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    One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy

    About My Dreams

    1. Mall, Cheat, Work, Home, Fire

      by , 02-17-2013 at 01:47 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I'm not sure if this was one dream or two. I recalled them together and they had a connected plot. I was really mad at the end. Like really, really mad! The emotion lingered for a while after waking up. I rarely feel anger, so on the occasion that I do, it's almost a welcome experience.

      Mall Shops, Cheats
      I'm in a competition with Lance. We are owners of small shops in a shopping mall. The competition is to own more shops than the other. Apparently, it's just a computer program because I easily find how to cheat by editing my character data. I give myself all the max stats and money. Lance and I both use this cheat. We quickly realize that this ruins the fun of it. So agree to not cheat. Lance buys a bar that sits in the middle of the mall and gets a lot of foot traffic.

      I write a program to make money off the bar for Lance. I am reluctant because I know the game is so easy to cheat that someone will use my program to steal money. But I do it anyway. I finish and decide to have a few drinks.

      Work From Home, Fire
      I have a false awakening. I still feel tipsy from the drinks of the previous dream. I must not have slept very long. I am in an apartment but it's nothing like my waking life. I look at a clock: 12:56 in the afternoon. I check my laptop. There's an urgent IM from work from just a few minutes ago. The producer wants me to shut down the bar program that I wrote in the previous dream. As I expected, someone is exploiting it to steal money.

      I'm glad I woke up just in time. I know what to do, I just need to change a few lines of code and upload it to the server. But now I become aware of two other people in my apartment. One is Garrett (an ex-coworker that I didn't like). The other is a young woman who I don't recognize but seems familiar. I intuit that she is my roommate so she has a right to be here and Garrett is her guest. It occurred to me that maybe it was my sister, but the girl was definitely blonde. Anyway, they are chit chatting about nothing in particular in the kitchen. I need to work so I'm annoyed that they are disturbing me.

      I carry my laptop to the kitchen and place it on the stove top. I forgot the power cable. I fetch the power cable from and plug the laptop into a power socket that is oddly on the edge of the counter near the stove. I forgot the network cable. I search the apartment for it. As I search, Garrett and the girl and collecting their coats to leave. I am silently relieved that I will have some peace to work.

      Still searching in another room, I overhear them conversing. It turns out they decided not to leave. Instead they have the sudden urge to have sex. My reaction is "ugh, great...." It is a surprise because I intuited that the girl wasn't attracted to Garrett. Still, my reaction is mostly one of indifference and mild annoyance.

      They are having sex on the floor next to a closet with sliding doors. I see the network cable on the floor in the closet. I careful step around them, trying not to touch them. I say something sarcastic like "don't mind me and don't let me interrupt your garden-variety sex while I get this wire." Garrett becomes enraged by what I said, especially the words "garden-variety." He gives the girl a few final thrusts and finishes. Then he stands up and confronts me. I ignore him and take the cable to the kitchen.

      Garrett follows me and continues to yell and spew. I plug the cable into the laptop on one end and into the freezer on the other. I realize in the moment that this is strange but not enough to become lucid. Garrett throws something heavy at me. I dodge the projectile and it hits the stove top. Garrett storms off and out the door. Good riddance.

      I turn to look at the stove and see that the gas knobs are damaged. A small flame is lit from each of them. I think if I can just turn them off then I can safely shut of the gas and get it repaired. I reach with my hand but quickly pull it back; too hot. I find a broom handle and reach with it to tap the knobs. The flame only grows. It's clear to me that the damage is increasing and will soon become disaster. I see on the wall above the stove the two master gas line valves. They aren't on fire yet. I try to reach them with the broom stick but I can get the leverage to rotate the valve with just a stick.

      I start to panic. I can't stop this. The whole apartment is going to catch fire. I think of my roommate and worry for her safety. I intuit that her name is Laura or Lauren. I call for her to see if she is still in the apartment. I need to get everyone out before the fire gets worse. The glow from the gas flames gets brighter and brighter. I need to call the fire department. Wait, I think, I might have a fire extinguisher. Let me try that as one last chance to avert disaster. I scramble around the kitchen, searching the cabinets for the fire extinguisher. The metal of the stove now is glowing red hot. It looks ready to explode. By now, I feel more anger than panic. This is all Garrett's fault! I decide I should just run to get the heck out of there. Wake
    2. Camp Dorm, A Multi-Part Lucid Adventure

      by , 02-02-2013 at 04:21 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Notes: This night was the first using a voice recorder for my journal. It may take a while to get used to and I might change up my DJ format to accommodate.

      Shenanigans in a Park
      I'm across the street from a park. It's a big grassy area with a few trees. I'm looking at 2 parallel parked cars. I third card drives up. I recognize the driver as Brian, a classmate from high school who I don't like very much. I recognized one of the parked cards as belonging to my old roommate Hugh. Hugh's car is a sliver luxury SUV, maybe a Lexus. Brian's car is one of those tiny smart cars, maybe orange? Brian parallel parks his car in the tiny spot between the two cars already there. Even though he can fit, he unnecessarily back into Hugh's SUV to push it back and make more room. This annoys me.

      Brian exits his car. I cross the street. Brian, Hugh, and I start to play a round of golf. The dream skips to after finishing playing and we are returning to our cars. Brian gets in his car and again unnecessarily backs into the car behind him to make room. This time I think it's comical in a crass way. Before speeding off, Brian stops and shouts to me "Are you sure you're okay?" I am annoyed by the question. I reply "I'm like a bomb. Like a bob-omb."

      Nearby, there is a white plastic lawn chair. I run and jump on it, make it slide like surfboard across the grass. I ride it toward the park entrance, disrupting several games of golf as I pass through. Before reaching the entrance, I jump off and leave the chair. I say something about not wanting to be accused of stealing it.

      Camp Dorm, Part 1
      I'm entering a dormitory, walking down a hallways, looking for the room assigned to me. It is either a college or a summer camp for college-aged people. I find my room and start setting up a big screen TV so I can watch the Super Bowl. Then the dream jumps around a bit. I recall meeting a man, maybe the dean of the school or maybe someone impersonating the dean as part of a con. I see him in his office. He falls the ground and starts doing pushups to hide his face from the visitor and speaks in a fake voice.

      False awakening. I feel a cat sleeping on my stomach. It's very furry. I'm sleeping on the floor and feel stiff. I awake to the sound of a woman's voice. I don't open my eyes. She seems to be a police officer or security guard. She is nudging me with her foot to wake me and talking on her radio about determining when I got a cat. Apparently, pets are not allowed in the dorm. Wake.

      Camp Dorm, Part 2 [WILD]
      After recording the previous dream, I attempt WILD. It take maybe 5 minutes?

      I enter the dream in a dorm room similar to the one from the previous dream. This time it feels more like a log cabin at a summer camp. It's somewhat dark in the room but I can tell it is lighter outside through a big window. In the room is boy about 10 years old. He looks like me at that age. Very skinny and with a bowl hair cut. I ask his name but don't recall his answer. I ask if he knows how to fly. He both phase through the window and fly into the open air.

      Outside it is dawn and getting brighter. Besides the cabin we just exited, it's all grass for seemingly miles around. I fly around with the boy for a while. I spot a young woman below us. I fly down to meet her. She has elf ears and is a bit chubby. I ask if she can fly. She says everyone can fly. I fly with her too. We fly up high to get a good view of the surroundings, looking for more people.

      Looking north, I see a few more chubby elf girls. They are practicing archery. I land near them and approach. They are just finishing their activity and saying good bye. But they actually say: "Fuck you!" and "Fuck you, too!" but in a pleasant and cheerful way, as if "Fuck you" is a polite way to say good bye. I ask one of them, "What does 'fuck you' mean?" I realize am in a strange world of chubby elf girls and they must have different language dialect. She replies with "I'll show you" and starts leading me west. I intuit that she is taking me to bed.

      We fly for a while. Eventually we come on a wooden shelter with some beds. It looks like a campground. The shelter is only a frame with some wooden slats to provide shade, not a building. On one of the beds, there are two guys, with elf ears but skinny. I become skeptical of what the girl intents.
      Dream fades.

      Camp Dorm, Part 3 [DILD]
      I have a false awakening in an unfamiliar room. My laptop is open and there's a conference call to work that I should be listening too. I try to pay attention to the meeting. The door is open. Outside is a dark hallway. I can make out a few beds in the hallway. There's a girl in one bed and a guy in another and a row of other bed that I assume also have people. It looks like the summer camp dormitory from previous dreams. I try to close the door so that the sound of the meeting won't disturb the sleepers. But the door doesn't close right. The door is too narrow and doesn't fit in the frame. I try to move the knob toward the frame and it breaks off and slams into the frame loudly. I've obviously woken some of the people. The girl gives me an angry look. The faulty door makes me realized I am dreaming. My lucidity is not very strong.

      I turn back to the meeting call. My boss is explaining that it will take a long time to download the file because the project is very big. I know the reason is not that the project is big but that it includes a lot of sample data. I try to explain this.

      I give up on the meeting and move to the window to fly outside. But the window gives me some trouble.

      Video Game
      I am a character in a what seems like a FPS video game. I'm in a dimly lit rocky canyon. I seem that I have spawned near the enemy base. I take the long way around a rock formation to the back of the base, shooting a few guys in the process. I near the base and intuit that my objective is to capture what looks like a stone altar by standing on it. As I approach, a lightning storm starts. A bone dragon swoops in and lands on the altar. I intuit that the rules of the game prevent you from capturing the altar while the dragon is there so I have to back away. Someone yells "Dragon eggs!"

      Camp Dorm, Part 4 [DILD]
      I am suddenly in a classroom full of students and a teacher. I am in one corner of the room and have difficulty seeing the teacher at the chalkboard. I move around the back edge of the classroom to the opposite corner to get a better view and sit behind a girl. The students are college age. I intuit that all the other students know each other but I am an outsider.

      The class ends and the students socialize as their pack their things to leave. I cautiously talk to the girl in front of me. A big group of them want to hang out outside. I just want to return to my room and organize my study materials. I realize the similarity to the previous dreams and become lucid.

      As usually, I find the nearest window and fly out to explore the landscape. Now the campground seems like a futuristic city. There are giant water tubes encased in glass that act like freeways. I phase in and out the through the glass, water, and air. It's fun to breath under water. There are giant sea turtles and friendly sharks.

      I fly high to see what's above the tubes. Above the tubes are concrete slabs and I get stuck in one of them. I turn to look up and see Optimus Prime. I grab his hand and he helps me out. He suggests I interact with the people.

      Supported above the concrete slabs is a whole other level that appears like a giant park. This time more typical air, stone, pathways, grassy patches, and pools of water. There are people walking and sitting. Most of them are the same chubby elf girls from the earlier dreams.

      I approach a group of three girls wearing bathing suits, relaxing in a spa pool. I flirt with them.

      Camp Dorm, Part 5 [WILD]
      I recorded the previous dream and then easily re-enter with WILD.

      I'm back in the camp dorm and looking to interact with the DCs. I walk into a patio where many tables have been set up like an art fair. There are many presenters but I seem to be one of the few visitors so all the presenters are trying to attract me to their table.

      Here my lucidity and recall start to diminish. I recall one girl had a table full of different name tags. They all had her name on it, which was a long Indian name, but from different professions like you would see on the uniform of a doctor, a mechanic, and soldier, and police officer. I think this is very interesting. She asks me to pick one, in a sense, to choose a career for her by picking which nametag suited her best. I shift through them all and pick a coffee cup with her name on it. The coffee cup is shaped like a golf club, suggesting a career as a professional golfer.

      There was another girl who I think was trying to choose a color for her dress. And another had two post it notes with the same message but in different ink and style.
      At some point dream fades.

      On exiting the dream, I'm left in some hypnopompic imagery. I see through my sleep mask a television playing what looks like a sitcom. Three characters are in a house when there's a knock at the front door. The three of them quickly hide in a closet. Then from the closet, a four character steps out. He looks like Louis CK. The laugh track plays but I don't get the joke.

      I wait through the imagery for a while, hoping I can DEILD back into a lucid dream. After a minute or so I give up, thinking I've dreamed enough and my body doesn't want to sleep anymore tonight.
    3. Epic Long WILD...

      by , 01-31-2013 at 03:18 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      ...but I didn't write it down. Shame on me. I vaguely recall that it felt like I was repeating a previous dream. In the lucid dream, I was explaining to a DC that I had had this dream before and I knew what would happen next. That went on for a while. Then I took control, changed the scene and had some dream sex. It felt like at least 45 minutes total. When the dream finally ended, I was left in SP for several minutes. It wasn't uncomfortable. It felt interesting.
      Tags: paralysis, sex, wild
    4. 2/3 Sun: A Few

      by , 10-24-2011 at 04:54 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      High School Friends
      This was a longer dream, I only recall the tail end of it. I am in my bathroom from the Daisetta house where I lived during high school. I am standing near the sink, talking to two old friends from high school BS and TC. We are talking about college. I am bragging that I already finished college before I even got my high school diploma. I explained that I was going back to get another college degree and then I wanted to travel and swim with dolphins. Weird.

      Couldn't get back to sleep because my mind felt too alert. I got up for about 30 minutes and then laid down again. I tossed and turned for a while, I don't know how long. Eventually, I drifted into some lucid dreams.

      Naked Chicks
      I transition into the dream and the scene is exactly like waking life. I am laying in bed on my side, facing the way. Just a bit of dim light comes in from the window. But then there's an interesting different. Two naked girls are on my bed. One is laying on the edge of the bed near the way. The other is on her knees at the foot of the bed and then she crawls over the other girl to the head of the bed. I know I'm dreaming. I can barely see in the dim light. I reach with my hand for the girl who is laying down. I roll her over toward me and run my hands along her body and squeeze her breast.

      I transition into the dream and it's my bedroom again. Now it's more light. Sadly, there are no naked chicks. I sit up and look out the window. I phase through the window glass and jump out onto the rooftop of the adjacent building. I jump from rooftop to rooftop, trying to keep control and finesse of my jumps and vision. Then on one roof I see a man learning over the edge with a sniper rifle. I am behind him. I sneak up to him and grab the rifle out of his hands. He struggles with me but I overpower him. I throw it over the edge of the building.
    5. 2/5: Many Dreams, Two Lucid

      by , 05-21-2011 at 07:01 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I got a lot of sleep and had many dreams this night. I didn't write them down so here's my best attempt at recall.

      There was a dream here before the lucids. No detail other than I remember waking up from it and then into the lucids.

      Black and White Lucid
      Method DILD (?)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control C
      I don't remember much about this one. I mostly remember that my vision was black and white and this was disappointing. I remember trying to look at my hands but I couldn't move them. When I woke up, I was determined to have another lucid of higher quality.

      Questions Answered in Lucid
      Method DILD (spontaneous)
      Lucidity B
      Vividness B
      Control C
      I don't recall how I became lucid. I am in a luxurious house. I am looking through a sliding glass door to the pool area. In and around the pool, a bunch of attractive people, mostly blonde chicks in bikinis. I look at my hands for stability. My body is a bit stiff and I have some awareness of my paralyzed physical body. I try to let go of that and just focus on being in the dreaming. I notice that the dream is in full color and that it fills me whole field of vision like an IMAX movie. This makes me more confident. I phase through the glass door and enter the pool area.

      I think a few other things happen at this point. I don't recall. I feel like I fly away from the scene to find something and then came back. When I come back, there are four people left at the pool, all blondes in white bikinis. I walk back into the house and they follow me. Inside is the living room with windows facing front and back and the sliding glass door to the pool to the side. There are a few couches around a coffee table. I stand in the middle of the room and the chicks arrange themselves on the couches or standing next to me.

      I recall the talk by Robert Waggoner from the DV video post and recall his advice to ask the DC to explain the symbols. So I look at one of the girls and ask "could you explain the symbolism here?" She replies willingly, not rude but as if it's obvious. She looks at the front windows, which are covered with drapes and says "you have a tentative father". Then she directs her attention to the back windows, also covered with drapes, "... and a tentative mother." Then she looks at the couches which have plush stuffed cushions and pillows. She says "The couch cushions show your attraction to large breasts". I think she said a few other things that I don't remember. Even though what she said was a bit nonsensical, it was and interesting interaction with a DC.

      Then I have an orgy with the four girls. Not much to say about that.

      I think this dream was about Brian? No recall besides that.

      Gas Station
      I am at a gas station with my friend B. My car is having problems and I am trying to fix it. I have the hood up. Also, I seem to have a convertible and the top is down. I put the gas nozzle into several holes in the car, hoping that adding gas somewhere will somehow solve the problem. When I squeeze the nozzle, liquid sprays from another part of the car. I eventually realized that this means the car is full and adding more just causes overflow. B suggests that I start the car so I can see if the gas gauge shows it's full. I am a bit afraid that it will cause an explosion because of all the gas that has spilled. I start the car and it shows the gas is full.
      Tags: car, friend, sex, water, woman
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 1/1 Wed: Flying and Phone Messages

      by , 05-19-2011 at 01:54 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Flying and Phone Messages
      Method DILD (absurdity, false awakenings)
      Lucidity B
      Vividness B
      Control B
      Earliest recall is a false awakening. The buzzing vibration of my phone wakes me up. I listen to the buzzing, waiting for the alarm music to start but it doesn't. Instead the message beep sounds. So I roll over and look. Yup, the red message light is blinking. I grab the phone and look at the message. It's a text from my roommate. It says something like:

      some whiskey here
      coming in soon?

      I struggle to understand what that means. I start to think I might be dreaming. I look around my room. Yes, it looks like my room in very dim morning light. But wait, then someone walks into my room. It's not my roommate and he would have knocked first. This person is a man in a white dress shirt, black tie, and black slacks. He is short and skinny.
      Who is that? I must be dreaming.

      My lucidity isn't very strong. I still doubt I am dreaming so I feel the urge to prove it. So I jump out the window. I phase right through the blinds and glass. Outside, I start to fall in a gradual arc, like I'm magically slowing my fall by hovering. OK, I'm convinced that I'm dreaming. I look down and allow myself to fall. It's night. Below me is the city street and I see the flashing lights of police cars. I dive headfirst all the way down to the pavement. I don't feel anything when I hit the ground. I can still see for a few moments after. I see what looks like a smashed melon next to me with juice splattered around it. Then I close my eyes.

      False awakening. Once again, I hear my phone buzz and see the red blinking light. I reach and grab but don't yet look at it. I look around the room to determine if I am dreaming. First I notice some strange decorative panels on my door. Then I notice the window blinds are oriented wrong and the window itself is wider than normal. I am definitely still dreaming. I jump out the window again. This time I fly up over the city rooftops, still holding my phone.

      It's mostly dark, almost morning. I fly around a bit and land on a rooftop. Near me, I overhear two people talking. It sounds like a young girl and a guy. They are talking something about a hotel and phone sex hotline. I feel awkward eavesdropping on that conversation. I look at my phone and open the message. The phone's display is strange and it's hard to read the message. It's a long URL that only partially fits on the screen. I try to scroll left and right to see it but my phone is not cooperating. I remember the link contained the words "yOur" and "/Jennifer/". Not sure what any of that is supposed to mean.

      I decide to forget about the phone and do something else. I fly around the city a bit. The sun is starting to rise and the sky is turning orange. It's pretty. I land on the street and walk into a restaurant. In the dream I seem to think this is a familiar place, but in retrospect it's not. Anyway, I walk in and it's a nice restaurant and bar. It's mostly empty, like the restaurant has just opened and it's just the staff hanging out. Around the bar are 3 people. One is a guy who seems to be a waiter and the other two are women. One is standing -- she seems to be the bartender. The other is sitting -- maybe a customer. They both have red hair and I find this attractive. I sit and talk to the bartender, not paying much attention to the other woman or the guy. After not so much talking, the bartender takes off her clothes and gives me a lap dance. At some point, as I'm trying to take the situation further, I close my eyes.

      False awakening. Yet again my phone buzzes and blinks. I pick it up again and look around the room for dreamsigns. I see the same dreamsign of my window blinds. Yes, still dreaming. I jump out the window again and fly up to a rooftop.

      On the roof, there is a small garden with a flowerbed and about a dozen pigeons. I walk toward the birds, expecting them to fly away all at once. I hear a woman's voice say "Oh those birds are like insects. They will get you fucked up." Wait, is she talking about drugs? Whatever, I ignore it. Sure enough, the birds all fly off and I stand in the middle of the flowers. I look at my phone and open the message. This time it's an image. The image is a picture of a flower bed, just like the one I am standing in. Except the picture is a painting, like watercolor perhaps. I think that's neat. Then my muscle's freeze and I can't move. Oh. Bummer. I close my eyes.

      Real awakening. My phone is not buzzing, but I look at it anyway. And this time the window blinds are the right way. I'm awake.

      Updated 05-19-2011 at 01:58 PM by 35793 (it was Wednesday)

      lucid , memorable
    7. 1/1 Mon: Old Acquaintance, Sex

      by , 05-10-2011 at 04:09 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Method DILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control C
      Not sure what triggered me to become lucid. I was doing something unusual and thought: wait, I must be dreaming! So I become lucid and, as usual lately, I'm not prepared with a plan. I look around and, much to my surprise, I see SO, an former coworker with whom I had an awkward romantic encounter. She is walking away from me and there a few other random DCs around. I take a few quick steps to catch up to SO and turn her around by the shoulders to face me. Her face looks sad or aged, like she has been crying. She smiles at me. I think I say something to her but I don't remember what.

      Then I turn and grab another woman next to me. She is blond and attractive. I rip open her buttoned blouse. SO is still in my mind. I'm not sure why I turn to this other woman. Maybe I am trying to make SO jealous? Anyway, then I focus more on the blond and have sex. It was just okay. I was focusing on the visual detail, which was quite vivid. But in retrospect, ignoring the tactile sensation makes for not the best sex.
      Tags: coworker, sex, woman
    8. 3/4 Sun: Weak Lucids

      by , 03-22-2011 at 04:53 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      I woke up 4 times to recall 4 dream and I am confident I was lucid in 3. They were very weak and hazy though, and they all devolved into sex dreams.

      I am lucid but not sure how. I know I am dreaming but am immediately tempted into sex. Coitus ensues.

      Something about my father and two large tarantula spiders. I'm getting slightly better with my phobia of spiders but not completely over it. In the dream, as long as they are far away, I can tolerate them. But then one gets near me. I am sitting in a chair and it is on the floor. It walks close and I try to kick it away. But I miss with my foot. It gets even closer. I wake with a start, kicking away the sheets. Just a dream... Just a dream...

      Another weak lucid like the first. I am lucid but not sure how. The dream ends up with sex.

      Yes another lucid, but not sure how. I am slightly more lucid in this one compared to the others this night. I recall touching a wall to stimulate my sense of touch. But then it once again devolves into sex. I recall this time it was oral sex.

