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    One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy

    About My Dreams

    1. Fragments

      by , 02-05-2013 at 03:24 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I'm dreaming a lot lately but I'm not writing them down so much. Today just some fragments:

      a wedding

      Melissa from elementary school
      dream fragment
    2. Camp Dorm, A Multi-Part Lucid Adventure

      by , 02-02-2013 at 04:21 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Notes: This night was the first using a voice recorder for my journal. It may take a while to get used to and I might change up my DJ format to accommodate.

      Shenanigans in a Park
      I'm across the street from a park. It's a big grassy area with a few trees. I'm looking at 2 parallel parked cars. I third card drives up. I recognize the driver as Brian, a classmate from high school who I don't like very much. I recognized one of the parked cards as belonging to my old roommate Hugh. Hugh's car is a sliver luxury SUV, maybe a Lexus. Brian's car is one of those tiny smart cars, maybe orange? Brian parallel parks his car in the tiny spot between the two cars already there. Even though he can fit, he unnecessarily back into Hugh's SUV to push it back and make more room. This annoys me.

      Brian exits his car. I cross the street. Brian, Hugh, and I start to play a round of golf. The dream skips to after finishing playing and we are returning to our cars. Brian gets in his car and again unnecessarily backs into the car behind him to make room. This time I think it's comical in a crass way. Before speeding off, Brian stops and shouts to me "Are you sure you're okay?" I am annoyed by the question. I reply "I'm like a bomb. Like a bob-omb."

      Nearby, there is a white plastic lawn chair. I run and jump on it, make it slide like surfboard across the grass. I ride it toward the park entrance, disrupting several games of golf as I pass through. Before reaching the entrance, I jump off and leave the chair. I say something about not wanting to be accused of stealing it.

      Camp Dorm, Part 1
      I'm entering a dormitory, walking down a hallways, looking for the room assigned to me. It is either a college or a summer camp for college-aged people. I find my room and start setting up a big screen TV so I can watch the Super Bowl. Then the dream jumps around a bit. I recall meeting a man, maybe the dean of the school or maybe someone impersonating the dean as part of a con. I see him in his office. He falls the ground and starts doing pushups to hide his face from the visitor and speaks in a fake voice.

      False awakening. I feel a cat sleeping on my stomach. It's very furry. I'm sleeping on the floor and feel stiff. I awake to the sound of a woman's voice. I don't open my eyes. She seems to be a police officer or security guard. She is nudging me with her foot to wake me and talking on her radio about determining when I got a cat. Apparently, pets are not allowed in the dorm. Wake.

      Camp Dorm, Part 2 [WILD]
      After recording the previous dream, I attempt WILD. It take maybe 5 minutes?

      I enter the dream in a dorm room similar to the one from the previous dream. This time it feels more like a log cabin at a summer camp. It's somewhat dark in the room but I can tell it is lighter outside through a big window. In the room is boy about 10 years old. He looks like me at that age. Very skinny and with a bowl hair cut. I ask his name but don't recall his answer. I ask if he knows how to fly. He both phase through the window and fly into the open air.

      Outside it is dawn and getting brighter. Besides the cabin we just exited, it's all grass for seemingly miles around. I fly around with the boy for a while. I spot a young woman below us. I fly down to meet her. She has elf ears and is a bit chubby. I ask if she can fly. She says everyone can fly. I fly with her too. We fly up high to get a good view of the surroundings, looking for more people.

      Looking north, I see a few more chubby elf girls. They are practicing archery. I land near them and approach. They are just finishing their activity and saying good bye. But they actually say: "Fuck you!" and "Fuck you, too!" but in a pleasant and cheerful way, as if "Fuck you" is a polite way to say good bye. I ask one of them, "What does 'fuck you' mean?" I realize am in a strange world of chubby elf girls and they must have different language dialect. She replies with "I'll show you" and starts leading me west. I intuit that she is taking me to bed.

      We fly for a while. Eventually we come on a wooden shelter with some beds. It looks like a campground. The shelter is only a frame with some wooden slats to provide shade, not a building. On one of the beds, there are two guys, with elf ears but skinny. I become skeptical of what the girl intents.
      Dream fades.

