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    Glieuaeiel's DJ

    1. Mon Oct 1

      by , 10-01-2012 at 04:53 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      [I've decided to start including some timestamps: when I got in bed, when I got up, and when I recorded each dream.]

      In bed from 11:18 to 9:05

      Beware Lava 3:29

      The eldest competitor first learned to channel a long time ago. An image of burning matchsticks appears. Then the matchsticks burn almost all the way to the point where the person holding the matchstick would get hurt, and the fire gets blown out. That's what happened to his ability. But he's still part of this competition. He's competing against two of his own students, both female. They start in separate, nearby rooms in a Minecraft world, underground. I'm playing as the teacher. He walks around the halls and sees that the doorways of the rooms of his students are blocked by collapsed ice. He's competing with them, yes, but he still feels like he should be nice to them. Back in his original room, he finds a back passageway that he can open using his ability to conjure fire. It leads into the room of one of the students. Then he shoots more fire, but he quickly realizes that it's getting out of control. The student in the room doesn't yet even know he's there, so he'd better warn her.

      "Run!" he shouts. Without waiting to check that she does, he drops the wide bucket of water that he was holding. That water is an important resource, and he can't allow it to warm up. Heat is dangerous, here. I start trying to conjure some ice by first pressing 1 to select fire, then Enter to conjure a ball of fire in my hand, then 2 to switch to ice, then blowing on the ball of fire to freeze it, then throwing the ball of ice into a pile on the floor. All of these different buttons are tripping me up, and it's not going very quickly. Suddenly he notices that he forgot to freeze one fireball before throwing it on the floor. It's probably warming up all of the ice balls, making them completely useless. The air in the room feels very warm, and when he picks up the bucket of water, it's warm, too. The floor is especially warm, which probably means that there's lava rising below, melting the ice out from under his feet. It's time to get out of here. There's not even enough time to gather up what few supplies he has. He just runs--back into his original room and over to the far corner, then out with the pickaxe and start digging furiously. To where, he doesn't know. He has no supplies, so he's basically starting over.

      An announcer starts speaking over the top of the video, something along the lines of, "Will he survive, alone, without resources, in the dangerous world into which he heads? Find out next time on 'Impossible Minecraft Campaigns!'" Meanwhile, the man is thinking that this was only the first of three episodes, and he's worse off than he was at the beginning--so it's unlikely he'll even survive the next one.

      [This dream seems to be partially inspired by the dream incubation (?) I did before going to bed. I imagined myself in a forest, chopping down a tree, when I realize I'm dreaming and then start throwing fireballs everywhere, starting a forest fire. The heat was an important part of the scene, although it was supposed to be awesome, not terrifying, like it was in this dream. There was even a time where I imagined holding a fireball and then blowing on it to turn it into a ball of ice. So it seems like the dream incubation did something, although it was very indirect, and it didn't trigger lucidity.]

      Group Hug 6:38

      [I don't remember the main plot of this dream, just a side plot that I probably remembered due to its uncomfortable nature. My middle sister has always been trouble.]
      Spoiler for Group Hug:
      Candied Brazil Nuts 9:03

      Dad and I park in the driveway and go into the house. A serial killer has been living in here, so we expect there will be a lot of bodies. And yes, there are. A lot of movie stars. There's a living movie star with us now, a young (black) one, and it's tragic to watch his face as he sees all of the bodies. He knew these people. It occurs to me that I'm paying attention to the fact that he's black, when really it shouldn't matter. So I stop thinking about it.

      After tidying up a bit, Dad and I get back in the car to head to the picnic. Taylor Swift is on the radio: "We are never ever ever getting back together." Except it's not actually her song--it's a rap song that uses the same chorus. Man, that's what frustrates me about rap. They borrow melodies from classical music and from good pop songs and they just reuse them without adding anything.

      We get to the picnic and find Mom. She came earlier than us. She tells us that she meant to clean up the killer's house herself, but she had other things to do first. She didn't mean to leave us with the job. I'm not cross with her about it, but she seems like she's in a bad mood. Then Dad gets mad at me because I forgot to bring the hot dogs. I meant to bring the hot dogs, and I even planned out exactly which hot dogs to bring, but I forgot. One of my sisters tries to defend me by explaining this, but Dad says it doesn't change the fact that I forgot. I suppose he's right. My alarm wakes me up.
      Tags: car, family, gaming, late, sex
      non-lucid , false awakening
    2. Sun Sep 30

      by , 09-30-2012 at 05:11 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      A recent event has caused a member of the party to turn around and run back in the direction whence he came. The other five or six party members (all of whom are friends in real life) joke about how he's on a renegade quest for revenge--he's so angry about what happened that he's willing to go back an face a werewolf alone, rather than wait to ask for backup. Actually, he hadn't been planning on going back for that reason . . . but a few minutes later, as he comes in range of the werewolf, he decides to kill it. He activates the werewolf transition animation for himself, then (as a werewolf) raises a long, thin sword above his head and charges. He worries about missing, since it's difficult to get the timing right, but he manages to hit the werewolf. With the damage bonus from a charging attack, it turns out to be a one-hit kill!


