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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Arthur (AAR-VDARK)+Alien or other R rated movie

      by , 06-02-2024 at 05:35 PM
      Over two weeks ago I had this dream. It started out in an Arthur kind of unviserse. I don't remember much about what happen. But at some point someone meets aliens. And then the alien kind of I think explodes and then it turns into a real-life setting and the alien leaves a bloody craddle with a lot of blood in it and a couple of layers of I want to say skin. And once I (?) uncover it I found a baby alien in a bath of blood and its tinny but then I woke up and had to go to the bathroom.
    2. Auts, food, grandparents' house, girls, cereal

      by , 05-07-2023 at 10:14 PM
      I had this dream this morning before getting up. The first part of the dream was two girls of the same age I'm not sure wether they're siblings (twins) or cousins were in a bedroom, which had a layout of what a bedroom that my Materneal grandparents' house had. The room was known as "the stovepipe roomn" because the pipe from a stove on first floor went through the room. Well any the relatives were sleeping-one of the girls wakes up, and she wakes the other one up and they somehow started talking about wanting sugary cereal but someone wouldn't let them have it. I'm can't remember if they're talking about Nesqik, or Timbits cereal. I don't remember the rest of the dream but what I do remember is the ending-that the dream changes over to an adult who is writing at a desk and they get some kind of feeling and looks down there's an ant on their leg and they look even farther down and they see a parade of ants carrying some cheerio cereal and the last item to be parade by was I think a Jelly-bacon donut that some ants got trapped in so that the adult reached down and grabbed that donut and then went to the sink to wash the ants off to eat some of that donut.
    3. Bullies in dream threw desk at me and Gr.3 teacher talked to me.

      by , 07-12-2022 at 05:25 AM
      This first dream I had awhile ago. I can't remember everything. But what I do remember is that I apparently was at my old Elementary school which no longer exists. But at the same time the classroom I was in looked more like the ones at my high school. I believed the teacher wanted me to sit at the back (I can't remember if my dreamself had glasses yet or not). I refused to sit at the back and sat at the front and like in real life when I was in elementary and high school-bullies were sending stuff like paper balls at me. In the middle of the dream and of the in-dream class that somene litereally threw a desk at me. I can't remember if it hit me or not in dream. I then remember running out of the classroom crying till I got somewhere ( can't remember where) and someone whom looked like my Gr.3 Teacher talked to me and the dream ended
    4. Captive slave forced to paint famous portaits murals

      by , 03-08-2022 at 05:52 AM
      Sorry I haven't been posting. I been having some weird dreams. Here are two of January's dreams.

      In a dream I think before the following dream.
      I was in a vertical school. I have no idea what I was doing in there. Anyway for some reason I went into the staff room. I have no idea what happened but I think either a porucipine or a hedgehog came into the staff room via an open window and for some reason started to bite me. I just remember dream-screaming and then I woke up to use the washroom

      In one dream I had in January. I was something like a captive. Nope, not captive, but a slave? But I wasn't the only captive/slave . All but one of the group of people all looked like the adult versions of kids I went to elementary school with from JK-Gr.8. And we're tasked by our unseen "Master" to paint some murals (murals, that if I remember looked much like famous paintings.. I think something like Birth of Venus? We were up all night and all previous day and I somehow started to fall asleep on the shoulder another captive/slave (I can't remember what he looked like but he wasn't one of the adults version of kids I grew up with) But I do know that I knew it was a bad idea if i slept sleep was bad.

      The third dream was even werid. But I don't remember much about that dream except, for it involved two women and their heads somehow turned into whatever help people see in submarines. And it also involved a boy whom was wet and a white staircase. And also a festival and I think some kind of doll. I think it had something to do about a flood? At the end of the dream the boy at least "disappeared" into the water
    5. Alice and Wendy team up in Wonderland, and a 2nd brownhair girl has a Tea party at the Mad Hatter's

      by , 12-25-2021 at 03:20 AM
      I been having a series of dreams lately. I couldn't remember because I always had to get up to go to the washroom when the dream was getting good.

      Last night/early this morning - In the dream-it was more like watching a TV show or a movie a third person then my normal dreams which were in 1st person (it does switch to first person eventually)-an American brown hair girl somehow gets to Wonderland. I'm assuming she founds a town in Wonderland because this is where I start watching is when she's in a museum in what I presume is a town or city in Wonderland. The museum has pieces which have to do with Alice in Wonderland. The girl looks at the pieces (which are in glass cases) and she sometimes hear the pieces, sets, statues talk to her. I think one piece (well more of a mini set) was Mad Hater's house which talk to her. But every time she heard pieces talk she just thought it was herself going um crazy.

