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    BlairBros' Adventures

    Lucid Lockdown Day 1

    by , 04-02-2020 at 11:49 PM (422 Views)
    Awakening 1
    1: Drive into car park, Hayley come in right after me. Go down stares, somehow my shaved face cuts hers. She gets upset and I don't understand why, eventually realise that my stubble cut her, apologise. Wait in line for a while, then play the hurdy gurdy.
    2: At cricket field, a couple of childhood friends there, play some cricket, coach says Aidan is fast
    Awakening 2
    3: Go visit workplace of David with some friends, chemical plant. Wash up and leave, Aidan talks to 7 foot tall man, we leave via a shopping centre and go to the cinema.
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