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    Krista's Dream Journal

    1. MILD...It Really Works!!

      by , 01-11-2011 at 06:10 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      So excited that I was lucid again, even if it for a very short amount of time. I used the WBTB and MILD methods, though the WBTB was not intentional. I must say I'll have to try MILD again, because it definitely seemed to work. I repeated to myself in my head "I will become lucid." I paired that with my breathing ("I will" on the inhale and "become lucid" on the exhale). Even if it wasn't instant lucidity, it still seemed to work.

      My mom kept coming into my room to turn my TV and the closet light off, and I'd wake up every time and turn them back on. I said something to her about it and she told me she'd stop as long as I turned the volume on the TV down. Ziggy, my old cat from waking life (we had to put him down when I was 14) was there, looking young and healthy. I thought to myself "He's not dead at all, why do I keep thinking he is?"


      There was a city in the future, but it was medieval-looking. I wasn't really "there", it was kinda like I was watching a movie, but not. I was passively watching events go by. Anyway, they had cellphones, and lots of futuristic technology. They lived in castles built on top of bare ground. There was no grass or trees to be seen anywhere. These two people, a guy and a girl, I think they were teens or young adults, were very adventurous. The boy took the girl to explore an abandoned city. It looked a lot like New York, only it was very run down and deserted. It was from the distant past. Their medieval city was on the outskirts of this run-down New York. They were in an old skyscraper, when everyone started to evacuate and run for their lives. I thought it was because the building was going to topple over, but it looked steady to me. I couldn't figure out why everyone was evacuating so quickly.


      There was a little boy and his mother. We were all sitting at a kitchen table, I think it was in my family's kitchen. We were all supposed to go to some high school football game or something, and I didn't really want to, but I knew I had to. The little boy did an impression of Snuffy from Sesame Street (the big brown, hairy elephant). He pulled his ears with his hands, and wiggled them. I laughed and said
      "Wow! He can really wiggle his ears!"


      After that last dream, I woke up and wrote in my dream journal. This is when I decided to try to MILD.

      I was in a restaurant, a bar I think, and I was tending. There was a very quiet, soft-spoken lady there ordering. There was also this model town, kind of like in the game Epic Mickey (I just picked this up in waking life and I can't stop playing it, haha). I jumped into it, and ended up in this giant grocery store. It looked like Kroger, but much bigger with very high ceilings. I was walking down the aisles and encountering many people. I tried to talk to them all, but they were all mean and wouldn't have anything to do with me. I didn't know why. I finally came up to this Mexican man and tried to talk to him. I was very nice and polite. He started telling me that it was too late, and I should have been nicer to him when I had the chance. He called his wife over, and they walked away. I then "remembered" that I had been to that store before, and was very mean to all of those people, and they hadn't forgotten. I was extremely sad and ashamed.

      Then, I somehow realized I was dreaming. I examined my hands, and saw that a lot of my fingers were growing together and were kind of distorted. I felt the dream fading, so I did it again. I started to float up to the ceiling, and did it even though I felt like weights were trying to push me back down. I couldn't figure out what to do. I saw a man go towards this door in the middle of the customer service area. It wasn't attached to a wall or anything. As he turned the knob, he turned around and smiled at me. Instead of following him, which I felt I should have, I had the idea of trying to share a dream. I created a portal like I had in the past, by sticking out my hand and saying "Portal, APPEAR!", but it didn't look the same as my other portals. Instead, it was a small circle with white and rainbow light radiating from the center. I tried to jump in before it had fully manifested, and ended up tumbling through the air in the store. I ended up next to a projector screen, like in Epic Mickey. It wasn't operational though.


      Austin had cut his hair (which he really needs to do in waking life, haha), and had gotten a couple of strands dyed light purple and light pink. We laid down in my bed to watch a movie, and I knew he wanted to have sex, but I was on my period. Then, I remember having a big "Elizabethean collar" on, which is a cone-shaped collar that you put on animals after surgery so they don't pull their stitches out. I had to wear it as some sort of brace, but I only wore it in private. I remember looking in the mirror at my reflection. I looked ridiculous with that thing on.

      Then, I was at some apartment, and there was a giant bucket of LSD-laced brownies. I started eating them, when my friends Leigh and Andrea came over. They ate them with me, and we couldn't get enough. We started watching a really trippy movie. Everything was very vivid. At some point, the lady that lived next door to the apartment we were in came over and I had somehow pissed her off. She had to use our microwave, so when her stuff in the microwave was done, I left to hide, afraid that the lady would call the police when she found out we were doing all this acid. I found all these secret nooks and spaces in the apartment, it was pretty awesome. I explored for awhile, then came back, and the lady was standing in the doorway with her friend, and they were watching the movie.

      Updated 01-11-2011 at 06:27 PM by 32059

      Tags: mild, wbtb
      lucid , non-lucid