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    The first foothold of Arch.

    Shopping, Assassins Creed, Creepy Train

    by , 10-17-2011 at 08:40 AM (630 Views)

    Me and James, in a car
    Needto get some sort of battery ( for cricket? ) we drive into the store, he takes ages to park inside.
    Someone asks if we are legally allowed to buy the battery.

    Assassins creed
    Im with my family, I am the main assassin
    Our home is at the bottom of a canyon
    When I egal jump down, I fail when trying to take a picture with my iphone, and hit my head (should be dead) but Im not.
    At the bottom messing around with my weapon when I use the "gandalf spear" everything goes into egal vision.
    I go towards the light (yellow beams) I hear him talk.
    At the top of the canyon, my brother complains how Im better.
    I tell him assassins always do better
    He manages to jump to a rock further than me, but then I beat him

    Creepy Train
    On a train with cole, it is full of weirdos, I am scared, so is she.
    I walk down the train to find a weapon, all the creeps are looking at me.
    I fail to find anything, I come back to cole.
    She says they are scared of vitamin B, so I write it down.
    Creeps move closer, I hold it out to them, a granny attacks
    I kick her back and find a metal pole and hit her
    Cole gets knocked out, I fight my way out of the fight
    Train stops

    Alot more to assassins creed, lots of fights, to obtain the gandalf spear

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