I'm in school. There's no teacher so we are talking and making noise. I notice something strange and gain lucidity. Okay, let's examine the landscape. There're some awesome paintings on the wall, it would be awesome to go there. I told myself a couple of times before doing anything that I am dreaming, stabilize the dream to make sure that I don't lose it and then prepare myself mentally to go into the painting of somewhere I just can't remember now. It was beautiful though. I start to run and get ready to cross the painting and appear in that place. I just hit the wall and nothing else happens. Let's try again, I tell myself trying not to have any doubt. Fail again. A friend of mine appears from who-knows-where and tell me that she knows better how to do that, as 'she has experience doing that'. What the hell, I think, let's see what does she do. She chooses a painting but it had a big snake and some other weird creatures which I prefer not to meet. I show her the painting and she takes a sit. She extends her arms and put them on the painting. The part of the painting where her hands are standing starts to vibrate and 'flow', like it is liquid. Her arms cross the painting and appear on the other side, within it. Holy fuck, I think, that's awesome. At this point I think I lose lucidity and entered into another dream. I was with my entire class again, but we were in some strange place, dark and unconfortable. I was doing something, like some sort of painting with little brown balls and sticks. They smelled of cinnamon. A friend of mine was laughing at me I don't remember why. The teacher started yelling at us for going out or something. I wake up.