      Camp Dorm, Part 3 [DILD]
      I have a false awakening in an unfamiliar room. My laptop is open and there's a conference call to work that I should be listening too. I try to pay attention to the meeting. The door is open. Outside is a dark hallway. I can make out a few beds in the hallway. There's a girl in one bed and a guy in another and a row of other bed that I assume also have people. It looks like the summer camp dormitory from previous dreams. I try to close the door so that the sound of the meeting won't disturb the sleepers. But the door doesn't close right. The door is too narrow and doesn't fit in the frame. I try to move the knob toward the frame and it breaks off and slams into the frame loudly. I've obviously woken some of the people. The girl gives me an angry look. The faulty door makes me realized I am dreaming. My lucidity is not very strong.

      I turn back to the meeting call. My boss is explaining that it will take a long time to download the file because the project is very big. I know the reason is not that the project is big but that it includes a lot of sample data. I try to explain this.

      I give up on the meeting and move to the window to fly outside. But the window gives me some trouble.

      Video Game
      I am a character in a what seems like a FPS video game. I'm in a dimly lit rocky canyon. I seem that I have spawned near the enemy base. I take the long way around a rock formation to the back of the base, shooting a few guys in the process. I near the base and intuit that my objective is to capture what looks like a stone altar by standing on it. As I approach, a lightning storm starts. A bone dragon swoops in and lands on the altar. I intuit that the rules of the game prevent you from capturing the altar while the dragon is there so I have to back away. Someone yells "Dragon eggs!"

      Camp Dorm, Part 4 [DILD]
      I am suddenly in a classroom full of students and a teacher. I am in one corner of the room and have difficulty seeing the teacher at the chalkboard. I move around the back edge of the classroom to the opposite corner to get a better view and sit behind a girl. The students are college age. I intuit that all the other students know each other but I am an outsider.

      The class ends and the students socialize as their pack their things to leave. I cautiously talk to the girl in front of me. A big group of them want to hang out outside. I just want to return to my room and organize my study materials. I realize the similarity to the previous dreams and become lucid.

      As usually, I find the nearest window and fly out to explore the landscape. Now the campground seems like a futuristic city. There are giant water tubes encased in glass that act like freeways. I phase in and out the through the glass, water, and air. It's fun to breath under water. There are giant sea turtles and friendly sharks.

      I fly high to see what's above the tubes. Above the tubes are concrete slabs and I get stuck in one of them. I turn to look up and see Optimus Prime. I grab his hand and he helps me out. He suggests I interact with the people.

      Supported above the concrete slabs is a whole other level that appears like a giant park. This time more typical air, stone, pathways, grassy patches, and pools of water. There are people walking and sitting. Most of them are the same chubby elf girls from the earlier dreams.

      I approach a group of three girls wearing bathing suits, relaxing in a spa pool. I flirt with them.

      Camp Dorm, Part 5 [WILD]
      I recorded the previous dream and then easily re-enter with WILD.

      I'm back in the camp dorm and looking to interact with the DCs. I walk into a patio where many tables have been set up like an art fair. There are many presenters but I seem to be one of the few visitors so all the presenters are trying to attract me to their table.

      Here my lucidity and recall start to diminish. I recall one girl had a table full of different name tags. They all had her name on it, which was a long Indian name, but from different professions like you would see on the uniform of a doctor, a mechanic, and soldier, and police officer. I think this is very interesting. She asks me to pick one, in a sense, to choose a career for her by picking which nametag suited her best. I shift through them all and pick a coffee cup with her name on it. The coffee cup is shaped like a golf club, suggesting a career as a professional golfer.

      There was another girl who I think was trying to choose a color for her dress. And another had two post it notes with the same message but in different ink and style.
      At some point dream fades.

      On exiting the dream, I'm left in some hypnopompic imagery. I see through my sleep mask a television playing what looks like a sitcom. Three characters are in a house when there's a knock at the front door. The three of them quickly hide in a closet. Then from the closet, a four character steps out. He looks like Louis CK. The laugh track plays but I don't get the joke.

