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    WBTB (5 hours) - Lucid - Bus

    by , 12-24-2015 at 01:13 PM (301 Views)
    yoooo I got lucky

    So I dreamed I was a community college student again, and I would take the bus to get there and there was another student on the bus who'd done somethin' to me that I wanted revenge for. And I had this plan like yo, if I could beat this guy up with no consequences... was like I was hoping that soon I would be in a dream where I could beat him up, but then I was like yo lemme check and I did a nose-pinch check and realized I was already dreaming!

    So then I stood in the middle of the bus and raised my arms, willing the bus to lift into the air, and it somewhat reluctantly did, so I started talking excitedly to encourage it. That helped a lot, and pretty soon the bus was like, forty feet off the ground. Think my plan was to smash it on the ground, but I'm not sure how I thought that was gonna work out because one, there were a bunch of other people on the bus who had nothing to do with this guy, and two, I was still on the bus. But then I think instead I got sidetracked and forgot all about the dude because the fact that I was lucid in a dream was more interesting than this made-up lil dream character. That said, I don't remember what happened next. Good times tho. Glad I still got my same old lucid powers.
    midnightfire likes this.

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