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    The Physics of Dreaming (2009)

    by , 01-04-2011 at 01:05 AM (844 Views)
    (An exerpt from some day mid 2009)

    I was walking down a street at night time; it reminded me of an American suburb, which was glowing orange illuminated by the street lights. As I was casually walking looking around, I noticed a big pile of earth in the middle of one of the gardens part of what seemed to be a small excavation site. For whatever reason I became curious and I decided to go over and investigate. As I aproached, I noticed that there was something written in the pile of earth, as if someone had stuck their finger in the mud and scraped letters out.

    Now, writing is one of my strongest dream triggers at the minute, so it's no surprise, to me anyway, that at this point I became fully lucid. I attempted to read the writing and without waking up (which I normally do), I succesfully found that it said "REFLECTION." I couldn't believe that I actually read an English word instead of staring at some jumbled up mix of letters and numbers. That was it; at this point now I have almost full conciousness and full awareness of my dream state. I instantly decided to go see what a reflection looks like in a dream, so I aproached one of the bay windows of a near by house and in the illumination of the street lights, I could see my self standing there. I waved and even said to my self "I can't believe the laws of physics are the same in a dream as they are in the real world!" That's how realistic this looked.

    As I was standing there staring at my self, I heard music begin to play. So with the state of mind I was in, I decided to now investigate the music and see if the dream could replicate music from the real world correctly. I followed, and it was coming from the garage next door to the house I was standing out side of. As I walked in, I could see a small cassette player on the floor and playing was Future Shock (Blutonium Boy Mix), a track I have been listening to quite a lot lately. The warm up was identical, surprisingly identical, so I continued to listen to the music and as the tune began to kick off, out spurted a whole random mix of beeps, buzzes and other garbled sounds. At that point, the dream became too unstable and I woke up, which was dissapointing, as I would have liked to spend more time listening to the noises (if you could call it music).

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    lucid , memorable


    1. Sweet Dreams's Avatar
      That's a cool exploration

      I often hear music in my dreams, sometimes songs that don't exist in the real world... at least, not that I am aware of