      I wait through the imagery for a while, hoping I can DEILD back into a lucid dream. After a minute or so I give up, thinking I've dreamed enough and my body doesn't want to sleep anymore tonight.
    3. 2/3 Sun: A Few

      by , 10-24-2011 at 04:54 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      High School Friends
      This was a longer dream, I only recall the tail end of it. I am in my bathroom from the Daisetta house where I lived during high school. I am standing near the sink, talking to two old friends from high school BS and TC. We are talking about college. I am bragging that I already finished college before I even got my high school diploma. I explained that I was going back to get another college degree and then I wanted to travel and swim with dolphins. Weird.

      Couldn't get back to sleep because my mind felt too alert. I got up for about 30 minutes and then laid down again. I tossed and turned for a while, I don't know how long. Eventually, I drifted into some lucid dreams.

      Naked Chicks
      I transition into the dream and the scene is exactly like waking life. I am laying in bed on my side, facing the way. Just a bit of dim light comes in from the window. But then there's an interesting different. Two naked girls are on my bed. One is laying on the edge of the bed near the way. The other is on her knees at the foot of the bed and then she crawls over the other girl to the head of the bed. I know I'm dreaming. I can barely see in the dim light. I reach with my hand for the girl who is laying down. I roll her over toward me and run my hands along her body and squeeze her breast.

      I transition into the dream and it's my bedroom again. Now it's more light. Sadly, there are no naked chicks. I sit up and look out the window. I phase through the window glass and jump out onto the rooftop of the adjacent building. I jump from rooftop to rooftop, trying to keep control and finesse of my jumps and vision. Then on one roof I see a man learning over the edge with a sniper rifle. I am behind him. I sneak up to him and grab the rifle out of his hands. He struggles with me but I overpower him. I throw it over the edge of the building.
    4. 0/1 Sun: Fragment

      by , 06-21-2011 at 06:34 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I woke up from several dreams last night but only recall a fragment:

      An old friend from high school, EW, is getting married. She asks me to be a bridesmaid.
      dream fragment
    5. 1/1 Mon: Flying, Office, False Awakenings

      by , 03-01-2011 at 10:59 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Working on getting my recall back up. I think I had at least 3 dreams this night. The lucid is the only one can recall now.

      Flying, Office, False Awakenings
      Method DILD (false awakening)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control B
      False awakening. I hear the voice of Collin, an old friend who I haven't seen in years. That can't be. I sense that I am in my bedroom from the Daisetta house. I must be dreaming. It's dark. I try to get up but my body seems paralyzed. I can tilt my head enough to look at my hands. I can rub them. I still seem paralyzed, but then dream time skips a few seconds. Now I'm standing in the hallway outside the bedroom and I can move freely. I walk toward the living room where some lights are on. I hear my mother's voice. Wait. I realize my vision is blurry. I turn back toward the bedroom with the intent of finding my glasses. Collin is behind me and he is holding my glasses. I take them from him, put them on, and now my vision is clear (I love that trick).

      I walk out to the backyard, ignoring my mother and Collin. It's dark and very foggy outside. I hop up on the picnic table and launch into the air. I fly straight up about 20 stories and then stop hover and look down to get my bearings. The many houses and street lamps glow dimly in the dense fog. I want to fly to my office. I look south-east to the horizon and see dim lights of a large building. That must be it (IWL, it's much further than that) I fly Superman-style toward the buliding, willing myself to go as fast as I can. I arrive, land outside, and burst through the door with great momentum.

      I slow down to see where I have arrived. Entering the main door, the interior doesn't look like my office as I expected. It just looks like a long corridor with generic office suites on either side. More like a prison (which, actually, is still an apt description of work). Not discouraged, I wander down the corridor and follow it a few turns. I turn one corner and am surprised to see my office lobby. Cool! Now I follow the real layout of the office toward RH's room. The office furniture looks very different. The chairs are dark brown wicker and there are big leafy fern plants. It's looks like the decor of a hotel in the Caribbean. RH isn't in her office. Next door, I hear her neighbor's voice saying that RH left.