      I'm sitting in a room with my parents and my youngest sister. Apparently she heard something at school today, because she asks, "What are tist-estic-cles?" She stumbles over the word as though it's unfamiliar. Oh, dear. As a male, I feel like I should be the one to explain this, but I can't decide where to begin. But then my parents jump in ahead of me and start explaining. I feel like they're not doing a great job of it.

      [IRL, that sister is in ninth grade, so she definitely already knows what testicles are, but I guess my unconscious is a bit behind the times.]

      Car Solves Relationship Problems

      A man on a game show has just explained to the host that he's having some relationship problems with a woman. As far as he can see, he has two options, but both of them have disadvantages. The show host then jumps in to say that all is not lost, because he there's a third option by which he can get the best of both other options! Then the show jumps into a thirty-second explanation of the new option, which is something about buying a new car, because this thirty-second "explanation" turns out to be, basically, an advertisement for a shiny red sports car. The man is a bit nonplussed, and he wonders quietly (so that only I can hear) how many lights they needed to use to get those highlights on the car. By "highlights," I assume he means the horizontal white lines of reflected light along the side of the car that make it look extra-shiny.
      Tags: car, gaming, sex
    3. Sun. Sep. 9

      by , 09-09-2012 at 06:08 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      I'm back at school, hanging out with my new roommates. First, we eat in the dining hall. I run into some awkwardness where I want to grab some food from a station, but there are other people trying to get around me, so I have to stand off to the side and wait.

      Later, we go back to the room. There will be five of us living here, so we all try getting into the bed to see if we will fit. We won't all fit if we lie side by side, so I try putting my pillow on one end of the bed, while the four others decide to put theirs on the other. Hmmm. It's a bit awkward with our feet getting tangled in the middle, and also I think it's weird that I'm the only one on this side. I try to explain it jokingly, saying that I'm lonely over here. Someone suggests that my roommates from previous years switch sides, and I find myself hoping that my old roommate will refuse: I'm already worried that he thinks I'm attracted to him.

      Later, I wander out into the halls for a while, then try to find my way back. I don't remember the room number, so I try a door at random. There are girls in this room, but also one of my roommates, so I'm not sure whether it's my room or not. I'm embarrassed to ask, too. Eventually my roommate comes to my rescue, telling me it's the next door over. As I go over to that door, I look around at the peeling paint and splintering wood in the building, and I realize that our house kind of got the raw end of the deal when we were moved over to this building.


      Spoiler for Videobomb:
      Gym Activities

      [Warning: This dream makes no sense. Lol. I think I was half awake for most of it.]

      A muscular announcer has just adopted a new stage name. He's discussing it with another announcer. They're throwing back and forth ideas for other, more awesome stage names that he could have chosen. One suggests "VenusMercury." The man admits he likes that one a lot, but he couldn't choose it because of trouble in some Chinese provinces named "Venus" and "Mercury." A map appears, showing that these provinces are at the western extreme of China. Then the video cuts to a field correspondent, hiking through the mountains in that area. She talks to the camera as she descends into a very, very deep crevasse in the earth. It's so deep that I suspect the video must be fake. Anyway, they reach the bottom, where there are two very long "flat escalators" (People Movers?) running parallel to each other in opposite directions. So you can ride them around in circles. They start doing an activity where the correspondent puts tape on the floor and the other person has to pick it up. Soon other people are playing the game, including myself. There are so many lines everywhere that it's ridiculous to imagine we'll get rid of them all. And you can't just erase them, because they're all outlined in black and you're supposed to leave the outline in place.

      After a time, I try picking up another line, but the gym teacher cuffs me on the shoulder. Apparently class is over, and the basketball team needs those lines on the floor for their practice. I stop. I just watch as the team comes in and starts practicing. I contemplate practicing archery. It would be cool to be able to shoot an arrow while doing a cartwheel. There are a bunch of little kids in the room, and sometimes they get in the way of the basketball players.

      I try to leave, but through the door there's just another gym. I'm not sure whether to try another door in the current gym or try another door in this new gym. I'm lost. I ask someone where the principal is, since chances are he'll be in his office, and if I walk in the opposite direction of the principal's office then I'll probably make it outside. The person points at a wall, and a green light appears. I know that the light is floating over the head of the principal. So I walk to a door on the opposite side of the gym. Now, I don't like the basketball players, so before I go, I make a bunch of bugs appear on the wall. Ten spiders, fifteen flies (to feed the spiders), and twenty bitemes. Hah! That should keep them busy. It'll probably also make the principal mad at me, but I'll be gone long before he gets here.

