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    Autumn23 - nights 11-14

    by , 09-17-2023 at 08:49 PM (180 Views)
    So I’m not exactly sure which days some of these dreams happened, but I think I got a rough idea:

    Night 11:
    - WBTB (+2)

    Night 12:
    - 2 non-lucid frags (+1)
    - WBTB (+2)

    Night 13:
    - WBTB (+2)
    - Lucid
    I realized I was dreaming (+10) in a small room, and ripped open the ceiling to get out (+5 super strength, a DC said it was humanly unfeasible to do it). I flew (+5) out, and woke up shortly after.

    Night 14:
    - 2 non-lucid frags (+1)
    - WBTB (+2)
    Saizaphod likes this.

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