      I give up on RH and look through the rest of the office. I peek over the cubical walls, looking for someone I recognize. Then I jump and balance on top of the cubical wall for an easier view. "Where is BG?" I say aloud. She isn't at her desk. I hear a voice say, "She moved to a new seat." I turn around and see a reception desk that doesn't exist IWL. BG is bent over under the desk, pulling out something. "I'm here!" she says. She stands up and I jump from the cubical wall to land in front of her. It doesn't really look like her, which is a bit disappointing. She is wearing a black dress and her hair is black and styled up. I say hello and grab her hand, so as to lead her around the office as I look for more recognizable people.

      Now the dream changes abruptly into another false awakening. I'm laying on a bed. It's light. I look down and I am naked and with no blanket. In the room I see four people who look like old hillbillies. They are dressed in plaid shirts and denim overalls. They look at me and start to walk toward me, very slowly like zombies. Ugh, I don't want to be here.

      Dream skips again into another false awakening. I am in my own bed. I tilt my head back and my body starts to sink into the bed.

      One more awakening, this time for real.
    6. 0/3 Mon: Family, Brian

      by , 01-19-2011 at 10:26 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Family in Crossword Maze
      My whole family is together. Father, mother, sister, me. And also maybe one other male child. We are walking through a forest. The trees and paths are arranged like a maze. It's like a big maze puzzle game. We walk through and collect letters. They are like big white Scrabble tiles that are scattered throughout the maze. We have a map. Every so often we stop to consult the map. Guarding the paths are giant spiders, but they seem fake. They are like piņatas.

      So we walk around together, collecting these letter tiles. I am surprised that everyone in the family is getting along and working together toward this common goal. Eventually, we seem to reach the end of the maze and have collected all the letters. Then the map of the maze appears like a crossword. We place the letter tiles on the map to complete words. I remember two of the horizontal words were "California" and "Geneva".

      Then the whole scene seems to restart. We start back at the beginning of the maze and do the whole thing over again. My sister complains that I found all the tiles last time and I should let other people help. So I help my sister and the other mystery boy by pointing out where the letter tiles are. I'm a bit frightened of the big spiders. My mother is fearless and she knocks them away with a big piece of paper, paving a safe path though the maze.

      Interpretation: Lately, I have come to realize that when I dream of my family members, they actually represent different parts of my own personality. So, in this dream, all the members of my family are working together and succeeding. The fears and weaknesses of some individuals are made up for by the strengths of the others. I interpret this mean that I should accept and incorporate all aspects of my character.

      I dream of planning a trip with an old high school acquaintance, Brian, and his family. He was a friend but later we grew apart. In the dream, he is patronizing me and I am annoyed. But I honor the plan to take a trip with his family. I am at his house. I decide to return home and come back the next day when we will leave together. When I get home, I all him to confirm the time for the next morning. But I am still annoyed by his patronizing attitude.

      Brian Again, fragment
      Another dream about Brian. Maybe I woke up briefly and reentered the previous dream scene. I don't recall much detail beyond that.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. 0/3 Sat: Fragments

      by , 01-10-2011 at 12:23 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I'm still sick so I've been less diligent about taking notes. On the flip side, I'm getting a bit better at remembering dreams without notes.

      Something about oceans waves. I think I'm discussing the science of waves with my sister. And the difference between waves and tides. Or something.

      I know there was a dream in here. Maybe something about my sister.

      Summer School
      Why is this a recurring dream theme for me? I never took summer classes in my life. I've returned to my mother's house for the summer and I am attending classes in my old high school. I only have two changes of clothes, so I wear them over and over again. I am in a classroom with many of my high school classmates and my high school US history teacher. We are all seated at computers like a computer lab. I am and the end of the back row, at the farthest point in the room from the teacher. I'm trying to change the desktop background on my computer.

      Then I am back at my mother's house, looking at my clothes in the closet. I think to go back to my apartment downtown for the weekend so I can pick up so more clothes and collect the mail.
    8. 1/3 Tue: A Lonely WILD and others

      by , 01-05-2011 at 10:23 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0559: This one is hard to explain. I remember it made sense in the dream but makes no sense now. Just going to dump my handwritten notes: Michael from TV The Office. Halloween skit. Tape record interview about haunted fishing boat or something. Supposed to be 30 minutes but goes over 2 hours. Speaking in southern accent. Describe Bryce character who is a zombie or serial killer or something. He wears bright blue overalls and a bright red hat. Then move in front of audience to all of a different some on the boat.

      Summer School, Car Search
      0939: This seems to be a occasional recurring dreamplot for me: going to school and then searching for my car in a parking lot. Summer school math class. It's Friday. Pay tuition on Monday. Teacher gives us oven trays with French fries and tacos to take home for homework. One guy raises his hand. The teacher anticipates his issue. He is a vegetarian. The teacher give him a bowl of just fries instead.

      Class ends and I leave. It's bright day outside. Teacher walks with me toward the parking lot. Parking lot looks like my elementary school. Teacher has a Tylenol PM sticker on his car. We part. I can't find my car in the parking lot. The lot is almost empty. Some one moved it to the nearby residential street. I hand my keys to some guy, like he's a valet. He hands them back to me. Then I walk to a nearby woman who says she had to move my car.

      I go looking for my car, pressing the lock button so that the alarm beeps. Now the area seems more like around my high school. I briefly see old elementary school friend Jason, also looking for his car. I finally find my car. I open the trunk and lay the math homework oven tray inside, which I have been carefully holding this whole time. A stray dog jump in to the trunk.

      Lonely WILD
      Method WILD
      Lucidity B
      Vividness C
      Control C
      I wasn't visualizing this time. Instead I was imaging the sink-through-the-bed feeling. I feel my head sink slightly, as if in the gap between two pillows. I only use one pillow so I know I've transitioned into the dream. But I can still feel the stiffness of my physical body so I wait. After a moment, I start floating like an OBE, without intention or control. I float feet-first off my bed, still in a supine position, and toward my bathroom. I float into the bathroom and my body automatically shifts and moves into a seated position. I float down to sit on the toilet. I notice the bathroom is arranged wrong. The toilet is facing the door. It's where the shower should be.

      So now the dream seems stable and I can move my own limbs. I stand up and walk out of the bathroom back into my bedroom. It's mostly dark. My room is full of tall lamps, all turned off. They all look the same: a tall metal pole that splits into three sections, which loop back down and end with a light bulb and a decorative shade. I don't have a lamp like this but it seems familiar. Anyway, there are probably 20 of these in the room. I step carefully between them, like a bamboo forest. Very strange.

      I recall my plan which is very simple: talk to a DC. Okay, but there is no one around. I step through the lamp forest to my dresser with the TV on top. I reach for the power switch but stop myself: No, this isn't the plan. I start to get logical: If I'm going to talk to someone I need to find someone first. I walk toward the door and say "More clarity! More excitement!" I see light from the crack under the door. I recall a similar scene from another LD that turned out well, so I am hopeful.

      I burst through the door and into the living room, expecting to find someone of something. But no one is here. It's just my quiet living room, dimly lit by morning sunlight. Hmm. I feel lonely. End.
    9. 0/3 Thu: Hazy

      by , 12-11-2010 at 12:28 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Recall has been low lately. These dreams were ok but I'll just quickly summarize them.

      Teething Falling Out
      Yeah, one of those dreams. I had these weird braces that made my teeth fall out. I also had some metal fixtures at the back of my mouth that I try to remove because they cut my tongue.

      Movie Diss
      I am at a bar with some coworkers but they are the ones I don't get along with. One of them is trying to remember the name of a movie. One guy knows the one she is talking about and says it's one of his favorites. Everyone else seems to agree. But I say it was a dumb movie. I think it was Juno.

      Movies in Bed
      I meet a high school guy friend at his house. I think it's Thomas. We are going to watch a movie in his room. There are two girls there. One lays down on the bed with Thomas. I lay at the far end of the bed, giving them some polite space. The other girl is Megan. She takes off her pants and lays with me. She has black hair, a black tank top, and black underwear. She's so hot. She cautiously lays next to me, then moves closer. She puts her head on my shoulder and then an arm across my chest. She seems nervous to make this move. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer to reassure her that I'm okay with it. Then we watch the movie for a bit on a small television.

