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    From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse

    O hai, this is just my dream journal, I suppose. The feel and such all seems so much better than Microsoft Word, so I have to thank you for that, DreamViews.

    1. Pirating The Orange Box

      by , 07-07-2010 at 03:59 AM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "What are you, president of his fan club?"
      "Hehehe... no. That would be your mother!"
      ~ Conversation between the Scout and the Spy, from Team Fortress 2's Meet the Spy

      My friend Dylan loves FPS games. I also enjoy them, especially online multiplayer games like Team Fortress 2. Anyway, I was at Dylan's house playing his Xbox 360 together. I turned to him and asked him if I could borrow his The Orange Box video game set so I could get the games as well. He was reluctant at first, but then he gave in. Victory! Then, my mother came into Dylan's house and began to bicker with me about going home.

      So close... soooo close...