      Some time passes and the next thing I know is that I believe the girl gets waken up in the museum by noise. She hides behind a case or was it a statue and she sees the shadow of another girl (a grown-up) talking to the pieces. I can't remember what the girl overhears the grown-up girl say, but its was enough to identify her as the grown-up Alice. So the brown-hair girl said when stepping out from behind the case , "So you're the real Alice?" The girl then asked hat are you doing here then?" Alice said "Someone told us.." the brown-hair girl said "Whose us?" and another brown hair girl (whom the first girl recognized as Wendy from Peter Pan) showed up "As Alice was saying a red-hair woman warned us that both Wonderland and Neverland are in danger. so we teamed up for it. Do you want to join us?" The brown hair girl said "sure".

      I'm not sure what happened next but the very last part of the dream before I woke up is that I had became the brown-hair girl and I was at Tea Party at the real Mad Hatter's house but I was the only one NOT drinking tea. I was either drinking coffee (which is why I think she's American) or I was drinking hot chocolate maybe chocolate milk. Since it was as I was drinking my drink I woke up
    6. Disney princess glasses+ sister

      by , 08-26-2021 at 04:10 AM
      The other night I had this very werid dream. Now for starts you have to know I have an older sister and as a belated birthday present-she to me some Disney princess glasses (two) and a sweater mermaid tail for my legs. Anyway since Mom and I didn't notice until too later-the glasses got kind of ruined after we put them in the dishwasher (We assumed that it was painted like my mugs but it wasn't). And I think due to personal things at home-I think I view my sister when she is in dreams as a "parent" more then my actually parents

      To the dream:
      I'm not exactly sure what was going on in the dream. But I rememebr it somehow ending up at the dinning table and it was in the middle of the day -might have been around lunch- if the light was any indication from the window. I guess must have been one of dad's "too much lunches". While anyway for someone reason the 2 glasses got put out and the very last works of the dream was my sister saying "my glasses!"
    7. Junk cereal dream

      by , 08-26-2021 at 01:28 AM
      I had this werid dream a couple of weeks ago. For some reason Mom had gotten me a lot of junk cereal. One I don't think was a real cereal (Can't remember what it was called but the colours were simliar to Cimminaon toast crunch) but I do remember that on the front had Donald Duck on it. I think that was after an entirely different dream which involved Disney ducks and an area and hockey and Hockey I Shrank the Kid/Honey we Shrunk Ourselves and Murphy's law all mixed in one. . Let's just say the hockey game was one Murphya's law after another. But in the cereal dream beside Mom buying me the boxes of ever-single-possible-junk food we had to put the junk cereal everwwhere on both sides of the railing which seperates the living room from the dinning room.

      Updated 08-26-2021 at 04:11 AM by 33295

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    8. Chasing after a stolen watch?

      by , 07-08-2021 at 03:16 AM
      Two nights ago I had three dreams. I think the first dream I had was I was in some kind of store. I was looking at something (don't remember what but it was on those kind of store racks which can be spinned (like the ones you might found sunglasses, or gift cards). Two "kids" (Teens) -one was a boy and one was a a girl and I think they're wearing sunglasses with blue frames. We talked I can't remember about once, and I'm not sure what happened next but it had to do with a watch and the store's glass window got broken. All I remember is that I ended up going through the glass window, and I do remember I was in kind of a human ball while doing it. I don't think I stole a watch, but maybe I was chasing after the two kids who were?.

      This dream was pretty short due to the fact I had to get up to go to the bathroom. I was a new kid in the classroom and I was talking at front about where I came,etc. And I took myself and nothing else happened (I don't remember what the teacher said or anything) due to having to wake-up for bathroom use

      Last dream:
      I was in a school again and they're serving hot breakfast in one of the other classrooms. When I got there (and the classroom was kind of set up like a resturuant) and I got the breakfast and it was little pancakes and huge sausages on the plate. End of dream
    9. Belle in a Giant's castle?