      Updated 12-11-2010 at 01:06 AM by 35793

    10. 0/4 Fri: 2010-12-03

      by , 12-08-2010 at 12:13 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0715: Running in a marathon. One coach suspects another of cheating.

      WTF, Incomprehensible Notes
      0757: Hulk goes back in time to stop a secret ... dates him. They work for ... deface some paintings with red paint. Then training for war. V for Vendetta. Brad Pitt. Sunglasses. False awakening.

      Talking To Girls
      0927: In school. It's a military school. I am called to another classroom. Baking cakes. In class. Flirting with Erinne from high school. Then another girl. Sara? Or maybe Erin from college. Talking about going crazy. Erinne sits on a swing set and starts bother me and the other girl who I am now talking with.

      More WTF
      1049: ... sex with Bridgette. Meet her two brothers. Then want to fight with our cars. So I drive around them and cover the shopping mall car wash food. I am driving a convertible. This is so one-sided. I ask if I can use real bullets.
    11. 1/3 Thu: 2010-12-02

      by , 12-08-2010 at 12:01 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Catching up from a few days away without Internet.

      "F*** you, but nice sweater!"
      0855: Hugh takes a job at my company. He has something to do with the reactor. There is a meeting in the office and the CEO is talking to Hugh. Then my desk is moved to the left turn lane of a street intersection. Now I walk to the reactor. Something about Iranians and a school. Now the buildings seems like a college campus with an impressive library overlooking a grassy area with trees. Group of people waiting for a large gathering. They are practice their speeches that they will give before the crowd. They are all young adults, like college students. I sit down ... map. ... I say "fuck you, but nice sweater!" He falls on is chair. I find a colleague I know and we laugh.

      Ugly Glasses, Soccer
      1014: Playing soccer with a mix of coworkers and high school classmates. One guy shows off his new glasses. I see they are way too thick and unattractive. I think at first to be polite, but I realize it's better that I tell him the truth that his glasses look ridiculous. The soccer game is on a grassy area in front of a building that looks like a old church or library. There are trees and water fountains in the middle of the play area so people have to run around. They are tripping on the roots of the trees. Our team scores. Then I get the ball alone with a long way to dribble toward the goal.

      short WBTB+MILD

      Tequila and Stuff
      Method DILD
      Lucidity D
      Vividness C
      Control D
      1103: I don't recall how I became lucid. Nor did I stop to think of my plan. I mostly just observed this lucid dream. I'm outdoors at night. I am in a grassy area near a building. There's also sidewalk around the building. Reminds me of a spot on my old college campus. The area is lit by street lamps and lights around the building. There are a few people around and I am chasing them, like we are playing tag. I intuitively think that two of them are twin girls and they are both my wives. I grow tired of running and spot chasing them.

      Now, the buildings near me seem to be restaurants and bars. There are impressive full length windows and outdoor patios. I walk up to the entrance of one building and it's a bar. There is a line of people waiting to get in. I pull a bill out of my pocket and smoothly hand it to the bouncer as I walk past the line and straight in. It's crowded with people inside with low lighting. I walk around the bar hurriedly, looking for anyone I recognize, but I don't find anyone. I come around to the bar and squeeze in to get the attention of the bartender. The bar is really high but with a glass case. It reminds me of the case in a Starbucks or a donut shop. Anyway, I order two shots of tequila (strange, I'd never order that IWL). I shoot one immediately. I take the other glass and walk away from the bar. I walk toward the front door. I shoot the second glass and toss it away. I step outside, back on to the sidewalk and start looking at the people around. I see people coming out of the restaurant next door. I hear music play as I start to approach a girl. She is wearing pink knee-high socks that catch my attention. Dream fades.
    12. 1/1 Sun: Hot Tub Revisited

      by , 11-29-2010 at 10:28 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Had other dreams but didn't write them down because I was focusing on the WILD.

      Edit: I now recall more of dream before the incubated scene.

      Flying, Teleporting, Hot Tub Revisited
      Method WILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control B
      Once again, I visualize the hot tub scene. I plan to return to this scene several times as I practice my first few WILDs. It's such a vivid memory for me. I visualize being in a friend's backyard a few steps from their hot tub. It's a party with a bunch of high school friends but mostly I am focused on the two girls in the hot tub who waiting for me. I concentrate on the blueness of the water and the silhouettes of the two people sitting in the hot tub.

      I transition into dreaming but I am not in the incubated scene. I am outside and it is very dark. I think I am in an alley surrounded by tall buildings. I start flying to figure out where I am. I slowly float up above the buildings and see the cityscape around me. It's still almost pitch black. I see the outline of buildings as faint silver lines. I also see a few spots of color of neon signs. I practice flying a bit. I try to fly standing upright instead of laying out with my arms stretched, Superman-style. I don't see any people or movement so it feels kinda lonely. I practice throwing fireballs and sonic booms. They seem dim and silvery, like the outlines of the buildings.

      Now I look upward, hoping to see stars or the moon. But there is just empty blackness. This disorients me and, when I look down again, the city is gone and I am surrounded by blackness. It's not scary though. I think to just fly to a new scene. I recall my visualization of the blueness of the hot tub. I think of that and start flying forward. Soon it seems I am going through a tunnel with the scene at the other end.

      Then tada! I am there, in my incubated scene. It's still dark of night, but somewhat lit. It seems to be lit by some of those tiki torch things that people put in their yards. Once again, it's my own backyard instead of the girl's who is hosting the party. I look at my hands. The fingers on the right hand are long and distorted. Cool. I step down into the hot tub and sit between the two girls. I look to the one on my right, Sara. I put my arms around her and appreciate how real she feels. I look at her face. She gives me a big smile. She actually looks like someone else that I recognize, not Sara. I start to turn to look at the other girl but my body goes stiff. I try to look at my hands but the dream quickly fades.
      Tried to DEILD but no luck this time.

      Updated 11-29-2010 at 10:39 PM by 35793

    13. 1/1 Thu: First Official WILD

      by , 11-29-2010 at 10:09 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      This was last Thursday while I was out of town. This was my first successful WILD using the common sleep paralysis technique. I've had DEILDs and I think an accidental WILD once. But this was the first using this technique. Some interesting notes:

      - I've been attempting WILD on and off for about 3 months. Probably about 20-25 attempts.
      - I was out of town in a hotel room instead of my normal bed. It's the first time I've slept in a different bed in quite some time.
      - This was the night of Thanksgiving holiday, so I had a very large meal for dinner, but no alcohol.
      - I went to bed early, compared to my normal schedule.
      - The WILD happened after about 7 hours of sleep.
      - I had other dreams before in the same night, but I didn't have my dream journal with me so I couldn't write them down or recall them.

      The Hot Tub
      Method WILD, DEILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control C
      Awoke naturally after a dream around 7am, decided to try to WILD. I lay still on my back for about 10 minutes and felt some sleep paralysis. Changed position to my side and let my mind wander. After a few minutes, I felt sleep paralysis again and then a strange feeling in my head. It's like when you are really really tired and you feel a swell of tiredness in your head that makes you close your eyes and droop your head suddenly. This was my cue to start visualizing. I had a scene in mind, one that I've been trying to incubate for a long time.

      This is real memory from when I was about 15 years old. I'm at a party with a bunch of high school friends in a girl's backyard. They have a pool and a hot tub. I visualize standing a few feet from the hot tub, looking down into the blueness of the water. There are two girls in the pool wearing bikinis. Mostly, I am trying to focus on the blue blob of the water and the dark silhouettes of the two people sitting in it. I start to see the blueness in the hypnagogic hallucination.

      I transition into the scene as if through a tunnel with a blue light at the end. I am in the scene and I know I am dreaming. The scene is a bit wrong. It's my own backyard instead of the girl's. And the girls are sitting in reversed positions as compared to how I visualized it. But it's pretty much what I was trying to incubate. I can't move though and I still feel my physical body. I wait patiently and the dream gets a bit clearer. I look at the two girls, now on either side of me. I am excited that I've gotten this far. But now the two girls start arguing with each other. Something about getting your own job instead of working for your father. I'm surprised. I don't know where this dialogue came from. The dream fades.

