• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Exploring My Mind

    My dream journal. I'll try to make things as interesting as possible, and try to recall as many dreams as I can.
    Anything in orange text is just part of a non-lucid. Anything in blue text is a lucid dream. Purple text is a dream sign, or possible dream sign. If the text isn't colored, it's not a dream and it's usually just me commenting on various things.
    I'm hoping to fill this journal with tons of dreams over the coming years, and ultimately, get better at lucid dreaming~

    1. Not the Pizza...

      by , 06-18-2015 at 12:09 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Remembered snippets from a longer, more vivid dream this morning. This was the part that stood out the most.
      I was on vacation with my girlfriend and my family. The area I was at was similar to the place I went just a couple of weeks ago IRL with my girlfriend and my family, so this was those memories coming back up.
      Only this time, we stopped by a really large pizza place on the way there, as we all had the munchies. We ordered our pizza, and I grabbed mine (a large pepperoni), but as I went to go bring it to my table with my girlfriend, a really bratty little kid walked up to me. I could tell by the look on his face he didn't have good intentions.
      "Want some pizza, huh?" He sneered. He grabbed about three slices off of the plate I was carrying and 'accidentally' dropped them onto the floor. Everybody in the restaurant gawked at the sight. I glared at the kid, and just said "Thanks for that," and walked over to where my girlfriend and my family were sitting.
      I explained the situation to them, and naturally they got very angry. I blew it off and just ordered another pizza, explaining the situation to the cashier and getting it for free. In the end, the kid got kicked out of the restaurant.
    2. Wild Con

      by , 03-29-2014 at 01:49 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      All the big dream signs were present in this one: girlfriend, girlfriend's mom, and conventions.
      The three of us were headed to a big con, and for some reason we were riding on a large platform that grinded over a sort of railway system. It was a very intense experience, but it felt good, sort of like riding a roller coaster. The platform eventually stopped, and we left it, entering a small jungle-like area. This was apparently the entrance to the con. I noticed a kangaroo nearby and walked up to it. Probably the dumbest decision ever, since it ended up kicking me in the nads.
      A snake fell from a tree to the ground nearby me, and a grizzly bear also sauntered over from nearby. It was clear that this was no ordinary convention, but my non lucid self was like 'Not again!'
      We ran away from the animals and made it to the con. Most of what transpired during it is blurry to me, but I do recall walking by myself towards the end of it when the convention center was empty. I ended up getting a text from my girlfriend saying we had to leave.
      I ended up at my house, resting after a tiring con, and heard my grandma outside. I walked out there, and for some reason there were red colored fireworks shooting up all around us. It was almost nighttime, but not quite yet; that time of day where everything is a dark blue.
      My family and I gathered around a bonfire in our yard and discussed multiple things, and I intently drew a picture of Rust Cohle from True Detective.

      And that's all I remember. The day prior to this dream was pretty worry filled, due to work and me messing up. However, for the past two days, I've been waking myself up at 6:00, or around that, after going to bed at about 11:40 or so. This seems to be a period of time where my recall is high, because for the past two days, both times I ended up recalling a dream in vivid detail. I think I'm gonna try waking up at 6, jotting down a dream, then sleeping for another hour and waking up at 7, which will hopefully result in more dreams recalled. Wish me luck!
    3. A Random Adventure of Cats, Students, and Candy

      by , 10-25-2013 at 03:41 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      After a 10 day dry spell, I suddenly remembered lots from my dreams last night, which has made me more hopeful for future endeavors. Good amounts of detail remembered from these two dreams.
      The first thing I can recall doing in this dream is attending a class at school. It looked similar to my science class from middle school. I met a girl there who I quickly became friends with, though I can't remember anything she said. She had long brown hair and was, unlike a lot of the girls around her, wearing no makeup.
      The girl and I walked down the school hallway, which also looked like my middle school. We heard a stern voice and looked over to see my high school Japanese teacher yelling at some students for not following the rules and listening to him. The girl and I then attended a version of my middle school English class, except that it was much bigger and more surreal-looking. They were handing out applications for college that let you skip a year and then take a two year course.
      Naturally, I went to go grab a paper, but when I got up there all the papers were buried underneath heavy books and I couldn't get them off. As I was struggling, a kid I know told me to sit down because I was taking too long.

      This next dream was a continuation of the previous dream, I think. If it was a different dream, it didn't feel like it.
      I was outside now, this time at a warped version of my old day care. There were multiple cats walking around, mewing and staring at me. I saw my luggage opened up and arranged neatly on a nearby brick wall (I'm on vacation in real life right now). I explored a little and discovered a small tube with the top part of it cut off. Somehow I determined that I had to fill the tube with water to raise a nearby chain and cut the chain to get a prize. Sadly, I don't recall what the prize was. I also noticed a white cat with orange and black spots hanging out near this area, and I tried to pet it, but it ran off.
      I then noticed a small toy on the ground. Picking it up, it turned out to be a Boo from Mario, except it was Blue in color. I opened it up and discovered small boo candies inside of it.
      this reminded me of a toy I have in real life that looks like a Mario mushroom and has mushroom candies in it. I sat down and looked at the candies, but then noticed four hunters with long beards, laughing and walking by. They glanced over at me.
      "Hello!" one said, raising his gun.
      "Sup," I said simply. They laughed and started walking away. "Have fun!!" I yelled. They laughed at that too and kept walking. They gave me a creeped out feeling.
      I woke up and was going to stay up, but fell asleep for a few minutes and had a little dream that I remembered upon waking.
      I walked downstairs in the rental house we're staying at right now, and the guy who owned it and his kids were talking with my grandpa and laughing. I walked out to the porch, where my mom and dad were swinging. "He seems nice," mom said.
      "What're we all doing right now?" I asked.
      "Hanging out with you all!" dad exclaimed.
      And then I awoke. Not terribly interesting, but it's something!
      Thankfully, this dry spell broke~
    4. Creepy Yet Memorable Adventure

      by , 03-11-2012 at 02:11 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Recalled a good amount of this one compared to my other dreams. Remembered 3 different dreams last night.
      I was in a park for some reason or another, as I had to explore it and look for anything strange. The park was big, and it was nighttime, so it was honestly sort of creepy.
      I ended up finding this girl, no older than 15, who told me her name was Melissa. Right after I met her, it started snowing like crazy and Melissa started to literally freeze. I panicked and tried to warm her up, but it didn't work, and she ended up freezing to death. I had a bad feeling someone did this to her.
      I went back to some house afterwards only to be greeted by dozens of monsters from the game Killer7. I pulled out a gun and started shooting them, making my way through the random house, thinking that these things killed Melissa.

      I was at a weird, condo looking place. My cousins and aunt and uncle were in this one too. They said they came to go swimming at the beach. I was going to swim after my little cousin Kaci suggested, but I realized I didn't have any trunks. However, I looked down and saw I DID have trunks on. And it had these weird sticks of gum in the pockets. I pulled them out and showed them to Kaci, asking what they were.

      This next one's a fragment.
      My dad and I went to some canyon with a huge water slide on it. These odd, cavemen-esque people were with us, urging us to jump down the waterslide. I jumped down and wooped, excited by the speed at which I went.

      Happy I could remember 3 different dreams, even if one was a fragment. (: