covered in small seashells. I waded in the ocean. The water felt warm and comfortable.

      I remember being on a mountain, and seeing two huge dragons. One was a male, and the other a female. They were friendly and meant no harm. The male accidentally exposed himself enough to where the town below could see him, and everyone started to panic.

      Then, we were going to try to find another hotel. Bret ended up going back to the airport to go home kind of on a whim. Then, Jeff, a man I don't associate with anymore in waking life, was there instead. I was annoyed at this. Again, the thought of sex came up, but, again, I'm with Ryan, and Jeff is kind of a dick.

      Jeff wanted to find a hotel with Wi-fi, so we drove around at night, looking for a hotel. We found one and stopped at it. They had free Wi-fi, but not a continental breakfast, which was a big deal, because I didn't have a lot of money, so I needed as much free food as I could get. I remember being in the hotel, in the lobby. The front desk has a display case of foods and stuff to buy. Jeff was chatting it up with the person tending the desk.

      Then, we were back at my house. Jeff was still there. I remember talking to my mom about the trip briefly. I was then in my room, and Jeff had dissappeared, and I couldn't figure out where he went. I looked into my mom's office, and he was there, going through files on her computer. He was looking at patient files for my dad's patients (my dad's a psychiatrist in waking life). I said
      "Jeff, get out of here. Get out. What you're doing is rude."
      He got up and replied,
      "This is my ex, I need to warn people about this.", or something like that. He was referring to the fact that she had been seeing a psychiatrist.
      I told him to get out again. He finally left the room.

      Then, I went back into my room, and looked out the window. Two tornadoes could be seen in the distance. I said "Oh shit...", and went downstairs, leaving all my stuff up there. I got everyone in the hall closet. Jeff was in the cubby under the stairs, and there was no room for anyone else in there because it was so cluttered. I briefly thought about going upstairs to get my purse and stuff, but quickly dismissed the thought.

      After that, I left the closet, and looked outside. The tornadoes had cut a huge path through our back yard. There was a lot of water flowing through one of them, kind of like a creek. I went to get my mom to show her. She stared with wide eyes.

      We then went outside to assess the damage. I told my mom I hoped that Mary Katherine's family was ok. We were looking to see if any homes were damaged, but none appeared to be. It was just the huge path that the tornado cut through the yard.

      Then, by the ditch behind my house, I saw a tornado forming. I ran back inside, and we were all in the closet again. Jeff and my mom were in the cubby under the stairs this time.

      After that, I left the closet again, and the windows of the porch had been blown out, and the porch had been ruined. I saw some sparks flying around part of the porch. I wondered if one of our cats who lives out on the porch was alright.

      Then, I went upstairs to my room to get my iPod. I picked up an iPod that was sitting on my bed and scrolled through it. It went to Facebook, and some Facebook pages. It also had an attachment on it that would buckle it to your belt. I then knew it was Jeff's iPod and not mine. I brought it downstairs, but dropped it on the way down. I picked it up, and the screen was cracked. It was very broken. I approached Jeff and told him what had happened, and he looked irritated. I was going to tell him I'd replace it, but I decided not to. I figured that he had enough money to do it himself, since he's such a big business man.


      I was playing something on the piano in my family's piano room. It was my wedding day, and I was wearing a strapless wedding gown. I was reading music, and two of the notes kept on clashing. I kept playing them, thinking something must be wrong. Then, my brother said "It's Bethel, just go with it." In the dream, Bethel was the composer of the music.

      Then, we ran upstairs, and for some reason, my brother and I were fighting. I grabbed the back of his shirt (like I used to do when we were younger and we'd race to get to the computer), and he was thrown into the wall. I told him if he broke any of my bones before my wedding, I'd be really pissed off.

      Updated 03-02-2011 at 10:01 PM by 32059

    2. Tornadoes, Hallucinations, and Ravioli?

      by , 02-04-2011 at 04:59 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I'm at my house, and the weather is getting stormy. I remember the weather channel saying that it wasn't supposed to get too bad, but it is getting pretty turbulent. There is supposed to be a tornado. My family wonders where they should go, and I tell them to go into the coat closet downstairs, where we usually go. We all herd into the closet. I realize that I need to get some things out of my room, so I go upstairs and grab my purse and a couple of other things. It's kind of dark upstairs. I go back down into the closet. I look out the window before we shut the closet door, and I see a small tree about to get snapped in half by the wind. My mom tells us to all duck down and cover our heads, like my brother learned in school. We all duck down, and my family starts to pray out loud (very reminiscent to real-life events of about 7-8 years ago).

      I woke up after this dream all scrunched up, when I had fallen asleep on my back.

      I turn over to go back to sleep, and I start having extremely vivid auditory hypnogogia of the sound of coins hitting each other, as if I were counting down my drawer at work. Then, I have some hypnogogia of me observing people at work, and Jessi, a girl I work with, drops a glass and breaks it. The sound of breaking glass was so vivid, I snapped out of my half-asleep stage, and panicked for a minute, thinking someone broke into the house.


      I was not myself. I was a teenage boy, and I had two girlfriends who didn't know about one another. I remember being in my waking life car, driving around. I woke up in the back seat, and my waking life purse was being stolen. I also remember being at a baseball park.


      I was at school, I think it was supposed to be college. I'm in a "social studies" class, and three professors are teaching, one woman and two men. They are VERY liberal, and teach by acting out some sort of skit. They are trying to convince us to see something from their point of view.

      Then, I was at home, eating ravioli. It was delicious and hot. My brother is in the kitchen too. I asked him for some butternut squash ravioli that he had been eating, because I had to compare the two for my class. I think they were trying to convince us that the squash ravioli tasted better. My brother gave me some of the leftover squash ravioli. It was a little colder than room temperature because it had been in the refrigerator, and had very little flavor. I concluded that I liked the real, meaty ravioli better.

      Then, I was standing in the quad outside the library of my college. There were trees in the middle of the quad. It was very bright and sunny, and I was very, very hot. I was trying to find shade under the trees. I was smoking a cigarette. A bigger guy with red hair and facial hair resembling someone I know in waking life came up to me and told me something about him and his friends smoking 10 baggies of weed. I laugh loudly and say "I bet!". Then, another guy comes up to me. He looked kind of "ghetto". He had short, dark brown hair, a white basketball tank with light blue lining around the sleeves, and to top it all off, one of his front teeth was gold. His teeth were bad also. He asked me "What's so funny about weed anyway?". Then, I saw my dad standing in his running clothes with a huge, warm smile on his face.

      I then woke up and my room felt like a freakin sauna. No wonder I was trying to find shade. o_o

      Also, sorry for the switch in tenses. Some dreams are just easier for me to record in present tense for some reason.

      Updated 02-04-2011 at 05:02 AM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment