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    Graham's DJ

    Started 5/13/11

    1. 06/05/11 Sleep (1) 12:00AM - 8:30AM

      by , 06-07-2011 at 03:40 PM (Graham's DJ)
      I dreamt I was in some kind of game which was a mix of the gunplay/hud style of Gears of War with the gun customization of Call of Duty and the pace of Counterstrike: Source.

      Odd, because I played 2 of those just before going to bed.
    2. 05/29/11 Sleep (1) 1:00AM - 9:00AM

      by , 05-30-2011 at 10:35 PM (Graham's DJ)
      My recall has been shit this past weekend, so hopefully once I get back into the monotonous routine of school amd work, I'll be able to focus more on dreaming and rememer to write these down before I forget them. I swear I remembered more than one dream from this night, but I didn't write them down in time.

      I dreamt I had bought a gun from the pawn shop for $150. Or maybe a couple guns; I'm not sure. I was still staying at Rosas house and apparentley it was this big deal I even owned them. The entire dream was basically me justifying my purchase of the handgun and everyone telling me I didn't need it and me getting in trouble just fot owning the thing. Thankfully, I didn't end up shooting anyone.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 01:13 PM by 47214

      Tags: gun