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    Realm of Insanity

    Welcome to my Realm of Insanity, where every night is a new mystery unfolding.
    I ask that you please keep your dream hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times.
    Now sit back... and enjoy.
    *Fade to black*

    Regular Dream
    Semi Lucid
    Lucid Dream
    Waking Comments

    Uncatergorized Tasks:
    >Ask/make a DC do something Complete
    >Get in a fight Complete
    Dream Type tasks
    Mild Complete
    Dream Incubation Complete
    Weapons/Armor tasks:
    >Receive an Ivory Bow with two gems that increase magical power
    >Receive Lunar Steel Daggers that increase in their effectiveness at night
    House Furnishing Tasks:
    >Receive a bed of dreams that will send me into another dream when I lay in it
    >Receive a Statue of Morpheus to be placed in the Center Hall
    >Receive a Painting of Skimmio and Raiden
    >Receive Lights of Healing to hang around the entire house
    Magic/Skills Tasks:
    >Set fire to the rain
    >Fly Complete
    >Learn to breathe underwater
    >Change the time of dayComplete
    Adventure Tasks:
    >Discover Denn
    >Just travel the world Complete
    >Rule a kingdom
    >Have a shared dream
    >Travel through space
    >Visit the moon
    >Visit mars
    >Visit another solar system
    >Visit another galaxy
    >Find DV Academy Complete
    >Create a scene from one of my stories
    >Visit the Giza Pyramids
    >Participate in a modern war
    >Participate in a medival
    >Participate in a magic war
    >Participate in a war between man and monsters
    >Participate in D-day
    >Go adventuring with a wolf pack as a wolf
    >Experience the zombie apocalypse
    >Ride rides in an amusement park
    Summoning/Transformation Tasks:
    >Become an Archer dressed in purple
    >Morph into a wolf
    >Give myself wings
    Creation Tasks:
    >Create my dream house that I can always visit
    >Create a key that will open anything that is mine
    >Create a villlage
    >Create a kingdom
    >Terraform my kingdom
    Beastmastery Tasks:
    >Tame an animal that will accompany me in future dreams Complete
    >Tame a flying animal
    >Tame a mount
    Fear Tasks:
    >Conquer my fear of spiders
    >Conquer my fear of the open ocean
    >Conquer my claustrophobia
    >Conquer my fear of heights
    Dream Guide Tasks:
    >Find my Dream GuideComplete
    >Accompany my Guide on a quest
    >Ask my Guide for a gift
    >Ask my Guide to teach me powers

    Familliar People
    Marching Band
    Concert Band
    Lunch Room

    Current Powers
    Super Speed
    Fire balls
    Summon a forest
    Summon day or night
    Summon pets


    1. To Kill a family (Nov 30)

      by , 12-03-2011 at 01:17 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      The scene opens with the door to a large house opening and inside a broken pipe is spewing water everywhere and on the floor a woman in a maid outfit is dead, her blood making a pool around her. Inside the living room the family is having a meeting. The mom is saying how they cannot live in here anymore so some friends of theirs come over to take them to some other place.
      Tags: dream, family, murder
    2. When Trees Attack (Nov 20, 2011)

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:29 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      A group of five or six kids walk up to a trio of trees. I'm watching from the trees perspective. The kids get angry and bored that is nothing is happening and they leave. Suddenly the trees come to life and attack the kids. One of the trees has a drill hand which he uses to drill through one kid and while he tries to drill another kid who is hiding under a jeep, the car rolls down and bursts open her head. Once all the kids are dead except one who turns out to be the one that lead everyone to their death. The dream skips and I'm looking at a orange orb floating in the air. I think it is the eye of a dark lord.(I watched the second Lord of the Rings not too long ago.) There is a wizard beside me telling me all of this.
      Tags: dream, fantasy, wierd
    3. Cat and Dog and Ferret mix (Nov 20, 2011)

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:22 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I'm watching a commercial and it is talking about a new pet that is a mix of a Cat, Dog, and Ferret. I then look on my floor and there it is looking up at me. I pick it up and I can feel its smooth hair. It is also very bony. I walk upstairs to where my mom is and show her my new pet. She tells me to throw it away. I tell her I was not going to do that as visions of me breaking its neck and throwing it into the trash was visualized. We then get into an argument about whether or not to keep it. I win the argument.
      Tags: animals, dream, pet, wierd
    4. French to Spanish(Nov 20, 2011)

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:19 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am in a spanish class trying to learn spanish. I remember being in distress becasuse I was supposed to be learning french and not spanish.
      Tags: dream, frag, language
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Track Frag (Nov 20, 2011)

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:17 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      It is night time. I"m at a track in the middle of a forest. My coach from last year is there and he is coahing his team and talking to me.
      Tags: dream, frag, track
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    6. Basketball Sex (Nov 20, 2011)

