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    1. Scientific Mysteries of 333

      by , 02-07-2013 at 09:02 PM
      There are many mysteries in science. I've been surprised a few times to read about some very interesting ones that aren't so well known. I'd be interested to see if anyone has had similar experiences and what mysteries interested them.

      Some of my favorites are:

      Why space is expanding

      Why general relativity breaks down on the galactic scale

      How Galaxies are formed

      Question:The wave-particle duality of light and the double-slit experiment
      Answer: DuaLITY is actually a triality leading to infinity. Focus on the outcome.


      How abiogenesis works (if it does)

      I'm sure there are many others in every field of science. Anyone find any more particularly interesting?
    2. log 11

      by , 09-17-2012 at 06:36 PM
      I am in a castle. a friend of mine and I play a roleplaying game. I fly out across a river. Then back to the castle. Cat-the-pillar (a cat with a thousand legs and a body like a catepillar) is in front of a door. It stares at me strangely.
      Nonordinary reality visuals... I see a bonfire. Three humanoid figures, one blue, one white one red. The blue one notices me and searches for my Name. Instinctively I pull back to my Inner world. Words fly in the air. They seek my name. Negative emotions enter my inner world in the form of an orc horde or something. I kill them with my bare hands


      Voices, feminine. "...but if you do it then i can show you the meaning behind sex in dreams."

      According to her wishes(?) I go to seek a lucky lady.
      ...Somewhere here I become lucid...

      1700-century themed garden. Familiar faces all dressed in the clothes of french nobility I take a porn shot of a woman

      and then...

      damn, i wake up.
    3. LOGS 4&5

      by , 09-16-2012 at 07:12 AM

      A vast school complex I walk with my parents and M. I decide like an animal to study the school once more. One last time.


      Bodiless voice. Lucifer the destroyer. ***AMIR IS YOUR WORST ENEMY. *** I look at my left hand and see the energies of R.A.P.E. I Banish the rapist back to whence it came.

      I cannot move. Two indians arrive to heal me. (awakened DC's?) "Disgusting". One says. "Even more disgusting", the other one replies while diagnosing me. I have two vampiric eels along my spine.Presence of something big and heavy I turn to stone and hold my breath.



      As M I experience telepathy vith someon huu dislikezzzz hi! Resists my suggestionzzz believes not in tel e patho

      Ith happens innabar...

      Butannyway ai askoffim. "Then why yer eyess moov loooong sound?"

    4. Log 3

      by , 09-15-2012 at 02:01 PM
      3rd person view, again. Iam bound in a watchamacallit, you know, the shirt madmen are bound in insane asylums. Bodiless voice sentences me to 29 years of isolation. ouch.

      I dream as madmen do in lovecraftian sense. IÄ IÄ SHUB NIGGURATH!!!! IÄ CHTULHU!"! CHTLUHU FATANG!!!!!

    5. log 2

      by , 09-15-2012 at 01:37 PM
      I am not lucid yet. I walk to an old castle gate. It is made out of mashed emotional symbols. Two guardian friars open it. DC's, possibly awakened.

      Chair in castle. long corridor of library. The dream changes and i am back in my place of origin, behind an old tracktor garage, with a golden bell.
    6. Anukramets Dreamtime

      by , 09-15-2012 at 01:31 PM
      Hear ye hear ye! this is the sound of Anukramet's dreamtime!

      It is my statement here to collect dreams old and new, not necessarily in chronologistical order...

      Old dream1:

      I see myself from 3rd person view. Darkness everywhere. I walk with my friend PP. Something to do with the sword I requested later in life. I Fly...to find it maybe?