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    1. Thursday's dreams-statue, roman times, sister, musuem

      by , 11-01-2011 at 04:39 AM
      Dream 1:
      I was in my room at night. I was trying to turn on my alarm (I use the alarm clock Mondays-Fridays to make sure I walk up at 11am) but something was wrong with it. I accidently turned it on. My sister comes into the room. end of dream 1

      Dream 2:

      I was in a throne room in a building in what seemed to be Roman Empire times. I was an emperor. There were 2 women and one child (a girl) who were telling me I somehow did something wrong. Then the scene switched to the hallway of the *building* and I saw horse statues. but each of them were "different"..they were missing parts..(I.e. one statue was missing a leg of a horse, another one was missing the arm of the rider) and when I the scene switched back to the first scene..the building was crumbling..down like an Major Earthquake was happening.

      Dream 3:

      I was an Chinese student and I was with a school group and we were in a museum and we were around a electronic campfire.Everyone expect myself were singing the song. A werid-looking man came out of nowhere...and asked us to do something. We just started to do it when I woke up.