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:16 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      Spoiler for Wierd Stuff:
      Tags: dream, odd, sex, weird
    7. Medival Lucid (Nov 18, 2011)

      by , 11-19-2011 at 06:11 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I am at a medival festival. There are tents set up and apparently it is a school trip. We are leaving the festival and I drop my music player at the entrance. On the bus as we are driving my friend is in a convertible along the left side of the bus. She shows me my player and for some reason I motion her to throw it to me. Well it hits the window and bounces off into the street. Not long after someone on the bus needs to use the restroom so it pulls over tot he side of the road. While he is taking a bathroom break someone else runs off to go find my stuff. When he comes back he is holding something that is not mine. He tries to go back but i tell him not to worry about it. The dream skips ahead and the bus is now empty except for me and it is heading back to the event. It heads through a king aurthur high school and it crosses a tennis court while people are playing.. The dream skips ahead once more and it is night. Im no longer on a bus I am on stone wheels which are only a foot tall and are moving slower then I can walk. There are meany all over the place even some that are actually tires. I get up off the wheels and begin to walk. As I get closer to the event a large group of people made up of probably a hundred people dressed up in middle age clothes are heading toward me. An announcer says something about watching out for dragons and suddenly these people attack. This is where I became lucid. As the people get closer I try to set off a flame attack to take them all out at once but I fail. I then decide to escape. I tell myself to fly up and i do but very slowly. One of the people grab me in my left leg and makes it feel as though a knife is being plunged into it. Then the people begin making a chain each grabbing the one before them. They then slam me into the ground waking me up.

      Updated 11-21-2011 at 04:10 PM by 50683

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Parents Away, Fire Will Play (Nov 18, 2011)

      by , 11-19-2011 at 05:46 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      The dream begins with an inside shot of me and my brother looking out into the rainy night, then it moves outward into the night to show that are parents are nowhere to be seen.
      "Watch t.v," I say to my brother. He turns on the t.v and the lamp and lays down on the couch. I head upstairs and when I look to the right, I notice an odd light coming from the restroom. I head inside and with a shock I find a large flame on the sink. I run and get a washcloth. I wet it and run back and wring th water onto the flame. I then try to turn on the light but it does not work. The only light is the fire. I wet the cloth again and once more put it onto the fire. The flame is doused. I take in a sigh of relief and then i head downatairs, more trouble. The couch my little brother is laying on is on fire and my brother is just laying there watching the television. I scream at him to get out of the way and he does. I once again start the firefighting. As I am doing so, the phone rings I don't answer it for obvious reasons and the machine picks it up. It is my mom and she is in tears she is talking to someone else and she is saying how we are in the hospital. Once the flame is put out my lkittle brother gets back on the couch and continues watching t.v. I try to open the front door but my hand keeps slipping off.
      "Joshua, come open the door," I say.
      "No," he replies. The phone rings. I pick it up.
      "Hello?" I scream, the stress in my voice clearly heard. A lady comes on the phone and says how it's good how she found out where I live. Obvious horror dream in the making.
      Tags: dream, fire, horror, scary
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Track Frag (Nov 18, 2011)

      by , 11-19-2011 at 04:31 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I'm watching a conspiracy theorist talk about track and how he says that how everybody who runs track when you connect where they live it makes a triangle.

      Updated 11-19-2011 at 05:26 PM by 50683

      Tags: dream, track
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Chip (Nov 12, 2011)

      by , 11-18-2011 at 08:50 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I have a green computer chip in my hand and whatever I put it in, it saves the information on the computer.
      Tags: chip, dream, food
      dream fragment
    11. School Trip To Florida (Nov 12, 2011)

      by , 11-15-2011 at 02:46 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I remember a bus that was supposed to be taking us to Florida but so many things delayed us that by the time we were about to leave I wake up. (I actually do have a trip to Florida in the spring.)
    12. Guns and Sex...Sex and Guns? (Nov 12, 2011)

      by , 11-15-2011 at 02:40 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I'm in a blue car we are driving up to a warhouse. We pull up inside and me and four other guys get out with our guns. We climb a ladder to get and advantage point and then we wait. Then they begin to come out out. Men dressed in black armor ran out from different places shooting at us. As I find all of them on my scope I shoot killing them. (The sex part I'll keep to myself.)
      Tags: dream, guns, sex
    13. Threatening Map (Nov 11, 2011)

      by , 11-13-2011 at 12:06 AM (Realm of Insanity)
      I'm looking at a map with little landmarks. A female voice behind me tells me to sketch a river on the map with ny finger. I move my finger from the bottom of the map to the top.
      "Why?" I ask.
      "Because," she says, "it is going to be the river I throw you in if you continue to bother me."
      Tags: dream, map
    14. Under Attack (Nov 11, 2011)

      by , 11-12-2011 at 11:58 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      In the village from before, a peaceful afternoon turns into hell. The main gate to the village is blasted down and an army dressed in red pours in. They set fire to some of the buildings and do not stop until they are met with our own resistance army. As the two forces are in battle I and someone else help put out the fires and rebuild the buildings. Then we head off to fight the battle.
      Tags: army, dream, fantasy, fire
    15. Creature Escort (Nov 11, 2011)

      by , 11-12-2011 at 11:48 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      Im on a hill overlooking a village. There is a waterfall behind us, the water roaring lound. Drawn down the hill is a dirt path to the village. With me is a sorceress and a creature I beleive I captured in my space dream. Our job is to transport it to the the designated spot in the village with no harm coming to the villagers. We begin our way down the path and as I learn the creature sometimes leaves lava in its footsteps. I go to clean them up and how I do so, I do not know. As we make our way further down a caravan parked to the side is attacked by the creature. I summon a lightning spell that hits the creature and causes him to back off. We make our way down with no further issues.
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