      Updated 03-23-2011 at 10:25 PM by 35793

      Tags: family, insect, sex
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. 2/3 Mon: Broke Dryspell

      by , 02-09-2011 at 08:36 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Finally broke the dryspell with two medium quality LDs. Dryspell was about 3 weeks I think. Don't have time to write them up, maybe later.
      Tags: coworker, fly, school, sex
      side notes , lucid
    10. 2/7 Wed: Bunch of Dreams

      by , 01-21-2011 at 12:07 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Weird Notes
      0741: Turn in homework on a laundry hanger. Talk about command when it was a remote controlled robot to send in to space. Sam Johnson. 99 on a test. Japanese.

      More Weird
      0907: Playing WarCraft on my television. Look at clock and realize it's 4pm and I'm late. My closet is messy. Go to kitchen, see wrong burner turned on the stove. Knock on mother's bedroom door to ask about the stove. Is she hung over?

      Celebrities and Weirdness
      1039 Jack from Will and Grace (but I call him Julian) want to jump in a swimming pool. Or drop a tennis ball? Lifeguard warns him not too. Two coworkers try to pull off my swimsuit under the water. Walk back inside. Birthday gift, Minnie Mouse bathing suit? Old birthday card for my sister. Walk past Angelina Jolie, but say nothing (mistakenly think her first name is Jolie). Fancy hotel inside a mall. Two small dogs chase around me and then run under a couch. Lance buys himself a trophy. Beauty salon. Girl at a sales counter offers me something but I say no.

      OBE-like Dream
      Method DILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control D
      1109: In bed. Dark. Listening to what sounds like a TV on in the next room. An episode of Star Trek: Voyager? Pizza Hut commercial? I visualize the TV screen. Then seem to drift off to sleep. Seem to wake again to a voice inside my head. I intuitively think it's the voice of my subconscious. It says "Jealous, jealous of your identity. So jealous of your thinking." Then pulled out of my body like an OBE. Kinda frightening. I realize I am dreaming so I am lucid but no control because my body is paralyzed. Float flat to a different room. Then land in a bed in someone else's sleeping body. See many small hands, like children's hands, reach for me as I lay paralyzed in this new body.

      Military Base
      1211: Military base. Jump forward in time. Steal nuke and launch codes. Find some old friends from the past. Go back to base called "Skylar."

      Company Problems, Making Out with Coworker's GF
      Method DILD
      Lucidity D
      Vividness B
      Control C
      1241: Company meeting in a private home. I'm alone in the bedroom, away from the crowd. AR comes in and tells me the company is losing all it's product lines. He starts listing off a long list of all the ones we will no longer have. I interrupt him and ask for just the products that will stay. Just X. I say, with cheerful sarcasm "Oh well in then in a week the company will be broke and we'll all be out of a job."

      Then I see AR's girlfriend. She is younger. She has black hair with blond streaks. She has a black cocktail dress with a purple and white stripe. I say to her: "You look familiar". She looks at me with a wink and replies: "You look familiar too", as if to imply she new I was using a line and she is interested. I lead her into the closet. It only has one sliding door so we can't close the closet. I start feeling her up. She is wearing red underwear.
      At some point a become lucid and just enjoy making out with her. Her skin feels so good. I pull off my pants so she can blow me. But my penis is blue. I start to think this means something wrong with my physical body. The idea flashes in my mind that I've fallen asleep while driving, crashed, and now my physical body is in a coma at the bottom of a freezing cold lake. I force myself to wake up.

      Magical Machine
      1355: A programmer makes a machine that accidentally erases himself from existence. Scene with a slightly dirty swimming pool but with floating decorative candles. By some chance, I cause him to come back. The experience has taught him what he needs to change to make the machine work as intended. Now he can manipulate anything in the universe. He asks me what to change.

      Updated 01-22-2011 at 10:20 AM by 35793 ("1199" is not a valid time on the clock)

      lucid , non-lucid
    11. 0/3 Wed: Quick Summary

      by , 01-07-2011 at 12:33 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Didn't write anything today but still have a bit of recall.

      Power Outage
      With coworkers in an unfamiliar house. Power outage. It's dark. The microwave has a backup battery, but only enough to power the clock for a few minutes.

      Chinese Market
      At a small Chinese market with coworkers. One section is traditional Chinese medicine ingredients. I see a tiny octopus, alive, in a small vial of water.

      Weird Protective Father Thing
      I'm Amish and have a family. We are exiting church with many other DCs. I have two daughters. Outside the church is an area to tie up horses. But instead of horses, everyone has slaves who look like Calvin Klein models. My daughters run off and have an orgy with some guys.
    12. 1/2 Mon: Two Short Ones

      by , 11-23-2010 at 10:44 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      P vs D
      I'm in a video game. It's a futuristic shooter. I'm just wandering through a spaceship when I come upon two teams fighting a match. One team has the clan tag P, the other D. P makes me think of Protoss, and for some reason I think D means Terran. The players where space suits like the marines in Starcraft. D's suits are blue, P is red. They aren't shooting each other though. They are playing a sport where you throw a ball, a bit like basketball but more like water polo without water (which, interestingly, is nothing like the game we call polo, but I digress). The glowing blue ball is in the hands of a player from the D team. The game is stopped and the two sides are arguing about something. Something about one team being rude. Then something about old forums posts for a clan called 3DM which later turned into D.

      The Girl in the Window
      Method DILD (false awakening), DEILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control C
      Short lucid here. Still got sex on the brain lately. Don't recall before, but start with a false awakening. I quickly realize I am not in my own room so I become lucid. I seem to be in a hotel room. The bed is near the window which is unshaded. It's sunny and bright outside. I look out the window. I figure I am on about the third or fourth floor. The window overlooks a swimming pool area which is surrounded by more hotel rooms on all sides. Down one floor and to the right, I see in through the window of another guest's room. It's an attractive young woman wearing just a towel. She sees me, we make eye contact. She smiles.

      I step out through my window and directly to her balcony, all the way across the pool courtyard. It's as if the scene through my window is just a flat painting and I violate the fake 3D perspective and just step the short distance in 2D space. Does that make sense? Anyway, I somehow unrealistically get to the girl's room. Once I am in, things return to be more realistic. She is laying on a bed, still wearing just a white towel. She is brunette and nicely tanned. She smiles at me seductively. There's another bed in the room and another girl who I don't really pay attention to. I flirt with the girl in the towel:

      Me: I'm the guy from the window.
      Her: (laugh) I'm the girl from the window.
      Me: Did you just get out of the shower?
      Her: (nods, she stands up, walks behind me, takes my hand and starts to lead me away)
      Me: (now aware of the other girl) Your roommate won't mind?

      Then I wake.
      Damn it. I DEILD back. I'm in the same room, but the towel girl is gone. The other girl is still here. The towel girl had left my field of vision while I was looking at the other girl, so I guess this kinda makes sense. The second girl is blonde and pale, quite the opposite of the other girl. She walks to me and says nervously: "I'm not as good at this as she is", referring to the other girl who seems gone for good. We start to have sex but I'm still thinking what happened to the first girl. Dream fades. I try to DEILD again but no success.

      Updated 11-23-2010 at 10:48 PM by 35793

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    13. 1/3 Sat: 50th LD, Playing Cards, Work, Pizza

      by , 11-22-2010 at 01:21 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Record my 50th LD this night. I think my actual count is off by a few but it's close enough. So yay me!

      Playing Cards
      In the desert, maybe in the wild west like Red Dead Redemption. I am with a friend around a campfire and there's also another DC. He's a middle-aged man. In the dream I recall thinking he looked like a well-known actor but I can't recall who. We start playing cards. My friend and I play a few rounds of Texas Hold 'Em. Then the third man is dealer and he deals out a hand of 7-Card Stud, which my friend and I don't really like. Then we play a different game where we are dealt out a lot of cards, like a whole deck. I ask it he dealt too many. Recall fades.

      Sex DEILD Chain
      Method DEILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control C
      Recall is a bit hazy. DEILD from a previous dream that I don't recall. I enter the dream in an FA, looking through my sleep mask at my bedside clock. I try to move my limbs but it either wakes me up or triggers an FA. So I lay patiently without moving, just waiting and staring at the clock. I begin to become sleepy and close my eyes which triggers yet another FA.

      Now I'm in a different bed and the stability of the dream is better. It's a very large bed and there is a huge pile of laundry on it, almost up to the ceiling. I'm laying on one corner of the bed. I roll out of bed and put on my glasses. The dream becomes clearer and more vivid. I walk out of the bedroom. Outside, the hallway is an open balcony overlooking the entryway and living room of the house below. I don't recognize this house at all.

      Confused and disoriented, I encounter an attractive girl who I don't recognize. I grab her and we do the business. The dream destabilizes and I wake. I DEILD back into a similar scene with a different attractive and anonymous girl. I lead her back to the bedroom with the bed covered with laundry and proceed. This cycle repeats 3-4 times, connected by a mix of FAs and DEILDs. Mostly I just recall that the sex was great.

      Work and Pizza
      I'm at work, which is surprisingly rare in my dreams. I sitting in one of the pens instead of my real office. I recognize many real coworkers sitting near me. CG is walking back and forth between me and LM, because LM and I don't get along. CG is calling him "Steel" for some reason. Anyway, I'm begin especially sarcastic and disruptive.

