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    The first foothold of Arch.

    Assassin Holiday

    by , 10-07-2011 at 05:29 PM (536 Views)
    Quite a odd, and cool dream towards the end.

    Vividness: 7
    Recall: 6
    Overall: 7

    Non-Lucid Lucid Comment

    On holiday with the family, we are getting ready to put our luggage into the hotel, there is a large slide in front of us with a conveyor belt at the bottom which you throw your luggage into.
    Putting luggage in goes in family size order, so the largest family puts their luggage in first. Before anyone has started I jump into the slide, slipping down.
    My dad yells at me telling me it's not our turn, I climb up and go to find the person with the largest family to apologise to.
    I find him, a man in his 50's who looks distraught with annoyance at the fact I went first, is surrounded by 20 odd babies. I don't know what to think, so I quickly move on.
    At the park, I see some box like vehicles come round the corner, it's the old man's babies, clearly he's a rich guy if he can afford these cool toys.
    The toys begin to move together and combine (babies still within) and merge together to form a large metal plate, with three hinges, it begins to move in an odd fashion.
    My brother explains to me how it is a powerful military weapon but it has run out of charge, so we lay it down and begin to play badminton on top of it.
    I'm outside a building, there is an open window in front of me, I rustle the hedge in front and hear the guard become aware that something outside, I duck behind the hedge and hear the guard peer over. He does not see. Assassins creed 2 HUD comes up and I select the musket bracelet, take aim and shoot the man, instant kill.
    Jumping over, one guard sees me and raises his bow, but I'm too fast and drive my blade into his neck.
    Passing upstairs I see another guard, I find it difficult to remain concentrated on him, my view fades to the corner of the room where I pick him up and make him fire his bow rapidly.
    A teacher comes in the room and discusses engineering to me.
    Dream End.

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    Updated 10-07-2011 at 05:31 PM by 49050