      Now awake, but I can DEILD. I try to visualize the blue water again for a few moments. Then I am reminded that I am laying in bed, so my hallucinations change. I am in a bed with white sheets with the two girls instead of in the hot tub. It's pleasant but I try to concentrate back on the blueness of the water. I re-enter the hot tub scene and wait for it to solidify. I am calmer now. I am able to look around and appreciate the scene. It's bright daylight. I look at one girl and feel her skin. I look at the texture of her brown hair. I am aware that I am sitting in the water, but I don't quite "feel" the wetness. I try to focus on my body to feel the water. The dream fades again.
      lucid , memorable
    14. 0/1 Sat: Annoyed

      by , 11-08-2010 at 02:49 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Quiz, Annoyed
      0732: I am in high school. We are on a field trip? We are taking a quiz and the teacher is being very strict to avoid cheating. No talking. No borrowing paper or pencils. But sure enough, when the quiz begins, some idiots ask me for paper. I get up and move my seat away. This happens 2-3 times. After the teacher is to guy to collect all the tests. ... people been scattered around or not listening. I am so upset at all this dumbshits.
      Tags: classmate, school
    15. 0/6 Wed: Food, Work, Japanese, Fragments

      by , 10-29-2010 at 04:35 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Four from the night and two from an afternoon snooze.

      1103: D. Traveling as a drug mule. With daughter of the drug boss. It's actress Kristen Bell, as I recognize her from Deadwood.

      Cooking Emergency at Work
      1233: C. Emergency at work and Myra has to cook something quickly. Something with noodles in it. She will miss her wedding party because of it. Everyone feels bad for her but she's so self-sacrificing. Then I'm in the back seat of a car. Joe R is driving with Myra in the passenger seat and Lance also with me in the back. Joe is dropping Myra off while he is going to the airport. He's talking about how airports around the world are all the same because they all have the same familiar noises. I think he's going to Japan.

      The Ig Fish
      1317: B. At a Japanese restaurant. Want to order a simple fish dish, salmon I think. The waitress is a middle-aged Japanese woman. She doesn't hear me right. She thinks I order a really rare and poisonous fish called Ig. I point to what I want on the menu. She asks "are you sure?" a few times. She finally accepts it.

      Skip to several minutes later. A Fedex package has arrived at the restaurant with the fish I ordered. The waitress shows me the package and says "Look, we had this very rare Ig fish delivered for you!" There are two fish in the package, each wrapped in plastic. This isn't what I wanted but since it was so much trouble I might as well go with it. I hand it back to the waitress with my approval. She sends to it kitchen to be prepared.

      I see a young woman at the next table eating the same Ig fish dish. The fish is colored with dark red and blue strips. It has many feather-like fins all over it like a coral lionfish. It's propped up on thick fins underneath, almost like feet. The woman says something about how she can't eat all of it and she likes to cut it a certain way.

      F. I recalled this while writing down the previous dream. Something about making tools for, Google, and Chrome.

      Database Cleanup
      1811: C. In a house with my mother and two people from high school, Chris and Brian. We work from Frank? He arranged a promotion deal with a satellite TV company. Chris inserts some data in our database but he did it wrong. He's leaving for somewhere so it's left to me to fix it. Brian is trying to explain the situation but he isn't technical enough. I need to actual list of accounts that need to be removed from the database. I look for my mother, hoping she knows where that information is. She is asleep on a couch the kitchen. The kitchen is a bit like the SAV house. The room is mostly dark and there is a very noisy fan on. I wake her up and apologize for doing so. I ask her if she knows which accounts need to be deleted. I turn to Brian and he's dressed like a Boy Scout. He's about to leave for a meeting.

      D. Feels like a documentary about the wild west. Reminded of Deadwood and Red Red Redemption. Something about the development of the Bowie knife. Hunting wild rabbits near a road out in the desert wilderness.

      Updated 10-29-2010 at 04:46 AM by 35793 (Kristen, not Kirsten)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
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