      The door leads to the back yard of the school. There's a playground nearby, but no one's around. It's a dark, overcast day, and it's drizzling. I walk along the side of the building towards the front.
    4. Tues. Aug. 14

      by , 08-14-2012 at 07:48 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Car Theft

      I'm in a car with my family. I recognize the license plate of one of the cars in front of us--it's one of our own! The car must have been stolen last time my sister took it for a spin, and now we're following the guy who stole it to see where he takes it. I hope he doesn't notice he's being followed. After a while, he pulls into a parking lot off of the highway. We lose sight of him for a bit, but when we pull into the parking lot a few moments later, we quickly spot the place where the car is parked. I jump out of our car and dash towards the thief, quickly followed by my sisters. The thief--a heavyset man with dark hair--tries to run, but we surround him and get into a fistfight. I have a tendency to wind up my punches for a second or two before throwing them. It's dicey for a few seconds, but in the end we subdue him and frog-march him into the building he had been walking towards before we intercepted him. It's a bar or a restaurant of some kind, run by an ugly, middle-aged woman. There's a police officer inside, but she doesn't want to bother with the criminal. She hands me two pairs of handcuffs, so I can take care of it myself. When somebody asks me what's going on, I proudly reply that "This man is under arrest!" I have a bit of trouble getting the cuffs around his wrists. Fortunately there's a button on the side you can press to release the cuffs and try again, and I get it on my third try. As we're leaving, I realize that the woman who runs the place is probably a car launderer of some kind, one of several in the Chicago area, and she might change locations now that she knows the police suspect her.

      Spoiler for Churning:
      Game Over

      While playing a game (very similar to Skyrim), I come across a cave and decide to explore it. Now, I'm not new to this game, so I'm understandably frustrated when I run into some level 2 creatures inside the cave that JUST WON'T DIE, no matter how many times I hit them with my sword. I figure there must be some special weakness these creatures have that I can exploit, so I try using my fire spell. It works! But I'm low on health, so I run back outside anyway. Some of the creatures follow me, but it turns out they're weak to sunlight as well. They remind me of fireflies, burning in the air. I go back inside the cave, where my cousins have already figured out the secret to defeating the creatures, and are nearing the main room of the dungeon.

      In order to exploit this weakness for these creatures, I have to travel without any kind of light source. I feel foolish bumping into walls all the time, so I'm happy to remember that I have Night Eye! Quickly, I switch to it on my favorites menu and activate it. Soon, I'm down in the main room with the rest of the party, which consists of about a dozen of my relatives and neighbors, of various ages. There is a row of five deep, dark alcoves on the upper front wall of the room and swiveling mirrors all around the back. The floor is uneven, and it contains lots of concrete buttons for us to stand on, plus one white button we can push. Clearly, it's a puzzle room. I help the party pick up all the loot in the room, then ponder what to do.

      I push the white button. A passage opens in the front wall. I'm second through the opening, after one other guy. It opens into a tall hallway with several 50-foot doors along the right side, all draped with translucent plastic tarp. The other guy seems to have run through the first one, and there are terrifying sounds coming from the room beyond--roars, growls, loud crashes, and the clang of steel. After a few seconds, a boss crashes through the doorway, scattering stone everywhere. It's forty feet tall, with a body that swivels all the way around and sharp appendages, claws, and teeth sticking out in every direction. It hurtles down the hallway away from me, but now there are more of the same kind of creature coming out of the doors from further down the hallway. Dozens of them, headed straight for me. I swear there must be some kind of boss spawner down that direction. A boss spawner!

      I don't recall exactly how it ended, but next thing I know, we're back in the puzzle room from before the catastrophe. Clearly I was not supposed to push the white button. Presumably we've got to find a light source and reflect it into the correct alcove(s) on the front wall. Nobody else seems to have the patience for the experiment, though, and before long there's only one other person in the room with me, one of my older female neighbors. We exchange a few words, and then I think she leaves as well.


      I'm exploring a large area of the game map with my dad. He walks straight off the edge, though, and seems to be floating in midair. I'm confused. But then the ground beneath him pops into existence, and I realize there was just a loading error in my game client. We find a series of wooden scaffold-like buildings on the side of a cliff. We split up, and I find a sign that encourages me to try "ladder jumping," which I gather means jumping across a gap in a desperate attempt to grab the ladder on the other side. The sign also explains that this ability was a controversial addition to the game, since Assassin's Creed almost has a copyright on that kind of athletic move. But the sign also explains that the addition was justified, somehow.
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