      by , 06-23-2021 at 03:39 AM
      I don't remember all the dream. But the other night I had this dream where I was in I guess a Giant's castle. I was on a bed and for some reason, I was dressed like the 1992 Belle in the famous ball gown. I was there with someone (a male) who was dressed like the Beast (yes Beast form-but much more furrier). I think the bed told us a story but then after the story "Beast" left. And the magical bed got me ready for bed by covering me up with the giant blankets
    10. Manison, Dad's sister, chair tied up

      by , 06-18-2021 at 02:18 AM
      I had this dream. Which had a very weird twist on kidnapping. I was in a mansion's basement it was a white house. I think I was for some reason trying to sneak in (I think I was trying to get inside, because my mom and I were visting the said aunt. But Mom send me back to the house early). But the manison belionged to my Dad's younger full-blood sister. I'm not excatly sure how far I got up.. at the most I got to maybe the servant's area of the basement. No I got to at least the front hall. It doesn't mater where I was.. the point was, when I got there, a person who looked like a maid from like Downton Abbey or Gwyneth from the Unquiet Dead from Season 1 of New Doctor Who. She demanded what I was doing there. I said I was "one of Aunt's nieces" but for some reason she didn't believe me. She likes takes me back down to the basement puts me on a white chair and ties me up. Then in the next scene Mom and (aunt) come home. For some reason someone else comes downstairs and finds me and untiles me after they heard Mom asking where I was. End of dreram
    11. chicken drumstick and my day-program

      by , 06-10-2021 at 04:02 AM
      The other night I had this dream it started off I was on a bus. I don't remember where I was going but it looked like part of the town next to me for the program. But for some reason it was like it was coming from Toronto instead. I think I was thinking if the program wasn't open yet I would hit Tim Horton's on the corner for an Ice Drink. But then it kind of goes into this mall. I think I went an esclator and at this point or at the bottom of the escalator someone I haven't seen since March 2020 from the day-program. Anyway for some reason in her hand is a napkin, serviette (ie normally something you wipe your face with after eating messy things) and on it was some very messy (ie the drumsticks were very runny) chicken drumsticks. She offers me some and I think I said no but somehow by this time we were like outside like in one of those areas that were around in either Disney Parks or Universal Parks where there were places for like eatting purposes during Covid. Anyway this friend from the program and I were going through this sort of "Food court patio area" and she could get pass. But when I tried to get pass two girls who looked familiar to me (maybe schoolmates of mine, and they both had blonde hair) had the same chairs out so far back-to back I couldn't get pass and then they didn't seem to hear me until I literally yelled and then they finally pulled back in (the two weren't even talking to each other). And then somehow the next thing I know I was in what looked like the program building but wasn't. And outside of this sort of half door one of the facilitators(In normal times, during the programs I have let's just say a complicated relationship with this particular facilitator). She told me to talkl to them I don't remember what said but all of them were drinking from mugs (and one of them I think had an Hogwarts mug while another had a winnie-the pooh one). Anwya for some reason as the dream ended I for some reason stick my hand in my pocked and bring out a former runny but now sticky chicken drumstick. And then dream ended right there
    12. Ompom loompas, tied with pasta, talking bees,

      by , 04-08-2011 at 11:27 PM
      Wednesday's night dream:

      I don't remember the whole dream since it was a very long one.

      I was shopping w/ friends for something (forgot what) and this creature which looked abit like R2-D2 got up next to the car and open up his/her visor and the "thing" inside it looked like an Omompa Loompa (Charlie &the chocolate factory-but looked like the older ones). Than the next thing I know I was on a mission (again don't know what but had to do with I think a snake). At some point in the dream I was tied up (not with rope) but with Pasta-spaghetti noodles the guy mentioned below was also in the same area-also tied up. Then something about gigantic, talking bees (who were also human at times). two who were a human, male's parents.

      At some point the human male and I were in what I assumed was his bedroom' at the castle-house, but the bedroom looked oddly like mine. The two of us were looking out the window of his bedroom and saw I guess knights. The guy I think said after I mention about wanting to ride a horse "Maybe you could be come a knight??" then when still watching outside we saw a woman (possible the Queen) in human form "walking around the court yard with a R2-D2---Opoma lommpas creature" one of their (King/Queen's) messengers said they sent for me. I went downstairs and caught a snippet of conversation "I heard she's good with animals maybe she could work with them?" and enter what looked oddly like the dinning room where I'm current sitting typing said dream.

      I saw the Queen (and king) in Bee form (but they retained their facial features) and one of their human servants put some squirrel food into my palms and I just stood there and one squirrel ran up my body to get to the food.
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment