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    Morning - Non-lucid

    by , 12-19-2015 at 10:51 PM (339 Views)
    For whatever reason my dreams last night were a little more normal (and less uneventful), plus there were a ton of them. idk tho let's see what I remember

    Oh right, also for some reason last night I had this sense that I could picture things in my head very, very clearly. Sharp shapes and contrast and vivid colors, when normally my visualization feels like it's got a thick layer of film grain overtop it. It felt very... refreshing. Not sure what triggers it.

    So, there was something before this that I can't recall, but at any rate, whatever was going on before got suddenly replaced by me being a ninja in some well-populated castle, and climbing all over the walls trying not to get caught. I had cool abilities that made me super agile, which was fun. This kinda went on for longer than I'm making it sound, but heck I can't reMEMber what HAPpened.

    Anyway in the end some magic dude or chick caught me, chained my arms, and then blew out a corner of the room. Beyond was empty air and clouds, so it turned out it was some kinda floating castle in the sky. Then whoever it was looped my chains over a broken part of the corner so I had to sit there like, right on the edge, though at that point it was third person so I didn't get the full "oh boy I'm right at the edge" experience.

    THEN I dreamed that my family and a buncha other people were refugees migrating to a more modern culture, and to be allowed to settle there we had to beat 'em in a dance competition. Or maybe it was just a jumping competition. We took some time preparing and then when I was up it was versus this kid who like, did this awesome hip-hop dance that I really couldn't compete with... and then, when it was my turn, I just jumped in the air a few times. But I was having a great time. But yeah I don't think it helped us win the competition.

    And THEN. UGH. I could feel one of my lower teeth getting loose. And my dad was like yeah, all your lower teeth are baby teeth, so they're gonna fall out. I'm like SRSLY?? Because IWL and in this dream, I have a permanent retainer on my lower front teeth. So then this loose tooth just kept getting looser until it was gonna fall out, except it couldn't because of the retainer, and I'm like toying with it with my tongue and it just didn't feel good. At all.

    Lastly I dreamed I was bein' attacked by this rude nerd who had a buncha rubber bands. And I was holding a baby so I couldn't go on the attack, I had to stay curled up protecting this baby from this madman's continuous rubber band storm. They kinda stung, too. I tried shooting a couple back (not sure how I did that while still holding the baby), and I remember that there were quite a few piled near me that he'd shot at me, some wide and flat and some pretty thin. One of the thin ones was broken, and they were all kinda old.

    Then Morty from Rick and Morty showed up and beat the guy up in this crazy aggressive way. He was wearing gray pants and yelled something like, "I LOVE IT WHEN THERE'S A GRAY AREA" like, y'know, when crazy violence got totally justifiable. The rubber band guy seemed to be starting to get up, and I just landed on him from above butt-first, tryna crush him, except it didn't really work 'cause I was too light. And then Morty joined the fray and the three of us became this flailing ball of limbs that, from third-person, looked totally hilarious.

    Then I think I woke up.

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