• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. darknightedlady's Avatar
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      Thank-you, I enjoyed reading this.
    2. Mayatara's Avatar
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      Very good, I couldn't say it better
    3. SilverBullet's Avatar
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      I'm kinda surprised that not once does the word "intent" appear in there.
    4. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      While you are at work, chant: I AM DREAMING with serious intent.
    5. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      Cool Repost. Naiya has a sexy mind. I call this Lucid Living.
    6. Undeadmoon's Avatar
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      well im not an expert on this but i advise you go for a long walk eat something you don't usually eat watch things on TV you dont usually just break your daily habits it can help you break your mental habits
    7. <span class='glow_000000'>Baron Samedi</span>'s Avatar
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      sorry you didn't get much sleep. you should write the frags down anyway. It will help with recall. But, you still remembered a cool dream!
    8. ZoeSeeker's Avatar
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      What is the "Infinity" course?
    9. jasonresno's Avatar
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      Yeah, I'd say definitely give it a shot. One thing for sure though: I slept better than I have in quite awhile.
    10. dakotahnok's Avatar
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      This happens to me alot! But i dont use binaural beats while sleeping i just use them to meditate before sleep but maybe ill try sleeping with them. maybe it will do something!
    11. jasonresno's Avatar
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      That's actually not a bad suggestion. I might try it. I don't know that she's a light sleeper but she always wakes up in time to poke at me for waking her up .
    12. Cairus's Avatar
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      I usually put the recorder close to my mouth and mumble into it, figure those around me are none the wiser- is your wife a very light sleeper? Yes, it's natural for a dream to fade from memory over the course of the day; some of them are 'really memorable!' and they'll stay with you for days or years, but a lot of them just get dimmer and dimmer as the hours pass on until you commit them to paper or audiofile, or even conversation. Your dreams come from you, so if you're 'pretty sure' or you 'feel like X happened', well, you'd know, and while there may not be complete certainty, you're likely more right than wrong about what happened.

      Yeah, I'd say that's natural for someone who's new, *and* for most who aren't. If we remembered all of our dreams with complete clarity, we'd be remembering 5+ dreams per night, every day, so like 35 a week! Some of them are shorter and feel 'less important' than others, like brainvomit. The main concern is remembering them so that when you have an 'epic' one or a lucid one, it doesn't just get glossed over. (Gotta take the good with the bad, I guess.)
    13. jasonresno's Avatar
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      Thanks very much for the suggestion. It's something I've thought about doing. But I don't want to be always waking up my wife while I'm practicing. Does that feeling ever go away, though? When I woke up to write these dreams down they were so vivid in my head and I knew that was what happened. But now, a good six + hours later, they don't feel as "vibrant" as they did and it makes me doubt them a little bit. Is that natural for someone who is new to dream recalling?
    14. Cairus's Avatar
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      Hey, grats on starting a DJ, hope you stick with it. Sorry for butting in so early on, but saw you in the forums and wanted to give a suggestion... You mention having lost some fragments, if your phone has a recording function or you own a recorder that's easy to just 'press record' and use, it could help to keep one near the bed. Sometimes in a halfasleep state I'll mumble the few things I can barely remember before drifting back to sleep, or going on with my day- then later, when I have the time to use a DJ, listen to the recording, which will often help stir my memory of details of the dream that I didn't have the time or patience to sort out upon waking.

      I just hate 'remembering that at one point, I remembered, but now don't' so much! Good luck and smooth sailing.