      I walk to the kitchen where I see one box of pizza so I take a slice and return to my desk. Moments later, I return to the kitchen just as a pizza delivery man is dropping off another pizza box. This happens a few times, with a delivery man dropping off a single pizza just as I am there to take a slice.
    14. 1/2 Mon: Pizza, Library, Lame Pick-Up

      by , 11-09-2010 at 05:36 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Didn't write any notes but have some recall from memory. Before bed, a hot bath and 3mg melatonin.

      Pizza Craving Fragment
      I am in the Daisetta house. It's very early morning and everyone is still asleep. I am craving pizza. I get up and find 3 odd pieces of pizza, all different kinds and brands. I stick all three in the microwave, being careful not to make any noise.

      College Library, Lame Pick-Up
      Method DILD (spontaneous)
      Lucidity D
      Vividness C
      Control C
      I'm in a nice building with marble walls and floors. I want to find the bathroom. I'm in a lobby, waiting for the elevator to take me to the ground floor where I believe there is a bathroom. There's a security guard here in the lobby. A man in a wheelchair comes out of a room and moves toward the elevator. The security guard says something really rude to this man about not taking the stairs because he is in a wheelchair.

      I get on the elevator and there are a few other DCs in there. I ride it up and down a few floors. It never stops at the floor I want it too. Then some young DC hits the sideways button and the elevator goes sideways. Frustrated, I get off. I seem to have forgotten about the bathroom. Now the building I am in seems more like an old college library. The walls are wood-paneled and the lights are dim. There are many DCs here who look about the age of college students. There's a line of people at a customer service desk. At the desk is an old librarian lady who points me out and says "Excuse me, have you been helped?" I don't want to talk to her so I just walk away toward a wide stairway. I overhear a conversation between two girls. They are trying to decide on a book that interests them to read.

      I walk up the stairs and into a big room full of bookcases. The walls are all full-length windows so the whole room is lit by the afternoon sunlight. It's a pretty cool looking room. There are a few DCs sitting quietly at tables around the room. In one corner is a bed. So I lay down to sleep. Maybe I have a false awakening. The next thing I know, a doctor and a nurse are standing over me. The doctor is a middle-aged balding man with a while lab coat. He asks "Have you been treated? What is the problem?" I say there's nothing wrong and I just wanted to sleep. Then then start tucking in my blankets. I close my eyes again and maybe have another false awakening.

      When I open my eyes, I'm in the same library but the doctor is gone. Very close to my bed is a table with some DCs, studying I suppose. Then there is a commotion as people rush to one of the windows. I get up and look too. Out the window, I see that I'm on about the third floor, looking down over the center square of a college campus. There's a grassy lawn and some walkways and more brick buildings. There are lots of DCs walking every which way. The people who rushed to the window are pointing out "The Fat Man" who is a really fat guy known throughout campus. I see him and he's quite obese but not as fat as I expected.

      Unimpressed, I step back from the window and think for a moment, starting to become pre-lucid.
      I have this little dialog with myself: Hmm, what should I do now? I feel like having sex. If I were dreaming, I could have sex with anyone with no consequences. So I have to find out if I am dreaming. I nose-plug RC and confirm I am dreaming. So now I'm lucid but don't stop to stabilize or remember my goals.

      I run down the stairway and out the building into the square. I approach the first girl I see. She is bonde and about 18 years old. She's not super attractive but I'm not choosy at this point. I grab her hand and start leading her off to the left. "Do you like to party?" I ask (what a stupid line...). She says something to the effect "Umm, yeah I guess." I'm leading toward another building. I say "We're going to this party and all my friends are there and you'll have so much fun and meet some cool people." Just before we reach the building, she stops and pulls her hand back. She says she changed her mind and doesn't want to go with me. I am disappointed. Dream ends.

      Updated 11-09-2010 at 05:38 PM by 35793 (title)

      non-lucid , lucid
    15. 1/3 Mon: Fragments

      by , 11-02-2010 at 09:01 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Talking to a girl. She asks me when I lost my virginity. I answer and ask her the same. Then I realize how flirtatious she is and move in to kiss her. To my surprise, she pulls me down to lay on top of her. Coitus ensues.

      Another sex dream, but I can't recall any details.

      Lucid Donuts
      Method DILD (absurdity)
      This was in my last sleep cycle. I'm laying on a bed. On and around the bed are a bunch of coworkers. I have the impression that we are on a work retreat near the beach. They are talking about the company's goals and culture. There is a box of donuts on the bed that people are eating. Chris is typing at a laptop and asking for people's opinions. He turns to me, but I'm more interested in the donuts. As I reach for a donut, I realize that I am not in my own bed, these people shouldn't be here, and I shouldn't be eating donuts. I am lucid for just a moment and then wake up.
      Tags: coworker, food, sex
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
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