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    Scientific Mysteries of 333

    by , 02-07-2013 at 09:02 PM (702 Views)
    There are many mysteries in science. I've been surprised a few times to read about some very interesting ones that aren't so well known. I'd be interested to see if anyone has had similar experiences and what mysteries interested them.

    Some of my favorites are:

    Why space is expanding

    Why general relativity breaks down on the galactic scale

    How Galaxies are formed

    Question:The wave-particle duality of light and the double-slit experiment
    Answer: DuaLITY is actually a triality leading to infinity. Focus on the outcome.


    How abiogenesis works (if it does)

    I'm sure there are many others in every field of science. Anyone find any more particularly interesting?
    gab likes this.

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    1. gab's Avatar
      Those are some good questions. I have been asking them myself. Maybe one day we'll learn.